TNIS Newsletter Week 7, Term 4
Important Dates
Week 6: 16/10 - 20/10
- 16/11 EOTC Kōwhai and Mānuka Teams
- 17/11 EOTC Tōtara and Mānuka Teams
- 17/11 Orientation Day - Year 7 2021
- 18/11 EOTC Rāta and Mānuka Teams
- 19/11 EOTC Rimu and Rāta Teams
Week 7: 23/11 - 27/11
- 23/11 North Harbour Yachting Competition
- 25/11 2nd HPV immunisation for Year 8s
- 26/11 EOTC Kōwhai Team
Week 8: 30/11 - 04/12
- 02/12 Parent Helpers Morning Tea - 10am, School Auditorium
- 03/12 Cultural Celebration Day
Week 9: 07/12 - 11/12
- 09/12 Year 8 Leavers Assemblies, School Hall (Please see further information below in "Reminders")
- 09/12 End of Year Social/Disco - 7pm - 9pm, School Auditorium
- 11/12 Prizegiving 12pm - 2pm, WBHS Auditorium
Week 10: 14/12 - 15/12
- 14/12 Picnic Day - Whole School, Narrowneck Beach
- 14/12 End of year Class and Specialist Reports emailed to caregivers
- 15/12 School finishes at 12pm
Principal's Message
Kia ora Parents and Whānau.
This month we had a fantastic celebration of 50 years of learning at Takapuna Normal Intermediate School.
It has been amazing for our current learners to reflect on how things were in the past and to look back through our memorabilia from the five decades. We have had lots of great discussions around the changes in education and our school.
It was awesome to meet some of the Foundation Students from 1970 and hear their stories and fond memories of TNIS. We also had great fun opening the Time Capsule that was made in 1999 for the millennium celebrations - lots of memories shared from the students of that year!
By the end of the school year we will have an e-version of our Jubilee Celebration for you all to enjoy!
A huge thanks to our staff for all of their hard work in supporting our Jubilee Celebrations!
Ngā mihi nui,
50th Jubilee Celebration
Jubilee Assembly
The foundation student guests were "piped" into the assembly by talented TNIS learner Isobel and her bagpipes.
Principal, Wendy Sandifer talked about some of the history of TNIS's 50 years. Deputy Principal, Sandy Harford spoke on behalf of past and present staff and gave a tribute to past principals of TNIS. Teacher and past TNIS student herself, Courtney Sheehan spoke on behalf of TNIS present and past learners. Toni Buller gave a presentation explaining the Jubilee Art Installation she designed and how it incorporated a piece of art from every current learner and member of TNIS staff. (See the video below).
Our Kapa Haka, choir and jazz band all performed. A video timeline of TNIS events was also played and this can be viewed below.
A video of the 1999 Time Capsule being opened by Wendy Sandifer and Sandy Harford was also included in the assembly.
Afterwards, the foundation student guests were taken on a tour of the school and shared a special Jubilee cake at morning tea with current TNIS staff. They also spent some time in the "pop-up" TNIS museum in the library to see old photos and memorabilia from 50 years.
Past and present staff of TNIS celebrated the Jubilee after school in the library.
Past and Present Staff Jubilee Celebration
Academic Successes
After winning the Auckland Lit Quiz competition Aaron, Matz, Hannah and Bariyah went to Wellington on the 15th November to compete against 15 teams from around New Zealand.
They did really well and were placed 5th in this National competition.
Photo: (L to R) Hannah, Bariyah, Matz, Aaron
Sport Successes
Well done to Samantha, Hayley and William who went to the Golf Zone day.
Samantha played in a competitive 18 hole game and came 2nd and Hayley won a spot prize.
Photo: (L to R) Samantha, Hayley, William
Sam, Room 8 competed in the Opti Team Cup on Lake Pupuke last weekend. A national team racing regatta. He & his team placed second which is a career highlight for Sam!
Performing Arts Successes
On Wednesday 11 November, our two TNIS rock bands, Green T's and X-it, competed in the BandQuest 2020 competition held at Avondale College. Both bands performed really well and Caitlin even won the award for 'Killer Guitarist'! Thanks to The RockShop, the bands got to perform on stage with high-quality music equipment, and even try out a 'silent rehearsal' before going on stage. Well done to all the musicians involved! We are so proud of you!!!TNIS 2020 Leavers Polo - Year 8s Only
Year 8 Farewell Assemblies
Wednesday, 9 December, School Auditorium
- 9:15am: Kōwhai - Rāta - Rimu
- 11:15am: Tōtara - Mānuka
Our Year 8 Farewell assemblies are a celebration of our Year 8s' TNIS experience over the past two years. We welcome whānau to share this special time with us. Due to space restrictions in our school auditorium, we ask that you please limit your number of whānau to two.
School Cafe Closures
The School Cafe will be closed on the following dates:
- Wednesday 2 November
- Friday 11 December (open for morning tea only)
- Monday 14 December
- Tuesday 15 December
Sport and Cultural Group Photos
Photolife Sport & Cultural Group Schoot Keys have been delivered to your child's classroom. This card enables you to view photos and order online.
Order by Sunday midnight 29 November for free delivery to TNIS.
Head Lice
We have already had several notifications about cases of head lice at TNIS. Any learner who has their hair shoulder-length or longer must tie their hair up in a ponytail please. This helps to prevent the spread of headlice.
School Expectations
Thank you for helping us to ensure that all learners meet our expectations at TNIS.
Just a reminder, please, that formal school shoes must be completely black, but can have a white sole.
Learners who feel the cold can wear a thermal layer under their school shirt, as long as it cannot be seen. This means that if they want to wear a long-sleeved thermal, they must have their sweatshirt on as well so that the thermal top is not visible
Learners can wear their TNIS jacket all day (except at Specialisation for safety reasons). Learners can wear a mufti jacket to and from school, but not during class time or at break times.
Community News
North Shore Youth Music Auditions
North Shore Youth Music is a community organisation, which runs a variety of orchestras and choirs for young people. Applications are now being accepted for 2021, and auditions will be held on Wednesday 16th December. See www.nsym.org.nz for an application form.
Stringalongs (5 - 8yrs), Junior Orchestra (9 - 13yrs), Youth Orchestra (14+yrs)
Songsters (5 - 8yrs), Children's Choir (9 - 13yrs), Con Brio Choir (10 - 16yrs), Resound (14+yrs)
See poster below for more details.