Mustang Memo
March 3, 2025
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
As we enter the season of Lent, we are invited into a time of reflection, prayer, and growth. Lent is a sacred opportunity for each of us—students, teachers, and families alike—to deepen our relationship with God and embrace the practices of sacrifice, service, and charity. During these 40 days, our school community will gather in prayer and participate in meaningful Lenten activities, focused on spiritual growth and the example of Christ’s love. Our theme for Lent is “Our Journey with Jesus”. Please see the article below for the list of activities.
As we embrace this season of renewal, we also approach the end of the 3rd quarter. This final week is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our achievements and the progress we've made toward our academic goals. We encourage all students to finish strong by giving their best effort this week. Our dedicated faculty is here to support every child's journey, providing guidance, encouragement, and opportunities to grow. Let’s make this week count before we head into Spring Break, recharged and ready for the final quarter of our school year!
Thank you for your continued support of our mission. Together, we will embrace this time of prayer, reflection, and growth as we move toward the end of the quarter and beyond.
Wishing you a blessed Lenten journey,
Maureen Hoy
"The goal of fasting is inner unity. This means hearing, but not with the ear; hearing, but not with the understanding; it is hearing with the spirit, with your whole being” - Fr. Thomas Merton
8th Grade Confirmation Breakfast
Kindergarten Puppet Show
7th Grade Argumentative Essays
2nd Grade First Communion Badges
Preschool visit from a Sailor for Community Helpers Week.
House of Mother Teresa
Upcoming Events
Tuesday, March 4: Jr. Legion of Mary 3:15 PM
Tuesday, March 4: Robotics 3:15 PM
Wednesday, March 5: All School Mass
Wednesday, March 5: Choir Practice 3:15 PM
Wednesday, March 5: Math Club (Gr 3-5) 3:15 PM
Thursday, March 6: Chess Club 3:15 PM
March 10 - 14: Spring Break - No School
Our Journey with Jesus: Lent 2025
On Wednesday, we will gather for our all-school Mass to receive ashes with the humble message, “Remember that you are dust, and unto dust you shall return.” Lent offers us a new beginning as the Lord embraces our hearts and we embrace His life.
We are blessed to share the Lenten journey as a school and faith community. This journey will include prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Our sacrifices throughout Lent truly enable us to know how loved we are and to live our school mission. We invite our friends and families to join us on our Lenten journey as we prepare for the glory of Easter.
Our school's Lenten theme is “Our Journey with Jesus”.
- Grade level prayer commitment - weekly mass, Adoration, time at the grotto
- Grade Level Lenten Calendar (sent home with students)
- Weekly Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 2:30
- EPS Baby Bottle Project
- Dress Down Donation Day for our Sister Parish in Ligera
- Siena Francis House Sack Lunches
Students will ask themselves: What pulls me away from loving God, loving others, and loving myself well? How can I incorporate acts of sacrifice, acts of giving, and acts of prayer that will help me love as God loves? Their Lenten sacrifice will be written on a “footprint”. The footprints will be displayed throughout the school, reminding all of us that Lent is a time to “journey with Jesus”.
Spring Break/Daylight Savings Time
We “spring” our clocks ahead on Sunday, March 9, and that means that when students return from Spring Break, shorts are once again part of the school uniform. Spring is also a good time to evaluate the length of skirts and pants. Our students are growing! Remember, skirts should be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Please call the school office if you would like to visit the Home and School Used Uniform Room. There are many shorts, pants, and skirts available.
Additionally, please review our Uniform Dress Code with your child(ren). Jewelry, make-up and nail polish are not permitted. Thank you for your support in helping our students use their DWP skills to adhere to the MOQ dress code.
MOQ Grandparents/Grandfriends Day-RSVP Today!
Grandparents & Grandfriends Day – March 19, 2025
Mary Our Queen School invites all Grandparents & Grandfriends to a special celebration in honor of the Feast of St. Joseph.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
RSVP by Friday, March 14
Schedule of Events:
- 8:15–9:15 AM – Classroom Visits
- 9:30 AM – All-School Mass
- Following Mass – Reception hosted by Home & School in the Trinity Rooms
💙 St. Joseph Altar Donations – Please bring non-perishable food or personal care items to support those in need.
RSVP Required – Due to limited seating, each family may invite up to four guests.
A special email with full event details will be sent today.
We look forward to celebrating this meaningful day with you!
Congratulations 8th Graders on your Confirmation
Congratulations to our 2025 Confirmation students. After two years of preparation and instruction, Mary Our Queen School and Religious Education students received the sacrament of Confirmation on Wednesday, February 26 at St. Cecelia Cathedral. Archbishop Lucas officiated and encouraged the students to trust the light and guidance of the Holy Spirit. On Thursday, students attended Mass and enjoyed a special celebration breakfast afterwards. Thank you to the teachers, sponsors and parents who guided and supported their journey. Additionally, special thanks to Fr. Marc, Fr. Steve, and Jake Cortright for all of their work to prepare our students.
February DWP Winners
Congratulations to our February DWP winners. You got "caught" using your self discipline skills!
Kindergarten: Lucas H., Savannah M., Nell M.
Grade 1: Sloane K., Lana L., Lydia H., Jackson R., Augie D.
Grade 2: Eli F., Natalie E., Clara K., Tucker P., Nathan T., Jaxon D.
Grade 3: Noli P., Paul T., Brogan S., Kenzleigh M.
Grade 4: Ella K., Grace E., Lyla O., Franco J., Jack P.
Grade 5: Ruthie R., Erin R., Ryan G., Jane P.
Grade 6: Maggie G., Lucas S., McKinley S., Kinley D.
Jr. High: Marcus P., Teresa N., Taylor F., Molly F., Oliver C., Caleb R., McKinley S.
One student is randomly drawn from the nominated names and selected for the grand prize DWP winner. Congratulations to Clara K. for using her DWP skills and winning this month’s grand prize.
The goal of Discipline With Purpose (DWP) is to promote self-discipline. Respect for oneself, others, authority and property, and the maintenance of a safe and healthy environment in which to learn is at the heart of Mary Our Queen School’s philosophy of discipline. Students are to behave in a manner which is morally responsible and brings credit to themselves, their families, and the school. Parental support is an important part of the school’s discipline policy.
During March we will focus on the skills listed below. Please help your child practice the following self-discipline skills:
K-2: Listening and Questioning
3-5: Communicating Effectively
6-8: Sacrifice/Serving Others
Corpus Christi Fundraiser
Living our school’s mission of service, the House of Mendel and House of Roosevelt (Grades 6-8) organized a fundraiser to help rebuild Corpus Christi Catholic Church, which was destroyed in the Palisades fires. Students spoke at SJV and MOQ masses the weekend of February 15 and 16 and a second collection was dedicated to raising funds. Students are overwhelmed by the response and generosity of our parishioners. MOQ School will be sending a donation of $3,612.55 to Corpus Christi parish. Thank you to everyone who donated and to our students for organizing this service project.
KOC Free Throw Winners
Congratulations to CJ H., Franco M., Nick M., Ben F., Trinity H.,Teresa N., Jack V., and Maggie R. for winning the district Knights of Columbus free throw competition. These students will move on to the Regional level to compete for a chance to go to the State competition.
Choir: Students in grades 5-8 are invited to check out the Orsola Choir. Applications will be available for those interested. If you have questions, please ask Miss Mattern, Miss Finger or Mrs. Kramer. Hope to see you Wednesday!
Journalism Club: The journalists have been hard at work! Click HERE to read the updated Mustang Monthly.
Jr. Legion of Mary: Our group is open to any student in second grade and up. We meet after school on Tuesdays until 4:15 in the Queen of Peace Room. Any questions, email ellieroza@yahoo.com.
Math Club: The last Catholic Math League test is scheduled for this Wednesday. Grades 3-5 that preregistered will meet in the Kenny Center after school until 4:30. Junior High Students, including high school math students, will take the test during their scheduled math period. This is the final Math club event for the school year.
Save the Date for High School Musical Jr
Students in grades 6 - 8 will perform High School Musical Jr. on April 10th at 1:45 PM and 7:00 PM in the MOQ Gym. We are all in this together and are so proud of the hard work of our students to make this production spectacular. More information to come.
Children’s Scholarship Fund Information
Children’s Scholarship Fund (CSF) provides scholarships for students in grades K-8 whose family qualifies financially. CSF applications for 2025-2026 will be available online HERE from February 10-May 2. No late applications will be accepted. For income qualification guidelines and online application instructions in English and Spanish, click HERE.
Families who currently receive CSF scholarships will receive an email from CSF with a link to complete their online re-qualification application.
If you have questions about the Children's Scholarship Fund, please call 402-819-4990.
Cafeteria News
Notes from the Cafeteria:
Please take a moment to review your lunch account. Negative balances should be taken care of as soon as possible. If you have any questions in regard to your lunch account, please do not hesitate to contact me.
The time you donate to the lunch program is truly appreciated. Here is the SignUp Genius link for January 2025 to May 2025 is located HERE.
Michelle Zaleski
Extended Care News
Please fill out your Calendars as soon as possible.
Summer Care: Summer Care registration is now open to all MOQ families. Please fill out your Summer Care calendar as soon as possible to ensure a spot for your student. Spots are filling up fast!!
Break Care: Below are the Break Care and registration dates for the second semester:
Break Care Date: - Registration Cut Off Date:
Monday, March 10th, 2025 - Monday, February 24th, 2025
Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 - Tuesday, February 25th, 2025
Wednesday, March 12th, 2025 - Wednesday, February 26th, 2025
Thursday, March 13rd, 2025 - Thursday, February 27th, 2025
Friday, March 14th, 2025 - Friday, February 28th, 2025
Monday, March 31st, 2025 - Monday, March 17th, 2025
Break Care will NOT be offered on Thursday, April 17th, Friday, April 18th, Monday, April 21st, or Tuesday, April 22nd, when school is not in session.
Ashley Rosenthal
Extended Care Director
Jr. Achievement Volunteers Needed
Junior Achievement (JA) has partnered with MOQ School to bring economic and business education to your child's class. The program is dependent on parent volunteers. Each volunteer is provided:
training, via a brief online training session by Junior Achievement staff, to teach the interactive, hands-on program.
a kit of prepared lessons, student handouts, visual aids, and activities for 5 sessions
Flexibility - working with the classroom teacher to schedule the five 30-40 minute lessons
Please click HERE to sign up for your child’s classroom.
MOQ Home & School Update
Meeting Tonight – Monday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM
Join us in the Trinity Rooms for our meeting tonight. We look forward to seeing you there!
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Dine Out Nights
Support our school by dining out on the following nights:
- March 20th – Don & Millie’s (10727 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE 68124)
- April 3rd – Runza (13236 Arbor Plaza, Omaha, NE 68144)
- April 17th – Don & Millie’s (10727 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE 68124)
- May 8th – La Casa (8216 Grover St, Omaha, NE 68124)
- May 22nd – Don & Millie’s (10727 W Center Rd, Omaha, NE 68124)
Thank you for your continued support!
Grandparents Day – March 19th
Join us for a reception following Mass from 9:30–11:30 AM.
We need volunteers to help set up, serve, and clean up.
👉 Sign up HERE
Fish Fry – March 21st & 28th
Help make our Fish Fry a success! We are looking for:
🍰 Dessert donations
🍽️ Volunteers to help sell desserts
👉 Sign up HERE
MOQ Spirit Store for Spring is now OPEN!
For a limited time, the Mary Our Queen Spirit Store has reopened, NOW OPEN Mar 3rd until Mar 18th. NOW is a great time to plan for those spring/summer sporting events. Remember to consider your kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors or anyone who would love to show off some school spirit. We invite everyone to log onto the following website and look over the variety of Mary Our Queen items offered. Again, the store is ONLY open from Mar 3rd thru Mar 18th & after that the store/link is closed & the items will be ordered and all processed together. When orders are completed the group coordinator will pick up, organize, and set up pickup times at school. There is an option to pay for shipping if that is your preference as well. We are planning to have all items ready for pickup towards the middle of April. This will be the last sale of MOQ Spirit Store until we return to school for the 2025-26 school year. Click HERE to shop.
**Please note that these items are not approved uniform items but are welcomed for school dress down and MOQ spirit days**
Any questions? please contact Jami Woodling at jwoodling@hotmail.com.
MOQ Parent Volunteer Program
You Help Make the Difference: Volunteer with MOQ!
Volunteer Opportunities This Week at MOQ
Volunteer Appreciation
Thank You!
A huge thank you to all the volunteers who helped with the 8th Grade Confirmation Breakfast and the 2nd Grade Communion Badges! Your time and effort make these sacramental celebrations even more special for our students. We appreciate all you do!
🎭 High School Musical Volunteers Needed 🎭
Help bring High School Musical to life! We are looking for volunteers in:
🎨 Set Design & Construction
🎶 Musical Experience
If you have skills in these areas—or just want to lend a hand—contact Miss Mattern at cmattern@moqschool.org.
✝️ CGS Preschool Atrium ✝️
Experience the joy of guiding our youngest learners in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at MOQ. Help with hands-on, faith-based activities in a peaceful, engaging environment.
Interested? Contact Mrs. Hannah Casey at hcasey@moqchurch.org.
🎨 Art Room Helpers Needed 🎨
Calling all creative spirits! The Art Room needs volunteers to assist with projects, materials, and organization while encouraging our young artists.
Email Mrs. Robinson at jrobinson@moqschool.org to learn more.
✨ Your time and dedication make a difference! Whether you’re supporting academics, art, music, or faith-based learning, we are grateful for all you do. Be sure to log your volunteer hours in your FACTS Family Portal. Questions? Reach out anytime!
MOQ Parish News ⛪
Micro Soccer Spring 2025
The first practice/game will be Saturday, April 5, 2025
*Signup ends March 28th
Cost: $35
Note: players should plan to wear a royal blue shirt to soccer.
Ages: 4 – 5 (and some 6) year-olds
Dates: April 5 to May 10
Practice/games for 5 Saturdays.
No soccer on Holy Saturday, April 19th
May 17 will be a makeup day if needed due to weather
Time: Saturdays from 4 pm to 5 pm.
Location: MOQ Soccer Fields (south side of the MOQ Campus)
*Parents – if you wish to coach your kid’s team, volunteers are always appreciated!
Coaches do get priority during team formation. We can’t play without coaches.
If you have any questions, please email microsoccer@moqchurch.org
High School Happenings
Creighton Prep Summer Camp
Keep your kids active and engaged this summer! Prep Summer Camps offer boys and girls (K-8) a chance to explore new interests, build skills, and have fun with kids across Omaha.
Sports & Enrichment Camps – Basketball, Soccer, Football, eSports, Robotics, Art, Music Production & More!
Morning & Afternoon Sessions – Mix and match camps from May 27–July 3.
Complimentary Lunch for all-day campers.
Hurry! Camps fill fast.
Register at www.GoCreightonPrep.com
Questions? Contact TJ Fyfe at tfyfe@creightonprep.org.