Tech. TidByte
March 2022
From Dr. Melissa Williams-Scott
Happy Spring to you all. Some Easter Bunnies bring eggs filled with chocolate, others bring Chromebooks and carts. Over the past few weeks and in the coming weeks, the Technology Bunnies are delivering these devices to campuses. We ask that you remind students of proper mobile device care and responsible use of the Internet.
The DISD Schoology Task Force has been working diligently to revise the original DISD platform into a more Gatorific format. Ask your campus representative for more information.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the summer Schoology Sessions, your peers will be providing examples and training on how to use Schoology’s platform to compliment your instruction. And finally, cybersecurity remains a high priority for all. In the coming month watch for tips, recommendations and coming changes in some of our network procedures
The DISD Schoology Task Force has been working diligently to revise the original DISD platform into a more Gatorific format. Ask your campus representative for more information.
We look forward to seeing everyone in the summer Schoology Sessions, your peers will be providing examples and training on how to use Schoology’s platform to compliment your instruction. And finally, cybersecurity remains a high priority for all. In the coming month watch for tips, recommendations and coming changes in some of our network procedures
Tech. for All
Back it Up
Please continue to enter work orders if your computer is not performing optimally, and keep these handy backup instructions. Poor performing computers may need to be wiped and reimaged, or you may be a good candidate for a replacement machine.
Color Combinations
For user readability, try to use light fonts on dark backgrounds and dark fonts on light backgrounds.
For example, yellow and white do not go well together, nor do black or navy and blue.
Easy QR Code Generator
In Chrome, the easiest QR Code Generator can be used by clicking the share arrow to the right of the Omnibox or Address bar, and then selecting QR Code.
You then have the option to download the QR Code.
You then have the option to download the QR Code.
Tech. for Teachers
Schoology to Skyward Grade Passback Pilot
If you would like to be considered to particpate in the Schoology to Skyward Grade Passback Pilot, please complete the form at https://forms.gle/ZFAads5g1DyBsrZt5.
We have had a select few teachers testing this out for us and are ready to expand the pilot in preparation for a full rollout next school year.
Save Your Schoology Work to Resources or Groups
You have done a lot of work in your first year of Schoology. Now would be a great time to start saving it for next year. Never fear, if you forget, you can always find it in your archived classes.
Click here to learn more about saving to Resources & Groups in Schoology for future planning.
HMH & Other Content Moving from Resources
We are moving content from Resources to Groups. Those of you using HMH Textbook Resources and Edgenuity Cartridge Content can find the Group Join Codes for your Products at this link.
The content has not disappeared. It is easier to use in its new location. Plus, our more savvy students will no longer be able to see it!
Summer Professional Development Opportunities
Think! Conference
We hope you are able to attend some of our sessions at the Think! Conference on June 2nd & 3rd.
- Digital Lit. Circles
- Blended Learning in Schoology
- Our Favorite Things
- I Can Do That in Schoology!?!
- Blended Learning for Littles
Schoology Level 1, 2, & 3 Sessions
Register in Eduphoria beginning May 2nd for Schoology Learning Opportunities this Summer. Each day will begin with a Whole Group Session where the streamlined and simplified district format will be introduced, then attend Breakout Sessions throughout the day. The sessions of your choosing include Assessments, Assignments, Lesson Building, and District Resources.
Beginning of Year Refresher
A Beginning of the Year Schoology Refresher will be provided in the Back to School Schedule on Thursday, August 11th and Friday, August 12th.
Technology Department
To report technical problems, please enter a work order through Eduphoria Help Desk, by emailing helpdesk@dickinsonisd.org, or by calling Extension 6028.
Email: helpdesk@dickinsonisd.org
Website: https://www.dickinsonisd.org/page/tech.home_original
Location: 2218 FM 517 Road East, Dickinson, TX, USA
Phone: 281-229-6028
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DISDTechnology
Twitter: @DISDTechnology