Freedom Park Wellness Plan
Keep Them Safe - Keep Them Healthy
Dear Parents,
We are excited to start the 2020-21 school year. Below we have highlighted some changes we have implemented to promote safety and wellness in our school building.
Masks Are Required
Face masks are required to be worn during the school day when social distancing is not maintained, especially in the hallways, media center, common spaces, during dismissal, and on all county transportation.
Freedom Park loves our visitors and volunteers, however during this time, we will limit visitors to only essential and prescheduled appointments. All areas of the building, including the lunchroom and classrooms, will be limited to staff and students only. If you would like to schedule a parent conference, please contact your student's teacher. All conferences will be scheduled via telephone or virtual platforms when possible.
In order to limit the amount of traffic in the building, we will not be providing "walk-ups" in the gym as a dismissal option at this time. This will prevent large groups from congregating outside the auditorium doors and limit the number of people gathering inside the gym. With the reduced number of students in the building, we are asking that parents who are picking up their students use the carline. To ensure student safety, please do not "walk-up" to the car line to retrieve your child.
Morning Intake
In order to ensure proper social distancing, we are asking that students who are not eating breakfast arrive to school no earlier than 7:15 AM. This will allow all of our bus riders the ability to make it to their classrooms before care riders enter the building. This will help us to limit the number of students in the hallway at one time.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate
Water fountains will not be accessible during the school day. Please send students with bottled water to drink throughout the day.
Parents please take your child's temperature prior to sending/bringing them to school daily. A student should not attend school on fever-reducing medication. If a student begins to feel ill at school, a parent will be contacted to pick up the student. Thank you for helping us all to stay healthy.