High School Warrior Weekly
Week of September 2, 2024
WHS Calendars
Science & Service Trip 2025
Parent/Student Information and Registration Meeting
All students who are interested in the Science & Service trip in June 2025, and at least one parent/guardian, must attend this important meeting on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3 AT 7:30 PM in Science Room 1519 (Ms. Hemminger's room). All details about the trip will be presented, and please bring your questions. Anyone interested is welcome! Upperclassmen (non-freshmen) students who filled out an interest form in the spring will have the first priority to register for the trip following the meeting.
Waunakee Aquatic Center Fall 2024 Programs
ALL program registration through REVTRAK WEBSTORE
Adult Lap Swim ~ Ongoing (punch card or memberships required)
Monday - Friday Hours:
- 5:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Lap Lanes available
- 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. - Open for self-lead water fitness group
Saturday Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. - Lap Lanes available
FALL Memberships (October 1-December 30) available for purchase September 25, 2024. Punch Cards (5 or 10 visits) available for purchase anytime
Master’s Swimming ~ October 6, 2024-December 15, 2024 (10 Practices) HIGH SCHOOL - ADULT
ONLY. Program Dates: October 6, 2024 - December 15, 2024 (10 practices) - 8:00-9:30 a.m. Sundays; NO PRACTICE December 1, 2024. Cost: Members - $100.00 ($10 per workout); Non-Members - $150.00 ($15 per workout) - On-Line Registration required.
Learn to Swim FALL 2024 ~ Classes begin September 22, 2024 - Registration opens September 5 at 6:00 p.m. Please review class placement criteria & age requirements BEFORE enrolling. Classes meet on Sundays.
- $60/session ~ Waunakee Residents
$74/session ~ Non-Waunakee Residents
8 Week Session September 22-November 10
Family Swim ~ MOST Sunday afternoons from 2:30-4:00 PM starting September 22, 2024 (always check website for closures). Pre-registration required - $10.00 per family (immediate family only please)
Counseling Office Connection
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year. A reminder that no schedule change requests will be accepted, unless you meet one of the following reasons:
Your schedule is incomplete (missing a course during a certain hour) or overbooked (more than one course is scheduled in the same hour.)
You have two study halls on the same day.
You failed the 1st semester of a year-long course.
You are enrolled in the apprenticeship or early college credit program(s) (ECCP) and need work release or release to attend outside classes.
You have an IEP or 504 plan in which your case manager recommends a change.
Questions or concerns may be discussed with your counselor. Thank you for understanding as our school community continues to grow.
Safe Walkers and Bikers
The Village of Waunakee notified us that the construction and road work along South Street will not be completed by the beginning of the school year. The projected timeline for the entire road project will be completed by early October. The concrete work on the sidewalk near 8th Street will be completed by the beginning of school. Pedestrians are able to use Fish, West, and O’Malley Streets to access the South side of 8th Street. They will then be able to use the sidewalk through to the Middle and High School campuses.
To ensure the safety of all students, we kindly ask parents and guardians to discuss alternative walking or biking routes to Waunakee Community Middle School and Waunakee Community High School with their children, being mindful of the ongoing construction along South Street. Thank you for your cooperation and partnership!
Community members are welcome to follow all Village of Waunakee street projects by visiting the Village of Waunakee website and Facebook page.
Adventure Awaits!
Would you like to travel to Spain in the summer of 2025? Current sophomores and juniors who are enrolled in Spanish 3 or a higher level of Spanish are eligible to participate in our trip in June of 2025. Please view the slides from our meeting last May to learn more about registration. If you have questions, please reach out to Catie Anderson, catieanderson@waunakee.k12.wi.us.
The final registration deadline is September 20, 2024.
2024-2025 Cell Phone Policy Update
As we navigate through the school year, we are constantly looking at ways of improving student performance. One aspect of this is increasing the amount of time students are engaged by removing barriers and distractions. Some of these distractions, as you may know, are students' cell phones in the classroom. We recently updated our current policy to a more balanced approach, allowing cell phones during specific times or for certain educational purposes; it is important to note that this is not a cell phone ban, but rather a more structured approach to usage. We got to this point through a faculty survey, research and some student input. The school then formulated a committee consisting of faculty across multiple disciplines and administration. They read articles, looked at other school policies and came to an agreement and created one they thought would work well with our Waunakee students and school. Please familiarize yourself with this updated policy below, which will be implemented in the 24-25 school year. Enjoy your summer!
Responsibility Release Program
Waunakee High School, in accordance with state statute 118.33 (1)(6), permits a junior or senior student who has demonstrated a high level of maturity and personal responsibility the ability to leave the school premises for ONE study hall. In order to be eligible, students must have parent permission, no F's second semester (last year), a GPA of at least 2.7, must not have been suspended during the previous semester, and not have any attendance concerns. Release privileges can be revoked by administration if the student has an unexcused absence, is suspended, falls below a 2.7 GPA, transports a student not released from the building, is involved in an unlawful activity during release time, or by parent request. Students on release from study hall should not be in the building. Please note that schedule changes regarding study halls will not be granted at this time.
If you would like to enroll your student in the Responsibility Release Program, please fill out this form: Release Form
Students Attending Activities/Sporting Events
A few reminders as we are starting our fall activities/sports seasons. We are excited to kick off our school year and want to ensure students who attend co-curricular events understand our expectations at these events.
Students who attend school events while under the influence of alcohol or other drugs or behave in unsafe/disrespectful ways will lead to the following consequences for the student: (Items 1-6 will be applied to students who break the law/school rules during events).
Not being allowed to attend co-curricular activities for the remainder of the season (Fall, Winter, Spring) during which the offense occurred.
Be suspended and/or recommended for expulsion.
Referred to law enforcement for legal consequences.
Not be allowed to attend the next dance following the offense (Homecoming, Winter Formal, Prom).
Be required to attend AODA counseling and pass a UA to earn the privilege of attending co-curricular events in the next season (Winter for a Fall offense, Spring for a Winter offense, etc.).
The above consequences include all home and away events including state championship games/events/matches.
A second violation would result in attendance privileges at all co-curricular events/dances being revoked for a school year.
A third violation would result in attendance privileges at all co-curricular events/dances being revoked for the duration of the student’s high school career
Attending events is a privilege, not a right.
Fundamentals of Sportsmanship
Show respect for self and others at all times.
Show respect for the officials. Good sportsmanship implies the willingness to accept and abide by the decisions of the officials.
Know, understand and appreciate the rules of the contest. Good sportsmanship suggests the importance of conforming to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules.
Maintain self-control at all times. Prevent the desire to win from overcoming rational behavior.
Recognize and appreciate skill in performance regardless of team affiliation.
Disrespectful behavior towards administration, game supervisors, ticket takers, officials or players will result in students losing the privilege to attend events.
Unsafe or disruptive behaviors will result in students losing the privilege to attend events.
Sportsmanship Reveals Character Regardless of the Final Outcome
- Remain on our side of fields, gyms etc.
- Following the game/during the game, throw your trash away.
- There is no reason/excuse for coming to school or school sponsored activities under the influence of drugs/alcohol or to behave in a disrespectful or unsafe manner. If help is needed with AODA issues - students should speak to their Counselor, Mr. Borowski, Mr. Hernandez, Mr. Gauerke, or Ms. Lensert. Attending school events is a privilege! Misbehavior at school events will not be tolerated. Misbehavior can also lead to students not being allowed to attend future school events.
- No backpacks or bags or carry in food/beverages. These items are subject to being searched or disposed of. Medical bags/supplies are permitted for individuals with medical conditions.
We all want to enjoy events and cheer for our Warrior teams/athletes. We also want students to be safe and make good choices. Students, look out for your classmates as well as yourself by being Responsible, Respectful and regardless of where you go, Be a Leader.
Cheer positively for our team
Do not cheer negatively against the other team
Do not single out individuals on the other team
Do not “Deride” the officials
Reflect class on self, school and community (WIAA Award of Excellence)
Student Parking Permits
Please note, when the student receives the parking permit sticker, it confirms the completion of the Parking Permit Agreement. In doing so, the student ackowledges the rules and regulations of parking a vehicle in High School lots A, B, C, D, E, or F and agrees to abide by them. Not complying with the expectations will be considered a violation of regulations and may result in loss of parking privileges.
Students should be aware of the following rules and regulations of student parking:
Careless operation of a vehicle, including the transportation of students on the outside of vehicles or riding in the bed of a truck is prohibited.
No parking in fire lanes, numbered staff spots, visitor parking, sidewalks, grass areas, any posted reserved/disabled spot OR parking in more than one space.
Use of vehicle to transport, possess, or consume alcohol or any illegal substances on school property during the school day or at extracurricular activities is prohibited.
Submit online payment of $50.00 through the Infinite Campus Portal.
Secure the parking sticker to the inside back window, lower corner, on the driver's side of the vehicle.
Picture Re-Take Day
Mark Your Calendar
High School picture day is set! All students are encouraged to have their photo taken, if they haven't already done so, on September 23rd. There is no cost obligation and the picture will be used to produce a student identification card. Families may purchase an individual picture packet through the Lifetouch portal at: https://my.lifetouch.com/mylifetouch/#/.
Freshmen Homecoming Dinner
Tribune Graduation Edition
Hello Seniors
The Waunakee Tribune is planning its 2025 graduation edition and is asking school district families to submit photos of their senior student/s. Email picture to tribnews@hngnews.com, send by U.S. Mail or drop it off at Tribune Office by January 10, 2025. The graduation section will be featured in color, so color pictures are preferred. The Tribune will need the name of the graduating senior, as well. It will be published the Friday before graduation. Contact Roberta Baumann, Waunakee Tribune Managing Editor with questions.
Free & Reduced Application
To be considered for Free and Reduced Lunch and fee waivers, you must apply and be approved. This application must be submitted each year. The preferred method of applying is via Infinite Campus Parent Portal. If you qualify, school fees along with items such as yearbooks, school pictures, co-curricular fees, booster club fees, etc. can be waived and/or paid through our Student Financial Assistance Fund. If you need assistance, visit our website or please contact Jessica Strasia, Taher Foods, or your school social worker.
Transportation: Lamers Bus Company
Transportation - The Waunakee Community School District works in partnership with Lamers Bus Company to provide transportation to and from school for our families. All K-12 students that live within the transportation boundaries are automatically enrolled for regular transportation.
Regular Transportation - Students that are being transported from their home address to their school of attendance and from their school of attendance back to their home address. Please note that your home must be in the busing zone for this service.
Alternate Transportation - If you need to have your child(ren) picked up or dropped off at a location other than home, or multiple homes, please complete the online Request for Alternate Pick-Up/Drop-Off online form. K-12 students requesting transportation for a location other than your home address, will need to register and pay for alternate transportation plans. Registration for alternate transportation in the Infinite Campus School Store closed on Friday, August 9 for service beginning the first day of school. There is a 2-week waiting period for all requests received after this deadline, no exceptions. Please follow this step-by-step video to complete your alternate transportation request through Campus School Store.
The nationwide school bus driver shortage continues to be a challenge for all bus companies and school districts. We appreciate the support from our families who have transported students to and from school themselves. If you are able to transport your student(s) in 2024-25, please indicate that by completing the following opt-out request.
Annual Notices - Each year school districts are required by law to share with you the annual notices. Please follow this link to view the 2024-2025 notices.
Preparing for the Start of the School Year
Required registration for new and current families is LIVE. Please take the time to complete this necessary online paperwork in Infinite Campus. We appreciate your attention to this!
Lockers: As we continue to prepare for the 24-25 school year, we want to make sure that we are efficiently using the lockers in our building. Please have your student fill out the survey relevant to their grade: Senior Locker Survey; Junior Locker Survey; or Sophomore Locker Survey
Lock/s: Locks are available for $8.00 and may be purchased in the High School office any time between the hours of 7:30 AM - 4:00 PM. All locks must be a school-issued lock (purple-faced dial with key access).
Registration will take place online in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. To help prevent duplication of information, only the Primary Household member will need to login to their Infinite Campus parent account and click on the “more” tab to access the online registration. We will not hold on-site registration at our building. If you have questions or need assistance with Infinite Campus, please send an email to District Registrar, Julie Gengler, at wcsd_registrar@waunakee.k12.wi.us. If you would like assistance with the online registration in a language other than English, please contact District Interpreter and Translator, Jose Velarde Aguilar, at 608-849-2000, option 2.
Online Fees: Registration fees and school store items are available in Infinite Campus. High School class fees will be assigned in September and due by September 30, 2024. Families will begin receiving fee statements for any outstanding fees beginning October 1, 2024.
7-12 Fall Athletic/Activity Online Registration: Registration for our fall athletic/activity programs is live in the Infinite Campus School Store. Details are shared from the High School Athletic Office. Visit the Athletics website for more information. Registration for the winter and spring seasons will open later in the school year.
An Important Message from the Health Office
2024-25 New Immunization Requirements--Meningitis Vaccine
Note: A second dose of Meningitis MenACWY-containing vaccine should be administered between the ages of 16 and 18 years to students who received a first dose of MenACWY-containing vaccine between the ages of 11 and 15 years. A second dose is not required for students who received their first dose of MenACWY-containing vaccine at age 16 years or older.
Click HERE, for more details.
Driver's Education
Resources for enrolling in a Driver Education Course
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation offers answers to questions you may have about Drivers Education:
- Enroll in a Driver Education Course
- Take the Knowledge and Sign Tests (en español)
- Obtain an Instruction Permit (en español)
- Practice driving with Parent's Supervised Driving Program
- Study the Motorists' Handbook and Driver Skills Test study guide
- Schedule a road test to obtain a Probationary License
- Review driver licensing fees
The interactive Driver License Guide is a helpful tool for those looking for information on driver licensing requirements. The guide will provide you with a checklist of requirements, and allow you to pre-fill any required application(s).
Depending on your eligibility you may also be able to use the guide to electronically submit your application and schedule an appointment with the DMV for expedited service.
Taher and Free & Reduced Application
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year from Taher!
Waunakee Community School District would like to welcome back all students, staff, and parents/guardians for the 2024-2025 school year. We are pleased to continue our partnership with Taher, Inc., as our food service provider.
The Food Service office is located at the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) at 101 School Drive (lower level), next to the Waunakee Community High School.
Our business hours are 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on school days. Click here for a welcome back letter from Taher for the 2024-2025 school year.
Contact Us I Thomas Marks, Director of Food Services
Email: thomasmarks@waunakee.k12.wi.us
Phone: (608) 849-2185
Food Services Website I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
School Lunch Menus I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Free and Reduced Application Information I https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services/free-and-reduced-lunch
Free and Reduced Application 2024-2024
English F/R Application
2024-2025 Share Form I Application Share Form Application (Spanish)
Go Fan Passes/Tickets Available for 2024-2025 School Year
Thank you for your support of the Waunakee Community High School’s athletic activities. We highly encourage you to purchase passes and/or tickets prior to the games being held at the Waunakee Community High School. Tickets and Activity Passes are now available on the GoFan website. The GOFAN App is FREE to download on your mobile device (iOS and Android) and also allows you to purchase single game tickets for $5 + processing fees at any Home Varsity/Junior Varsity events we charge admission to.
Purchase of Single Game Tickets are available only during the season for the following events:
Fall: Football, Boys Soccer, and Volleyball
Winter: Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Gymnastics, Boys Hockey, and Wrestling
Spring: Girls and Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Soccer
Items to Note:
Family Passes are available to purchase for $150.
High School students can purchase a Student Activities Pass for $50.
Families that have more than 6 immediate family members will need to contact the Athletics Department for a special code to purchase.
If families need assistance with ticket prices or student passes, please consider reaching out to the Student Financial Assistance Fund.
If the app is not loading your ticket at the gate, we can look up the name of the ticket holder for you on our system. If you are using a family pass, we will need to know the name of the person in the family that bought the passes.
Grandparents/Senior Citizen Pass - Golden Card Club
Senior citizens of the District (persons 62 years of age or older) are eligible for lifetime membership in the Golden Card Club which shall permit them to attend all K-12 activities of the schools, including athletic events, free of charge. This does not apply to WIAA tournament events, musicals or plays. Application for membership must be made in person at the Waunakee Athletic Office at Waunakee Community High School or at an admission gate when tickets are sold. These guest passes shall represent a small token of appreciation from the District for all that the District’s senior citizens have done for the schools over the years.
Click on the following videos to learn more about GoFan:
As a reminder, we will not accept cash for ticket sales. Cash is accepted at concession stands. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
If you have any questions, please contact the High School Athletic Office at 608-849-2103 or 608-849-2100 or visit our Waunakee Athletic website.
Go Warriors!
WHS Student Handbook 2024-2025
Overview of Policies & Procedures
Our academic handbook helps students and families understand our high expectations and provides basic information on how our schools operate. Please keep this handy as a reference. Contact us if you are unable to find answers to your questions.
Bridging Brighter Smiles
Register your student today to receive preventative dental hygiene serves right in school, during the school day! Teeth cleaning, oral screening, fluoride varnish, dental health education, sealant placement, sealant retention check, and SDF applications.
Community Events and Community Education
Community Education
The Community Education area strives to provide enrichment opportunities to students and adults in the Waunakee area. We offer several different types of classes or workshops throughout the school year and summer, geared toward different age groups. We hope you'll give one of our classes a try! View our offerings! Please check back often as course offerings change.
Community Events
We believe in collaborative partnerships with students, parents, teachers, staff, businesses and the greater community leading to educational excellence. Community involvement and support is an essential ingredient for the district’s success. Check out our Community Events section on our website to find information about the happenings around our community. Please check back often!
Taher Food Service
Taher's goal is to provide high quality, safe and healthy meal options to every student. Students need good nutrition to feed their minds and bodies to enable them to learn during the day.
To view their daily menus, please click on the following link: https://www.waunakee.k12.wi.us/departments/food-services
Waunakee High School Main Office
Email: docs.google.com/forms
Website: https://whs.waunakee.k12.wi.us
Location: 301 Community Drive, Waunakee
Phone: (608) 849-2100