Inglewood Primary School
NEWSLETTER No 19 - 25 August 2022
Our Mission:
Learning to think, to do, to be
Ako ki te whakaaro, ako ki te mahi, ako kia ora ai te mauri
Our Vision: To provide a teaching and learning environment where of those involved: demonstrate respect, expect the best, achieve through opportunity, communicate actively & feel good and safe
Kōhanga Moa ata whiwhia, Kōhanga Moa ata rawea, Kōhanga Moa atakura
Haumi e huimi e taiki e
Nau Mai Haere Mai, Talofa, Faʻafeiloaiga, Bula, Talitali fiefia
Daffodil / Rememberance Day
This year we have decided to incorporate Remembrance Day with Daffodil Day, as many of us have lost loved ones recently.
So if you don't have any yellow, please just dress up tomorrow.
We will have a day full of fun dress ups, rainbows, bubbles and butterflies together with Daffodils.
Taking time to share stories of those we love, is priceless.
Strike Performance at IPS
School Reach Goal Week 5-6
Keeping ourselves safe during Prime Time
Te kupu o te wiki:Kia ora tatou i te wa wa takaro
Students of the Week - Term 3 Week 4
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
Mikayla Henderson
For working towards your REACH goals and being a role-model and kind friend in the classroom. Tino pai Mikayla!
Pouākai Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Jaxon Lima
For your incredible work ethic and positive attitude towards all that you do. You are a champion!
Tokomaru Whanau Be Natural Soap
Isabella Hornell
For an amazing start to IPS. We love having your expertise and helpful nature in our classroom. You are a confident and caring student.
Waiongana Iti Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Eliyana Berry
For working super hard with her reading and writing, being kind and caring to others and showing great REACH values! Ka rawe Eliyana!
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
David West
For demonstrating his growing confidence in his learning. You are a great class role model. Ka Pai!Students of the Week - Term 3 Week 5
Panitahi Whanau Naki Plumbing & Gas
Paisley Williams
For being a positive role model and a good friend in Moa Iti. Tino pai Paisley!
Pouākai Whanau Drain Master Ltd
Hinemaurea Jones
For being an exceptional REACH role model to all. You strive every week to consistently demonstrate and achieve the REACH goal. Ka pai te mahi.
Tokomaru Whanau Be Natural Soap
Sophie Lee
For outstanding bravery and perseverance with her literacy. Well done, Sophie!
Waiongana Iti Whanau RJ Mason Transport Ltd
Jai Pringle
For having confidence, give it a go attitude. Continuing his learning with a growth mindset, showing his REACH values throughout his learning! Ka rawe Jai
Puke Haupapa Whanau Jacqui Hemi - Mike Pero Mortgages
Reid Dalliston
For bravery with school speeches this week and working hard to add more detail and take his time in art. Keep up your great mahi Reid.
Staff Only Day Monday 5 September
Date: Thursday 8th Sept (week 7) Start Time: 10.00am
Where: School and surrounding areas
Te Kāhui Ako o Kōhanga Moa News
Age restrictions for social media platforms
As more of our students engage with online activity and social media, it is important to remember that there are age restrictions with many of the apps and games that your children are using. Here is a little reminder of what some of these age restrictions are.
School Roll
Pending Enrolments
Term 4 2022 Out of Zone Applications
Enrolment at Inglewood School is governed by an enrolment scheme, details of which are available on the school website or from the school office.
The board is now inviting applications from parents who wish to enrol their children at Inglewood Primary School starting within Term 4 2022.
All applications must be received by 3pm Monday 19 September 2022 for Term 4 2022. If a ballot for out of zone places is required, it will be held on Wednesday 21 September 2022. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
The board has determined that 20 places from Year 1-8 are likely to be available for out-of-zone students within Term 4 2022. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone. Parents of students who live within the home zone and intend enrolling their child at any time during the year should notify the school to assist the school to plan appropriately.
The application form for enrolment is available from the school website, or from the school office.
Please note, that if the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
Details relating to the next enrolment period Term 1 2023 will be published December 2022.
Happy Birthday
Seasons For Growth Programme
Community Notices
The Taranaki Toy Library
Term 3 Calendar of Events (Please note these may change on a regular basis)
Monday 29 August
Whole School Assembly
Wednesday 31 August
IHS Technology - Suter & Wheatley
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Regional Chess Competition
Year 7 & 8 Netball, Rugby & Football Tournament - Hub Hawera
Friday 2 September
IHS Technology - White & O'Caroll-Makiri
Monday 5 September
Staff Only Day - School Closed
Wednesday 7 September
IHS Technology - Suter & Wheatley
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Thursday 8 September
IPS School Cross Country
Friday 9 September
IHS Technology - White & O'Caroll-Makiri
Monday 12 September
Whole School Assembly
Wednesday 14 September
IHS Technology - Suter & Wheatley
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Friday 16 September
IHS Technology - White & O'Caroll-Makiri
Tuesday 20 September
Kahui Ako Cross Country
Wednesday 21 September
IHS Technology - Suter & Wheatley
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Sparky the Kiwi visiting
Friday 23 September
IHS Technology - White & O'Caroll-Makiri
Monday 26 September
Whole School Assembly
Vision & Hearing Testing for Year 7 only
Tuesday 27 September
Photolife Team/Group Photos
Wednesday 28 September
IHS Technology - Suter & Wheatley
He Awhi Taonga Trip
Taranaki Cross Country
Friday 30 September
IHS Technology - White & O'Caroll-Makiri
Last day of Term 3
Monday 17 October
First day of Term 4
2022 School Term Dates
Term 3
Monday 25 July - Friday 30 September 2022
Monday 5 September - Staff Only Day - No School
Term 4
Monday 17 October - Thursday 15 December 2022
Monday 24 October - Labour Day
Thursday 15 December - Last Day of School
Before and After School Care
IPS Clothing
IPS Zip Front Hoodie
IPS Jacket & Trousers
Trousers $20