PL Update Administrator Edition
February 2025
Email us your questions.
"A healthy loyalty is not passive and complacent, but active and critical."
- F. Harold Laski
#1: Easy Access to Our PL Monthly Updates
You are just a few clicks away from easy access to PL Monthly Updates - present and past. Rather than dig through old emails, consider adding the current PL Monthly Update to your favorites by bookmarking it. To do so, click on the star icon to the right of the above web address. To access past PL Monthly Updates, scroll down to the bottom of this page and click the PL MONTHLY UPDATES button.
#2: CF-TESS End-of-Year Conference Process
As you are aware, all EOY conferences must be completed no later than 15 days before the last day of instruction, which is May 2. As we look ahead to closing out our school year, scroll down to review the EOY process.
#3: Districtwide CF-TESS Calibration Event
We are offering an opportunity for appraisers to engage in districtwide calibration efforts, allowing evaluators and leaders to check their practices with one another. Scroll down for additional details about this important calibration event.
#4: Register for Learning Leader Institute
We are excited to wrap up the 2024-25 Learning Leader Institute (LLI) with our planned Spring Mini-Conference set for Monday, March 31! Scroll down to access session details. Seats are limited, and registration closes on March 24! Register TODAY!
#5: We're Wild about Witsby
We're excited about Witsby! ASCD's next-generation professional learning platform offers a personalized experience, allowing you to tailor your professional development with evidence-based content from ASCD. Keep scrolling to learn more!
As always, we welcome your continued feedback. If you have ideas we might consider for further refinement of PL Updates, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Take care,
Glenda, Torine, Tonya, Belinda, and Pat
After the Board approves the Instructional Calendar each year, our office creates this document to communicate professional development days, including optional Campus Time Equivalency (CTE) dates. A separate email outlines the CTE process for principals.
Our office posted the 2025-26 professional development days on the shared Outlook Professional Learning Calendar for your reference and convenience. You can easily access the Outlook Calendar for administrators in just a few simple steps. Here are the steps.
(EOY Conferences must be completed by May 2)
The final component of the continuous improvement process is an end-of-year conference that is held between the appraiser and the teacher. The intent of the conference is to provide an opportunity for the appraiser and teacher to discuss goal progress and how the professional development in which the teacher engaged supported the goal.
Pursuant to the TAC 150, an end-of-year conference shall be held within a time frame specified on the school district calendar, no later than 15 business days before the last day of instruction for students (May 2). The procedural timeline must be adhered to and may not be waived by the teacher or the appraiser.
Teacher help guides for End-of-Year Appraisal Activities are posted behind the Resources tab in CFPGS under My Appraisal Resources.
Appraiser help guides are posted behind the Resources tab in CFPGS under Appraiser Resources.
Principals and Directors of Instruction
To assist you in monitoring the completion status of all Formal Observations on your campus, we've designed a new report for you. The Appraisal Entry Report indicates the status of each appraisal using three category assignments:
- Not Started - indicates that the Formal Observation has not been started for the listed teacher
- In Progress - indicates that the Formal Observation was entered and has not yet been Marked Compete
- Completed - indicates that the Formal Observation was completed by the appraiser
Additionally, the report provides the score entered by the appraiser for each Dimension within the Domain categories.
To access the report, log into CFPGS and click the Reporting tab. You will find the report under "My Reports."
CF-TESS appraiser calibration efforts help appraisers ensure fidelity and results for the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA). With this in mind, we are offering an opportunity for appraisers to engage in districtwide calibration efforts, allowing evaluators and leaders to check their practices with one another.
CF-TESS Calibration Labs
Between now and February 28, campus appraisers have the opportunity to engage in Calibration Labs to help ensure inter-rater reliability across the district while fostering campus appraisal team discussions about how each appraiser rated the observed lesson. The calibration event will be facilitated through My Learning in CFPGS. Appraisers have been auto-enrolled in a Calibration Lab for their respective grade levels (elementary or secondary).
- Elementary Appraisers are enrolled in Session #60855
- Secondary Appraisers are enrolled in Session #60856
While the appraisal timeline may be compressed, teachers hired prior to March 1 are required to have a full CF-TESS appraisal. Implementing the full appraisal process during the first partial year provides the appraiser opportunity to become well acquainted with the teacher, the teacher’s pedagogical practices, and the performance of the teacher’s students.
The CF-TESS New Teacher Induction Plan is targeted at all newly hired teachers. We typically target plans once each week; however, if we inadvertently miss someone, please let us know. In turn, Site Administrators (principal or director of instruction) will attach appraiser rights in Staff Management for all recently hired teachers.
A help guide for attaching and removing appraiser rights is posted on your CFPGS Homepage under Resources for Site Administrators.
Principals & DIs
Principals & DIs
The district pilot for the 2024-25 school year will include:
- Admin Asst I, Attendance
- Admin Asst I, SPED
- Admin Asst II, Finance MS
- Admin Asst III, Finance HS
- Admin Asst I, HS Counselor
- Registrar, HS
Domain 1 of the evaluation instrument reflects the differentiated areas of responsibility for each role, as defined by the district's HR team.
Evaluation Plan Rollout
Evaluation plans are currently available for the pilot group participants in CFPGS.
Next Steps
If the following steps have not been completed, please assist your campus pilot group participants in completing each of the following:
- Annual Review: Complete the Verification of the Annual Review in CFPGS
- Phase 1: Complete the Establish and Implement Personal Professional Goal activity in CFPGS
- Phase 2: Complete the Monitor and Adjust Goal activity in CFPGS
Help guides for completing each phase are posted on your CFPGS Homepage under My Appraisal Resources.
Get ready to embark on an exciting new adventure in professional learning! We’re thrilled to introduce Witsby™, ASCD’s next-generation professional learning platform. Designed for digital learning, Witsby is packed with research-based content from ASCD authors and experts—including thousands of bite-sized learning objects, courses, and on-demand resources—to fuel the continuous growth of our educators.
With powerful analytics, multi-layered reporting tools, and customizable authoring capabilities, Witsby gives school leaders like you the ability to seamlessly blend your own professional development resources with ASCD’s trusted content. This dynamic platform brings a personalized and data-driven approach to professional learning, helping educators thrive in their practice.
🌟 Join the Expedition! 🌟
We’re kicking off Witsby with a fun, interactive virtual escape room, and we want you to be part of the adventure! The campus at each level (elementary, middle, and high school) with the highest participation will win a complimentary continental breakfast—so rally your team and get ready to explore! Be on the lookout for more details in an upcoming email.
Let’s get wild about learning with Witsby! 🎉🐾
“Often we are so busy with sawing that we forget to sharpen the saw.” -- Stephen Covey
We are SO excited to share an upcoming special opportunity to sharpen your saw. We recently partnered with Learning Forward Texas to bring you Amp It Up! Effectively Engaging Adult Learners Online.
Learning Forward Texas is the only professional association in Texas devoted exclusively to those who work in educator professional development. We know that you will want to seize the chance to leverage your experience while finetuning facilitation skillsets. Our promise to you is high leverage, on point, relevant, and dare we say FUN session!
The following professional learning opportunity is geared toward those facilitating meetings and learning for adults.
DATE: Saturday, February 15 (9 AM - 12 PM) via ZOOM
Keep in mind that we aim to be good stewards of our departmental funds, so your commitment to attending is important. If you were to purchase the workshop independently, the cost would be $139.00 per person.
DESCRIPTION: As more professional learning opportunities move to online platforms, educators now more than ever need relevant, easy-to-use tools that engage participants in meaningful online learning experiences! This session is replete with strategies educators can easily replicate and use with confidence! Want to quickly enhance & develop your repertoire of online learning techniques that can immediately impact the quality of professional learning for adults and improve instruction for students in digital classrooms as well? Join us for 3 hours of fun & interactive learning that will boost your confidence & skills to lead others in the digital realm.
We are excited to wrap up the 2024-25 Learning Leader Institute (LLI) with our planned Spring Mini-Conference set for Monday, March 31! You will leave refocused, recharged, and inspired with new ideas and frameworks that you can practice the day you return to your campus or office.
Action Item: Select Session & Register by March 24th
- Select ONE session to participate in for the upcoming mini-conference and register for the corresponding session in CFPGS.
- As principal, director, or coordinator, you may choose to involve varied team members. Please share this information with up to 2 additional team members and ask that they self-register as well. Details are provided below.
NOTE: Spots are limited, so sign up today. Remember to select ONE session. Registration closes on March 24. To view session descriptions and session numbers, click here.
"Too often, we’re so focused on sawing that we forget to sharpen the saw." — Stephen Covey
We’re thrilled to introduce Brain Bits Virtual Sessions—a new professional development opportunity from Quantum Learning to help you sharpen your skills!
What is Quantum Learning?
A research-based approach that integrates proven educational practices into a cohesive system. Participants learn strategies to create optimal K–12 learning environments, effectively facilitate learning, and implement best practices.
What are Brain Bits Virtual Sessions?
These bite-sized, virtual PD courses deliver relevant content in manageable chunks for both newcomers to Quantum Learning and those seeking to deepen their expertise.
Educators new to Quantum Learning or anyone wanting more QL content.
Scroll down for session descriptions and session numbers!
Brain Bit #1: Calming the Amygdala
DATE: February 8 (9 - 11 AM)
DESCRIPTION: The emotional control center in the brain, also known as the amygdala, can hijack the prefrontal cortex of our students’ brains, negatively impacting their learning. In this two-hour session, we will share research-driven, brain-based strategies that will calm the amygdala to facilitate higher-order thinking and start the process of encoding our content into long-term memory.
Brain Bit #2: Capture and Hold Working Memory
DATE: February 22 (9 - 11 AM)
DESCRIPTION: Do you find yourself telling your students over and over to “Pay attention!”? Guess what? They ARE paying attention ALL THE TIME…to the most exciting thing in the room at any given moment. Is it you? Your lessons? Your activities? If not, have no fear! In this 2-hour session, we will share research-driven, brain-based strategies that will capture and hold the working memory of our students, so that their attention is focused on our content.
*Be ready with a lesson that could use an “upgrade”.
Brain Bit #3: Feed the Hippo
DATE: February 22 (1 - 3 PM)
DESCRIPTION: How often do you ask students to recall something that you taught a day or two earlier, only to hear them say, “I have no idea what you are talking about!”? The part of the brain called the hippocampus plays a critical role in short- and long-term memory retention. In this 2-hour session, we will share research-driven, brain-based strategies that will help our students’ brains keep our content and remember it longer. In Quantum Learning, we call these strategies “feeding the hippo”.
*Be ready with a lesson that could use an “upgrade.”
Brain Bit #4: Creating Classroom Culture Through Traditions
DATE: April 12 (9 - 11 AM)
DESCRIPTION: Let’s explore how to create a more positive and engaging classroom atmosphere by creating a “home court advantage” and incorporating meaningful traditions. Traditions foster a sense of community, promote student participation, and help students feel valued and connected. Participants will leave with actionable ideas to introduce or refresh traditions in their own classrooms, ultimately strengthening the culture and deepening student relationships.
Brain Bit #5: Cultivating Student Ownership
DATE: April 26 (9 - 11 AM)
DESCRIPTION: Have you ever had students respond to a situation with “It’s not my fault,” “I didn’t do that,” or some other statement that shows they may lack ownership of their actions? In this session, we’ll focus on a meaningful tool called “The Line” that can help students take responsibility for their choices and, therefore, inspire accountability. We’ll explore ways to teach “The Line” to students by establishing clear expectations and how to keep it an integral part of our classroom culture. Doing this will equip students with essential life skills for the future and create an atmosphere of increased trust and empowerment.
Brain Bit #6: Get Students’ Attention and Keep It!
DATE: April 26 (1 - 3 PM)
DESCRIPTION: Are you interested in strategies that reduce behavior problems in the classroom, while also enhancing cognition? Then this is the session for you! Join us to experience effective strategies for capturing and maintaining student attention. Attendees will leave with a toolkit of practical approaches for not only getting students’ attention but keeping them focused, and actively participating. Whether you teach young learners or high school students, this session will provide you with ways to instantly transform classroom engagement – both behavioral and cognitive.
Register No Later than March 25 to Attend
If you are a recent hire, welcome to Cy-Fair! We will work with you to ensure you are supported in the various onboarding activities.
To educate employees on the various health, safety, social, and ethical issues that might arise on the job, the district requires that all employees complete a series of compliance-related courses. As compared to previous school years, the structure, format, and types of courses offered for the current school year may differ from previous years. Changes are based on district requirements, current legislation, and state and federal law.
Based on audience, employees complete the following compliance-related courses.
Employees launch each course through My Learning in the Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS). The courses are available 24/7 via the Internet. Employees are pre-registered (with some exceptions) for required courses. Courses should be completed within the first six weeks of employment.
Our office will enroll recently hired individuals in compliance-related courses weekly; however, you may self-enroll if you are not registered.
A help guide and a video tutorial for accessing and completing compliance-related courses are posted on your CFPGS Homepage under Resources for My Learning.
📝NOTE: Beginning on page 3 of this document, you’ll find directions for completing courses with the TEST-OUT option. Additionally, you'll find a short video tutorial that walks you through completion.
Principals and DIs
In an effort to ensure all professional development credits earned toward CTE/DTE are accurately reflected on teacher transcripts, the Office of Professional Learning is in the process of reconciling CTE/DTE credits for teachers who did not earn the required credits and who have not yet reconciled these credits.
Action Items
In order to ensure an efficient process for CTE/DTE reconciliation, we ask that elementary principals and secondary directors of instruction please assist with the following:
- Check your Credit Conversion Requests in CFPGS frequently in case there are teachers who have submitted requests to convert eligible OFF-CONTRACT hours to CTE credit.
- Pull your campus 24-25 PD Calendar Year: Total Credits report available in CFPGS.
- Determine which teachers have missing DTE and CTE credit.
- Seek resolution to credit discrepancies. For DTE discrepancies, reach out to the appropriate curriculum coordinator for assistance.
- Offer assistance to any campus teacher in submitting an absence to your campus designee should a teacher need to report an absence for one or more CTE/DTE days.
Looking Ahead
Prior to Spring Break, the principal/DI will receive an email with an electronic list of teachers who did not fulfill their CTE or DTE requirements and who have not yet reconciled the credits. Additionally, the individual teachers indicated on the list will receive electronic notification directly from ProfessionalLearning@cfisd.net regarding their current CTE/DTE credit status and the options available for reconciling any discrepancies.
Available options for teachers to resolve discrepancies include the following:
- Submit an absence through the building designee
- Convert eligible OFF-CONTRACT hours (This applies to CTE only.)
- Be docked a daily rate of pay
***Teachers MAY NOT use a personal day for a staff development day.***
PRO TIP for Principals and DIs
Pull your campus 2024-25 PD Calendar Year: Total Credits report in CFPGS. This report provides an at-a-glance view of where your teachers stand regarding CTE and DTE. To navigate to the report, log into CFPGS and click on the Reporting tab. Under My Reports, click on the Run Report button located to the left of the report.
Four key principles govern a comprehensive induction program: orientation, ongoing support provided through the district's New Teacher Institute, mentoring, and networking. The goal of mentoring and induction programs is the retention and growth of new teachers so that every student succeeds.
Supporting New Teachers in February
Lead Mentors at every campus are equipped with proven strategies for mentoring novice teachers as well as preparing campus mentors to meet the needs of novice teachers during the Phases of First Year Teaching. Each new teacher is paired with a mentor and meets on a regular basis while developing relationships that involve trust, open communication, and collaboration.
Mentoring is a partnership created to help support new teachers by providing an experienced teacher to discuss topics confidentially and provide guidance. Below are a few suggested items mentors can do/share to support mentees on their campuses during February:
- Review upcoming district and building activities.
- Discuss learning resources to suggest to parents when asked how they can help support their student’s learning.
- Discuss upcoming observations and formal observations, walk-throughs, evaluation process, etc.
- Schedule a time to observe the mentee’s classroom teaching – between February and May.
- Have your mentee observe another teacher’s classroom – between February and May.
- Discuss upcoming parent/teacher conferences.
- Discuss STAAR testing procedures and schedule.
- Share some professional organizations in your mentee’s discipline or area of interest.
- Look for potential workshops or classes to enroll in to help guide your mentee with areas they wish to pursue or may want additional strategies or knowledge.
- Do something to acknowledge your mentee for something wonderful they have done or something they worked hard to accomplish.
To learn more about the district's New Teacher Induction Program, as well as access additional resources to support Lead Mentors, Mentors, and New Teachers, click HERE.
Lead Mentor share sessions are scheduled throughout the year to provide them with crucial information for their role. The following share session will be held on March 5, 2025, via Zoom from 5:00-6:00 p.m. Lead Mentors should register for Section 56523.
Checkout Our New Teacher Induction Webpage
You are just a click away from additional resources to support Lead Mentors, Mentors, and New Teachers. Simply click HERE.
Feel free to reach out to tonya.dixon@cfisd.net with questions or concerns
At every campus, Professional Learning Liaisons are specifically chosen to serve in the role based on their knowledge and willingness to help others grow. As the school year begins, PLLs help monitor staff’s progress in completing the beginning of the year Compliance Courses.
In addition, PLLs assist staff with accessing professional development transcripts and records and share information about professional development opportunities.
Upcoming Professional Learning Liaison Share Session
The next Professional Learning Liaison Share Session will be held on March 31 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please remind PLLs to register for Section 56527.
Feel free to reach out to torine.champion@cfisd.net with questions or concerns.
Because we know that you continuously seek opportunities to grow others and yourself, we encourage you to explore and share two available resources that are just a couple of clicks away. Scroll down to learn more.
- Leadership Development Resources – visit here to find information regarding the district’s Leadership Institute Series
- Graduate Resources – this one-stop-shop provides various graduate programs for those seeking principal certification and/or a M.Ed., Ed.D., or Ph.D.
The professional learning department is committed to providing support, building capacity, and cultivating talent by partnering with departments across the district to provide research-based professional development that can translate into improved student achievement and overall school effectiveness.
The team offers educators a continuum of support services through multiple professional learning opportunities. From new teacher induction and mentoring to the teacher appraisal process, leadership development, and Quantum Learning, the Professional Learning staff strives to provide high-quality, job-embedded professional learning for all stages of professional growth. The essential functions of the department are as follows:
- Cypress-Fairbanks Professional Growth System (CFPGS)
- New Teacher Induction and Mentoring
- Teacher Appraisal Process
- Graduate Cohorts and Resources
- Districtwide Professional Development
Director for Professional Learning
Torine Champion, Ed. D.
Coordinator for Professional Learning
Professional Learning Specialist
Belinda Sepulveda
Administrative Assistant to Director for Professional Learning
Pat Bice
Administrative Assistant for Professional Learning