Glenholme School Newsletter
Term 2 - Week 7, 16th June 2022
Kia ora koutou,
Congratulations to our Interschool Cross Country Team who represented our school with so much pride on Tuesday. This year the event was held at Springfield Golf Course which was a change from previous years. With all the rain that we have experienced in the last few weeks it was pleasing that the event was able to take place.
We have 4 talented athletes who were placed in the top 10 for their age groups.
Congratulations to:
Jordyn Haturini - 1st 9year old girls event
Harper van der Vlugt - 4th 9 year old girls event
Aaliyah Onekawa - 6th 9 year old girls event
Nixon Sears who came 4th - 8 year old boys event
On Thursday the 23rd of June, all of the tamariki and staff at Te Kura o nga Raupareparenga will be celebrating New Zealand’s first year of recognising Matariki as a public holiday.
Tamariki have been placed into mixed year groups named after a whetu (star) in the Matariki star cluster and will spend the day participating in four different Matariki themed activities. On the day of our celebration, students will be allowed to dress in clothing or costumes that are themed towards the colour of their whetu. Teachers will let each student know which group they are in.
At lunch time we will come together to eat our specially prepared ‘Lunches in School’ hangi which will be prepared by Ka Pai Kai.
Ngā mihi
Sarah Thompson
Matariki Day
Principal's Awards
Principal's Awards Awarded to students making exceptional effort and or achievement at school, therefore deserving of acknowledgement and recognition. Students will be presented with their awards on 27th June 2022.
Whakapoungakau Team
A1: Hengaia Manihera-Hepi is a diligent learner. She knows what her learning intentions are and strives towards achieving each success criteria that are linked to these learning intentions. She also demonstrates integrity and respect towards her teachers and peers. We are lucky to have her in our class! Ka rawe Hengaia you are awesome!
A2: Nate Gotz for being an exceptional learner in A2. He quietly goes about getting on with tasks and is happy to share his thoughts and work with the class. He demonstrates being a great thinker by solving challenging maths problems. Nate is always showing the Glenholme School Values and we are very lucky to have him in A2. Tino pai rawa atu Nate!
A3: Anna Samuel for striving to achieve excellence in all areas of school life. She shows a high level of pride in the work she produces and is a fantastic role model for Glenholme school. Anna is always willing to help others including peers and teachers. She takes risks by giving things a go and encourages her peers to do the same. Ka mau te wehi Anna, we love having a respectful, hard working student in A3.
A4: Honour Peato is a considerate and positive student who is an awesome role model for her peers. She understands her role as a visible learner by knowing her learning intentions and consistently striving to achieve her success criteria. Honour draws on the likes of Ihenga and Tamatekapua learning dispositions as she uses good communication with classmates to problem solve in group learning. He waimarie mātou ki te whai ia ki roto i A4! Pai tū Honour!
A5: Kimarley Emery Batt-Brown is a fantastic A5 learner. She is a Self-Regulator and Thinker who will go out of her way to help others and be helpful in the classroom. Kimarley works hard to keep up with her school work, this is particularly evident in her writing, where she always strives to make improvements. Kimarley is honest and kind and consistently demonstrates all of the Glenholme School’s values. She is a true asset to Glenholme School.
Tihiōtonga Team
B3: Nixon Sears for his outstanding enthusiasm for learning and life!! Nixon is a fantastic role model in B3 and strives to always do his best. He is a Collaborator like Tamatekapua and endeavours to be an engaged and motivated learner. Keep up the awesome mahi Nixon, we are so lucky to have you in B3!!
B4: Connie Cree for continually demonstrating the Glenholme School values - R.I.D.E. She is an independent learner and is always trying her best in Reading, Writing and Maths. Connie enjoys helping others when they get stuck in the Learning Pit and has proven to be a responsible member of the class. Well done Connie.
B5: Kayden Heke-Spencer for being a B5 superstar. Kayden is a friendly, caring member of the class. He completes his work neatly and always tries his best. Kayden will ask questions to get himself out of the learning pit and is becoming an excellent self-regulator. Ka mau te wehi, you are doing an awesome job in B5 Kayden. Keep up the great effort!
B7: Phoenix Davey receives this award for being a Thinker and Risk Taker while working diligently in Math. He is able to confidently explain and demonstrate the strategies he uses when solving his math problems. When Phoenix is stuck in the Learning Pit, he perseveres and does not give up until he finds the answer. Pai rawa atu to mahi Pangarau Phoenix.
Pukehangi Team
B1: Ahaan Bhandri It is so amazing to see you always wanting to help everyone and trying to do more and more in class. You have come a very long way in focusing on your work and being able to write letters and words by yourself. Keep striving for excellence!
A6: Soul Unuka for displaying excellence in all curriculum areas. Soul tries his very best to complete tasks to a high standard and will preserve when he finds learning challenging. Thank you Soul for being such a delightful and respectful student in A6. We are very lucky to have you in our team. Keep up the superstar attitude! Tu Meke Soul.
C6: Ngahuia-Kama Wineera-Ryder for demonstrating excellence in your learning. Ngahuia-Kama you are trying super hard to do your best in all of your learning, and this is helping you make great progress. You come to school each day with a positive attitude and you are a great friend and classmate. Ka mau te wehi, keep up the hard mahi Ngahuia-Kama!
C7: Alliance Hawkins for being a good, keen learner in our class. Alliance listens very well and concentrates closely on his work. He always does his best. Alliance has interesting ideas to share and he is a calm, cheerful class member. Keep up your great efforts, Alliance. We love having you in C7.
C8: Aleena Siddiqui has displayed excellence in her hard work to learn English. In the classroom she uses whatever English she knows. She is a respectful and well-mannered member of C8, who is showing lots of resilience in the wonderful way she is adjusting to the big change of moving from India to New Zealand. Keep up the great work Aleena.
C9: Indiana Pugh for showing perseverance and a “Keep Trying” attitude towards all her work. Indi has practised using the correct pencil grip and the correct formation of letters over the short time she has been at school and now she can do it. Keep up this positive attitude towards your learning Indi. Tino Pai.
Kupe and the Giant Wheke, starring C9
Matariki Public Holiday - Friday 24th June
Mātauranga Maori is at the heart of the Matariki public holiday, and it will be a time for:
- Remembrance – Honouring those we have lost since the last rising of Matariki
- Celebrating the present – Gathering together to give thanks for what we have
- Looking to the future – Looking forward to the promise of a new year
Matariki is the Māori name for the Pleiades, and refers to a cluster of stars that rises in mid-winter, marking the start of the Māori New Year. Some iwi name this time of year Puanga, after a bright star that is above and to the right of the Matariki constellation. It is also an important time in the Pacific, which has significant associations with Matariki.
New Zealand will celebrate Matariki as a public holiday from 24 June 2022. The calendar date for the Matariki public holiday will shift each year to align with the maramataka (Māori lunar calendar).
In term two, the focus is on the Healthcare and Behaviour Management sections Please review this Policy by going into the Current Review tab. Username: glenholme Password: glenholme
School Uniforms
Glenholme School F.O.T.S. Maths A Thon 2022
Each child pack today contains the following items:
· Maths list for your child’s team.
· Sponsorship Card including information on the Maths A Thon.
· Plastic Bag for the named sponsor card and money to be returned in.
Help your child while supporting Glenholme Schools fundraising. FOTS have funded Ukuleles for the school, paid for the Shows for every child coming up this year, shade sails, gazebos, toys etc. It is a great opportunity for the children to gain more confidence in Maths, Number recognition and numeracy. Encourage your child to learn and practice, practice, practice!
· Prizes will be drawn for each team plus several other draws!
· Prizes include: - Major Prizes include speakers, headphones and a tablet!! - Family passes to Rotorua attractions -Movie Vouchers - And MANY MORE!! There are businesses we are still waiting on so more prizes are in the offering. Please note the following important dates:
Week 4 Friday 27th May – Math A Thon packs go out to children.
Week 5-7 Children collect sponsors on sponsorship cards and learn Maths questions.
Week 8 Math A Thon Test in classrooms and marked tests to go home Start collecting money.
Return money with card inside plastic bag to the office from Monday 20th June - 8.30am-8.50am (before school starts) to Weds 6th July ( last day ). Week 9 Weds 6th July (morning) - all monies must be returned today to go into the prize draw. Week 10 Friday 8th July - prizes drawn at school assembly.
Up and Coming Events
Term 2 2nd May - 8th July
Term 3 25th July - 30th September
Term 4 17th October - 16th December
Thursday 23rd June - Matariki Day Celebrations
Friday 24th June - Matariki Day
Tuesday 28th June - Cross Country Final at Kaharoa
Friday 8th July - Math-a-thon Prize Draw day
Friday 8th July - End of Term 2
Friday 21st October - Greats and Gran's Day
Monday 24th October - Labour Day
Sharing information about the Rotorua Clothing Exchange
The Rotorua Clothing Exchange has Infant, Children, Women’s and Men’s clothing available in all sizes FREE! If people need clothes go in to their office every Friday for Pick Up. Clothes are in good clean condition and pre-sorted into bags with one size in each bag ready to pick up. In return they ask that you exchange either a box, reusable bag, or an item of clothing in good clean condition. They also accept all clothing donations to pass on to those who are not able to exchange.
They have a Facebook group ‘Rotorua Clothing Exchange’ where people can send in their requests also if anything needed e.g. a baby pack, winter pack for children of any age etc
Their office is open every Friday from 10am-3pm at 1233 Pukuatua Street
School Gates
8.30am – 9.10am/2.45pm - 3.10pm
Miller Street entrance is available for use:
Monday to Friday 7.30am – 9.30am
Monday to Friday 2.30pm – 3.30pm
DO NOT PARK IN THE SCHOOL DRIVE as this is a tow away area.
Contact Us
Email: office@glenholme.school.nz
Website: https://www.glenholme.school.nz
Location: Glenholme Primary School 149 Ranolf Street, Glenholme, Rotorua 3010, New Zealand
Phone: 07-348 1489
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/glenholmeschool