Family Connections
Bi-Monthly Newsletter for NF Families
Thursday, September 1, 2022
"Everything is Possible"
Welcome to the Academic Year, 2022-2023
Welcome everyone to another academic year at NF! We are delighted to share with you that our school year started well with no reported concerns from parents, students or staff. We look forward to providing a high caliber education to your child(ren), along with supporting your student socially and emotionally.
There are several new staff members that have joined our fabulous NF staff. NF welcomes Ms. Danielle Miller, (art); Ms. Kalli Butler, (gifted intervention specialist); and several Co-Teachers: Mrs. Debbie Becker, Mrs. Glenda Coleman, Mrs. Kathy Francis, and Mrs. Kari Zawadski. We also welcome back our building foreman, Mr. Dan Chorba. The energy and professionalism of our latest crew is impressive. I hope you get a chance to communicate with these professionals throughout the year.
On Monday, it was a little too hot to concentrate by 3:00 p.m.
7 Mindsets Set in Motion
Nordonia Hills City School District is launching its SEL curriculum in grades K-12 this year. Seven Mindsets is the philosophy and curriculum that will be followed. Some staff started training approximately (6) months ago, and others have joined recently. Throughout this newsletter at various times of the year, I will share important updates regarding the 7 Mindsets program. For now, please know that each month is characterized by a specific philosophy/mindset. For the month of September the district will focus on the phrase, "Everything is Possible."
Visitor Policy Announced
For the last two and half years the Covid pandemic closed our building to all visitors. I am happy to announce that our doors will open for guests beginning on October 1st through May 1st. Parents will be permitted to have lunch with their child, (24 hour office notification required); assist in the classroom per teacher discretion; help with academic skills during our intervention periods; and increase participation in PTA-sponsored events. If you plan on visiting your child for a lunch there are some expectations that will be shared with you upon arrival. All visitors will be required to produce a state-issued, picture ID. If a parent brings a lunch from a fast food location, the lunch can only be for your own child. Call the office with more questions and to make your reservation at 330-467-2010. Please do not show up unannounced in advance.
Fun Run Scheduled
NF's PTA is busily preparing for the 4th annual Fun Run this September. For those families that are new, the Fun Run is the largest fundraiser of the year. In fact, we intentionally try to avoid selling products like cookie dough, magazines, and other items in lieu of this large scale event. The amount of money raised for this event is always impressive. Last year, the PTA purchased (6) brand new picnic tables for our students. Four are located on the playground and two are located in the courtyard so that we might enjoy outdoor lunches. The overall vision is to build an outdoor learning pavilion when enough money is raised. More details regarding the Fun Run will be shared later this month. The Fun Run kick-off assembly is on Wednesday, September 21st.
- Friday, September 2, Deadline for On-Line Forms
- Monday, September 5, Labor Day Holiday/No School
- Tuesday, September 6, Full-Time Kindergarten Begins, (All Students)
- Saturday, September 10, Community Open House, All District Buildings, 9:00 - 1:00 p.m.
- Tuesday, September 13, Hearing and Vision Screening
- Tuesday, September 13, Picture Day
- Wednesday, September 14, First PTA Meeting of the Year, 6:30 p.m., Virtual, UPDATED
- Friday, September 16, In-Service Day, No School for Students
- Wednesday, September 21, Kick-Off Assembly for PTA Fun Run Fundraiser
- Thursday, September 22, Open House/Curriculum Night, 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
- Monday, September 26, BOE Meeting, Northfield, 7:00 p.m.
- Friday, September 30, Spirit Day, (wear Nordonia clothing or green/black/white)
- Friday, September 30, PAX Leaders of the Month Announced
- Carpool Tags: For those families who notified NF that there child would be a carpool rider, one rear view tag was previously granted in the 'take home' folder of your child. If you need one additional tag, you may contact the school office at 330-467-2010 or email Additional tags beyond (2) must be purchased for $1 a piece. Tags must be on cars at all times. This is a safety issue for any and all students.
- Student Chromebooks: Students in grades 3 and higher are NOT permitted to place stickers on their individual chromebooks, please. These computers are the property of the school district. Thanks for your cooperation.
- Attendance Line: The attendance line is available (24) hours a day. Please call your children off before 9:00 a.m. on a school day. The phone number is: 330-908-6160 for any Nordonia student.
- Safe Decisions Week: The annual, district-wide Safe Decisions Week will occur the week of September 12 through September 16. More information to follow.
- Family Connections Newsletter: Just a reminder that our Family Connections Newsletter is published/distributed on the 1st and 15th of each month through May, 2023.
Northfield Elementary School
Location: 9374 Olde 8 Road, Northfield, OH, USA
Phone: 330-467-2010
Twitter: @NFSquirePride