Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (2/10/20-2/14/20)
Shout Out!
This week's Shout Out goes to Gwennan Ickes and it's not a typical shout out. I want to recognize her for pushing through a struggle she was having with some planning and persevering until she allowed herself to consider a different approach. I also want to credit Rachel Glick for supporting her in this struggle and helping by brainstorming and co-planning with her. The reason I highlight this is that it's easy to stick with things when they are easy....much harder when you feel stuck against a wall. This is a great model for our students as well.
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Tuesday: LEC meeting
Wednesday: 6th grade SST meeting, All School Assembly
Thursday: Get a Different Name Day is is for those who are not fond of the name given to them.
Friday: All School Checkers Tournament
Friday Fun
Friday Fun for Feb. 14th will be a door prize drawing. Make sure to submit your name in the jar in the office by Friday at 1:00 pm for a chance to win a door prize.
News, Updates, and Reminders
- FY 20 Budget update: As you know, we've had a budget freeze on everything but PD. At this point, we have used almost all of the PD money, so I will only be able to approve free workshops now. Also, we are going through toner at a much quicker rate than usual, so please be mindful of what you are printing and copying in order to try and reduce our costs on toner. Thank you.
- FY 21 Budget update: The budget subcommittee has settled on a budget that will be more reflective of actual costs, but will still be tight next year. In order to preserve positions, I have had to trim most of our lines. I am expecting to have to give a dollar amount per student for supplies next year and be more conservative with PD spending as both of those lines will be smaller than usual, as an example. I will be looking for creative and alternative avenues to help support the work we do, but I feel it is only right to inform you about this now. I will also give a more detailed outline of what the cuts to Colrain's budget are, just as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I'm not expecting this to be an easy pass with the towns.
- MCAS: Over vacation, I will be working on getting us prepared for MCAS. If you have not yet done so, please look over the tentative schedule (2nd draft) that I sent out and provide me with any feedback you may have. Also, if you are having any issues with your chromebooks, please let me know ASAP.