Message from the Superintendent
Dear AUSD Community,
This past Wednesday, our district celebrated Employee Appreciation Day, so it’s only fitting for me to take a moment to publicly acknowledge the care, compassion, and dedication of the 2,000 amazing individuals who make up “Team AUSD.” As I visit school sites, I am always filled with gratitude as I see our employees who teach and support our students and families to make this an unforgettable year.
In just one short week, our AUSD seniors will become AUSD alumni as they graduate from high school and move on to the next phase of their lives. As I extend my heartfelt congratulations, I would be remiss if I didn’t also acknowledge how especially poignant this year’s high school graduations are. For most of these young men and women, this will be their first traditional graduation ceremony after having their eighth grade year cut short by the pandemic. I remember how disappointed our eighth graders and their families were as we had to transition to virtual ceremonies and drive-through celebrations. While their education journey may have been a difficult one, they showed strength and resiliency through the many challenges of their high school years, and I am looking forward to celebrating their accomplishments next week. I am incredibly proud of the Class of 2024 and am excited to see what they achieve as they move forward to college, careers, and beyond.
I hope all students, including our seniors, will reflect on the wonderful memories they have made this year, the lessons they learned, and the bonds they forged. Let’s finish up the final week of the 2023-24 school year on a positive note before we head off to the summer to rest, relax, and recharge!
Warm regards,
Denise R. Jaramillo, Ed.D.
In This Issue...
- OPENING FEATURED EVENT: Helpful Honda People Surprise Garfield Teacher
- May 14th Board Meeting
- Staff Report: 2023-2024 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Survey Results and Board Input for the 2024-2025 LCAP
- Adopted Board Resolutions
- Educational Services
- LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
- 2024-25 Dual Language Immersion Program Applications & Informational Video
- CTE - 6th Annual Woodworking Awards Banquet
- CTE - 55th Annual Automotive Technicians' Awards Night
- Technology Updates
- Updated Educational Technology Resource Site
- Student Support Services
- Family STEAM Night
- PACES Event
- Online Permit Applications for the 2024-25 school year
- Facilities and Construction
- Facilities Updates
- Construction Updates
- SMALL SPOTLIGHTS (Little Bits of Good News & Information from Around the District)
- Food & Nutrition Services:
- Harvest of the Month - Spinach
- National School Lunch Hero Day
- Cafeteria Menus
- Parent Resources: Community Offerings & News
- PTA News (Memberships and Scholarships)
- AJ Wang Foundation Scholarship Opportunity
- West San Gabriel Valley SELPA - Apply for Summer 2024 Admissions
- Scholarship Opportunities
- Non-Profit Partner Organizations (AEF, ALA, AAA)
- News from AEF (Summer Program and Adopt-A-Camper)
- News from ALA (Dinner/Dance & Scholarship Recipients)
- Human Resources
- Employees of the Year
- Game Changers
- Employee Appreciation Day
- Employment Opportunities
- AUSD Calendar
- Upcoming Events and Important Dates
- Promotions & Graduations - Congratulations to the AUSD Class of 2024
- Student Calendar 2024 -2025
- High School Athletics Calendars
- AUSD in the Media
- Publicity Requests
- AUSD is on YouTube - Thank you, Student Advisory Council!
AUSD Website & Social Media - Stay Connected with AUSD!
"AUSD Connection" Archive
Subscribe to "AUSD Connections"
Throughout the newsletter, please CLICK ON IMAGES AND HEADLINES to access additional information, embedded links, and larger versions of the photographs/graphics.
Featured Event: Helpful Honda People Surprise Garfield Teacher
Garfield School had an amazing morning on May 8th as the Helpful Honda People surprised one of our outstanding teachers as part of their celebration of Teacher Appreciation Week!
Each year, Southern California Honda Dealers honor and reward deserving teachers, and one of this year's unsung heroes was Garfield teacher Mrs. Katie Livadary. They surprised her with $5,000 worth of class and art supplies! (Mrs. Livadary, who teaches kindergarten, was nominated by her friend & colleague Ms. Amy Walsh.)
Thank you So Cal Honda for rewarding outstanding educators, and thank you to Fox11's Bob DeCastro or reporting live from Garfield School for Good Day LA during the 8:00am, 9:00am, and 10:00am broadcasts, and to reporter Min Shao for writing an article about for the World Journal! We loved seeing Mrs. Livadary in the spotlight for this well-deserved recognition!
Staff Report Presentation Slides
Although this slide deck gives you an overview and basic information on this topic, we encourage you to attend our BOARD MEETINGS and listen to the detailed staff reports as they are presented to the Board. Click on the image below to access PDFs of Tuesday's presentation slide deck.
Board Resolutions
At Tuesday's Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted three resolutions (LGBTQIA+ Pride Month, Immigrant Heritage Month and Gun Violence Awareness and Prevention to Prioritize the Safety and Wellbeing of our Youth). You may read the full content of each resolution by downloading the attachment below.
LCAP Parent Advisory Committee Meeting
Please join us for our upcoming PAC (Parent Advisory Committee) Meeting on Monday, June 3, 2024 from 6:45pm-8:00pm via Zoom.
Click on the image to download a PDF of the flyer with information in multiple languages or click HERE to join the Zoom meeting.
2024-25 Dual Language Immersion Program
We are still accepting applications for the 2024-25 TK-8th grade Spanish and Mandarin Dual Language Immersion programs.
This is your opportunity to give your child the gift of bilingualism and give them an advantage in the world.
Access detailed information on the AUSD website HERE and/or watch an informational video HERE.
Woodworking Awards Banquet
The 6th Annual AUSD Student Woodworking Awards Banquet was held on May 8th and recognized students for their technical competence, creativity, motivation and dedication in woodworking. The Richard Nicholson Award is the most prestigious award of the evening, and is awarded to just one student in the district who demonstrates all the qualities of all the awards. This year’s recipient is Avian Thai from MKHS. Please visit www.ausd.us/cte to find out more about Career Technical Education classes.
Automotive Technicians' Awards Night
The 55th Annual AUSD Automotive Technicians' Awards Night was held May 9th and recognized students for their technical competence, attitude, motivation and interest in the automotive field. Congratulations to all of our award winners! Please visit www.ausd.us/cte to find out more about Career Technical Education classes.
Educational Technology Resource Site
We are excited to share our updated Support Site for AUSD families. The site is filled with educational technology resources for all grade levels. You will also find information related to our 1:1 student device program. We believe that by empowering our students with the right technological resources and support, we are setting the foundation for a more engaging, effective, and inclusive learning environment.
Family STEAM Night
AUSD's SSS division hosted an incredible STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) Night for grades 3-5 on April 24th. Over 1,200 attendees attended this highly-anticipated districtwide event, held at Marguerita School, which was intended to spark students’ curiosity and creativity through hands-on activities, interactive displays, and engaging presentations, while also providing an opportunity for parents to be involved in their learning.
PACES (Parent and Caregiver Empowerment Summit) Event
SSS hosted AUSD's first-ever Parent and Caregiver Empowerment Summit (PACES) on May 4th. This free special event, held at San Gabriel High School, was designed to provide parents and caregivers with practical skills to help them feel empowered in their relationships with their children and with themselves. The theme for the event was “Fostering Connectedness and Belonging” and attendees experienced expert speakers, resources, vendors, "Empower Hour," breakfast, lunch, giveaways, and much more. We hope parents and caregivers left feeling more empowered in their relationship with themselves and with their children. For more information about PACES, please visit: ausdpaces.my.canva.site.
Permit Applications for the 2024-25 school year
AUSD has moved our permit process to a new online permit system.
Parents who are interested in applying for a 2024-25 permit for their child can click HERE to begin the process.
Facilities Updates
Alhambra High School
Building "D" is the latest renovation completed as part of the Facilities Services Restroom Restoration Initiative.
AHS Emergency/Disaster Container
The "before" picture of the emergency/disaster container at AHS shows the damages from moisture-related holes and punctures compromising the emergency supplies. Now, in the "after" photo, Facilities Services Maintenance crew poured a new concrete pad and repurposed an existing 40 foot container.
Construction Updates
Brightwood Elementary School
Exterior Finishes
Trash Enclosure
Perimeter Fencing
(Visit our social media platforms to see additional photos of many of these events/activities.)
Alhambra High School juniors (and Academic Decathlon superstars) Kenneth San and Kevin
San were the special guests on a recent episode of the Los Angeles County Office of Education's award-winning podcast, Let Me Add to That...
In celebration of Asian American Heritage Month, Kenneth and Kevin were invited to join Dr. Yvonne Chan (LACOE Board President) and host Dr. Elizabeth Graswich (LACOE Executive Director of Public Affairs & Communication) to discuss traditions, expectations, and celebrating their Asian identities in America. Listen to the full podcast by visiting https://bit.ly/lmattpod.
We are so proud of our Dual Language Immersion students. They work hard to grow academically in two languages. On May 2nd, our Mandarin Dual Language Immersion program at Northrup School celebrated the 3rd and 5th grade DI students with their Biliteracy Program Participation Recognitions. If they continue progressing, they will earn the California Seal of Biliteracy when they graduate from high school. (Note: We'll share about a similar event for our Spanish DI students in the next issue.)
Congratulations to the following Los Angeles County Industrial and Technology Education Association (LACITEA) honorees:
Scholarship Recipients:
Professional Awards:- Ademar Saccone: High School Teacher of the Year, Engineering, MKHS
- Dr. Leann Huang: Administrator of the Year, Coordinator-College & Career Prep
Brightwood School took a team of teachers to the California SEL & Wellness Summit recently, thanks to the sponsorship through their LACOE CalHOPE SEL Focal School grant. Teachers Naomi Cruz, June Dojillo, Suzanne Hanson, and Melisa Lee along with principal Candace Griego had an amazing time learning, reflecting and connecting. AUSD Director Wendy Molina-Solis also joined them at the summit. Principal Griego also co-presented a session: "Growing HEART Skills: Lessons Learned on Adult SEL Development."
On May 1st, Alhambra High School held their "2024 Moor Decision Day" for the Class of 2024 seniors. In AUSD, we celebrate all of our seniors and the decisions they’ve made to go to community college, trade or vocational program, LIFT Adult Transition Program, a four-year university, military, and/or begin a career. To celebrate, there were games, crafts and also a photo booth for the students to enjoy.
Monterey Highlands Afterschool Adventures program hosted their 1st Annual Art Walk for the parents, guardians and community members on May 1st. The Adventures students from TK-6th grades showcased various artwork they developed. Students created water color paintings, built robotic sculptures, assembled paper mache, worked with clay, and even learned songs. A huge thank you goes to Ms. Iliana Avalos, Monterey Highlands Youth Specialist, and her Program Leaders for creating and nurturing an enriching environment for our students.
Recently, Baldwin School held their literacy night “Camp Read A Lot." The night was filled with fun reading, writing, and phonics activities for the students. Thank you to the Baldwin staff, because of you this was a wonderful evening for the students and an amazing turnout.
Mrs. Tammy Scorcia’s 4th & 5th grade students at Ynez School spent a month learning and discussing the positive ways they see themselves vs. how the world sees them. The process also included interviewing classmates and using positive adjectives to help expand their vocabulary and mindset. Thank you to Catalyst San Gabriel Valley for making this project happen through your generous grant.
Monterey Highlands PTA helped turn Husky Nation green for Earth Week, April 22nd – 26th. Thanks to funding from the Husky Run this year, the PTA has helped purchase soil, plants, gardening equipment, and more to help beautify the campus. PTA volunteers came in ahead of Earth Week to help weed and clear up the planter boxes and various areas around campus. Many of the "buddy classes" signed up and planted plants throughout the campus. The students had a great time gardening and will work to maintain their areas next year.
At MKHS, Mental Health Counselors Kathy Funes and Andrea Madrigal, with support from social work intern Raul Donate, are working to raise awareness about mental health and student wellness. On May 8th, their counseling team and site PBIS team members hosted a mental health awareness resource table during students' lunch time. Students were able to grab informational flyers with wellness tips, campus resources, and mental health hotline numbers. Several goodies and tools were given out to help support students' mental health and wellness.
Recently, Granada School held their first Classic Vintage Car Show. They had an amazing turnout, and made strong connections with their families and the neighborhood residents. The playground held 160 classic vintage cars, and students served as informal judges and voted for their favorite vehicle. In addition to the car show, there was live music, folklorico performances, informational booths and food vendors. As bonus, the $3,500 in car entrance fees were donated to Granada! Way to go Granada Lions!
Congratulations to Dr. Janice Phan, principal of Ynez School. Dr. Phan was announced at the last principals meeting as Alhambra Unified School District’s latest recipient of the “Excellence in Leadership" award, which is given to an AUSD principal who has demonstrated hard work, dedication, and leadership at her school and within the community.
May 2024 - Elementary School Open Houses
Thank you to Brightwood School, Northrup School, and Ramona School for sharing photos from their May Open Houses.
Harvest of the Month - Spinach
April's Harvest of the Month (HOTM) was Spinach. Teachers around AUSD incorporated Harvest of the Month lessons throughout the month and shared photos of the fun their students had. The students' favorite part of HOTM is always the tasting. April's harvest of the month featured Natalia's Strawberry Spinach Salad with Balsamic Dressing, created by San Gabriel High School student Natalia Perez. You can watch Natalia prepare her recipe HERE.
National School Lunch Hero Day
On May 3rd, AUSD celebrated our amazing Food & Nutrition staff members, who work tirelessly to nourish our students' minds and bodies. Thank you to everyone who brought them coloring pages, cards/notes, and treats to make them feel extra special that day.
PTA News
Congratulations to all unit PTAs for their remarkable achievement in growing membership numbers. The Alhambra Council PTA has achieved its highest membership numbers in five years, setting an exemplary standard as the ONLY council unit in the First District PTA where all school board members have joined every PTA. Each new PTA member strengthens our community's bond and shared commitment to supporting education.
Alhambra Council PTA Scholarship Recipients
Congratulations to the 2024 Alhambra Council PTA Scholarship Award winners. These young scholars have each won a $750 Scholarship to use towards continuing their education: Andy Taing - Alhambra High School, Justin Wang - Alhambra High School, Kaitlyn Wong - Mark Keppel High School, Emilio Hernandez - San Gabriel High School, and Natalia Perez - San Gabriel High School.
AJ Wang Foundation Scholarship Opportunity
The AJ Wang Foundation Scholarship is for students attending community colleges in the Southern California areas (including Pasadena City College, East Los Angeles City College, or any of the other community colleges listed on the application). The application period is April 15th – June 1. Each recipient will receive $3,000 per year for up to three years (with $1,500 granted for each semester). For more information, go to: www.ajwangfoundation.org. Download the information and application below.
Apply today for Summer 2024 Admissions
West San Gabriel Valley Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) is in partnership with Claremont Graduate University (CGU) is offering a 12-18 month Joint MA and Teaching Credential Program.
Apply today for the Summer 2024 Admissions. For more information, go to www.CGU/TEACHEREDUCATION or contact Jill Gulick at gulick_jill@ausd.us, (626)427-6206
Claim Your FREE CalKIDS Money!
Graduating Seniors: Many of you have $500 to $1,500 in your CalKIDS account already which can be used to support college or career training. Claiming an account and using the money is quick and easy. Just follow these simple steps:
- Locate the high school senior’s 10-digit Statewide Student Identifier (SSID), which may be found on their school’s portal, report cards, or by asking their school.
- Check eligibility HERE.
- If eligible, claim your account at www.calkids.org.
Once the account is claimed, money can be used to pay for qualified higher education costs, such as tuition, fees, computers, books, and more. The funds can be used at eligible colleges, universities, vocational schools, community colleges, and apprenticeships.
Non-Profit Partner Organizations
Alhambra Educational Foundation (AEF)
Alhambra Latino Association (ALA)
Asian American Association (AAA)
News from AEF
AEF Summer Program
View the the summer program catalogs or get more information by clicking HERE.
Register at www.aef4kids.com or call 626-943-3080.
Adopt-A-Camper Program - PLEASE DONATE!
Our sixth graders had an AMAZING time at camp...several groups even got to enjoy some snow!
Please help Alhambra Unified School District and the Alhambra Educational Foundation to continue this new tradition by supporting the Adopt-A-Camper program. Use this LINK to donate. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
News from ALA
ALA Scholarship Awards Dinner & Dance
Congratulations to the Alhambra Latino Association for putting together another outstanding Scholarship Awards Dinner & Dance. We enjoyed celebrating Janet Lees (Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services) and the 2024 ALA Scholarship Recipients. This year's scholarship honorees are: Dora Padilla Arts: Jeremy Gutiérrez (SGHS), San Gabriel HS: Ana Yezenia Peñaloza, BOLD Academy: Baltazar Montejo Díaz (SGHS), Dora Padila Arts: Rachel Olguín (ISP AHS), Brian Tatsuno Career Tech: Michael Ramos (AHS), Independent Studies Program: Fernanda Linares (AHS), Mark Keppel HS: Samuel Carvajal and Alhambra HS: Sherlyn Pineda Alvear. (Thank you to Mr. Martin Ulloa for these photos.)
If you missed this year's dinner/dance, but would still like to support ALA, please contact them at alhambralatinoassociation@gmail.com, (626) 864-4460, or visit www.alhambralatinoassociation.com
Employees of the Year
Congratulations to this year's Employees of the Year:
- Manager of the Year: NELSON SANTOS, Director - Facilities & Transportation Service
- Educator of the Year: PAGE PHILLIPS, Department Chair - Visual and Performing Arts, Mark Keppel High School
- Classified Employee of the Year: JESUS MURILLO, Senior Custodian, Fremont School
Game Changers
Congratulations to our May 2024 Game Changers: Jesse Palacios, Certificated Game Changer from Alhambra High School and Sara Safa, Classified Game Changer from Monterey Highlands School. These were our LAST recipients for the 2023-24 school year, but we will continue recognizing outstanding staff members next school year. Nominate a deserving certificated or classified to be a Game Changer HERE.
Employee Appreciation Day
AUSD Employment Opportunities
(Subscribe to Receive Automatic Updates)
Upcoming Events & Important Dates
- May 19: AUSD Booth at Alhambra Farmers Market 9:00am-11:00am (LAST one until September!)
- May 22: 8th Grade & Moor Field Promotion Ceremonies (Flyer)
- May 23: 8th Grade & LIFT Promotion Ceremonies (Flyer)
- May 24: 8th Grade Promotion Ceremonies (Flyer)
- May 24: High School Commencement Ceremonies (Flyer)
- May 24: End of Third Trimester (Grades TK-8)
- May 24: End of Second Semester (Grades 9-12)
- May 24: Last Day of School
- May 27: Memorial Day Holiday (AUSD Schools/Offices will be closed)
- June 1: SGV 4th Annual Pride Parade & Festival 8:15am - 1:00pm (Flyer)
- June 3: AEF K-8 Summer Academy Begins (Flyer)
- June 3: Parent Advisory Committee 6:45pm-8:00pm (Flyer, Zoom)
- June 6: AEF High School Summer School Begins (Flyer)
- June 11: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- June 14: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
- June 19: Juneteenth Holiday (AUSD Schools/Offices will be closed)
- June 25: Board of Education Meeting (Agendas & Minutes)
- June 28: "AUSD Connection" Newsletter Emailed to Parents, Students, and Staff Members
2024 AUSD Promotions & Graduations
Student Calendar 2024 - 2025
Please make sure to mark your calendar with these important dates for the upcoming 2024 -2025 school year, including the first day of school, which will be Tuesday, August 13th.
High School Athletics Calendars
Featured Event: PLUS Leadership Summit
PLUS, Peer Leaders Uniting Students, is the student voice component of Alhambra USD's PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) system. These PLUS students meet weekly with their PLUS teacher advisor, with a common goal of building inclusive schools alongside their educators. During the recent PLUS Student Forum , PLUS members engaged in a series of activities (led by presenter John Vandenburgh) including: Back in the Day, Get on the Bus, Three Things you Value, and High Five. The day ended with a Focus Group and a challenge to replicate the activities at their sites in order to build relationships and create a positive school climate.
AUSD in the Media
Read about AUSD in these Local Community Papers
📰 FEATURED on the AUSD website (www.ausd.us): Press Coverage
Alhambra Unified School District is often featured in local media (print and television news). Click below to access some of our favorite stories, featuring AUSD students, staff members, schools and programs!
Do you have something newsworthy to share? Click on the Publicity Request button so we can spread the word!
AUSD is on YouTube
Thank you, Student Advisory Council!
Under the leadership of Alhambra Unified School District's first-ever Student Board Member Justin Wang and Student Board Member Alternate Kaitlyn Cao, SAC met monthly with AUSD administrators and board members to discuss important topics and share feedback from their sites. They also represented AUSD at multiple community events and took on leadership roles at a variety of events and activities.
Prior to the Board Recognition, SAC shared this video of highlights from the 2023-24 school year. Many thanks to the SAC members who worked on the video, especially to MKHS ninth-grader Angelina Yip.
About Alhambra Unified School District
Website: www.ausd.us
Address: 1515 West Mission Road, Alhambra, CA, USA
Email: AlhambraUSD@ausd.us
Phone: (626) 943-3000
Facebook: @AlhambraUSD
Instagram: @AlhambraUSD
Twitter/X: @AlhambraUSD
YouTube: @AlhambraUSD
Look for the next issue of "AUSD Connection" on June 14th!
Future Alumni: Subscribe to Continue Receiving this Newsletter!
Graduating Seniors (and Families):
This may be the LAST issue you will receive of AUSD Connection. Alumni and their families can continue to receive future issues of this newsletter by clicking on the "SUBSCRIBE" button below. It's a great way to stay connected with AUSD! 💖