May 2024
Fighting for Equity and Excellence in Education

NEXT MEETING: May 22, 2024
We Want to Celebrate Our Great!
Do you know any 8th-12th graders, Black Male Educator, or Parent who qualifies for any of these awards?
Talented Tenth: Student of African descent, high achieving in academics. Criteria: Achieved high academic honors and attendance. 3.8 or above GPA, 90% attendance.
Cast Down Your Bucket: Students of African descent, who excel in their chosen trade. Criteria: Continued to learn and demonstrate high skill abilities in his/her trade skill.
Drum Major for Justice: Student of African descent who is involved with social justice in their community and/or school. Criteria: Students who demonstrate great acts of service and/or social change in their community.
Black Men Teach in CLE: African American male teachers’ recognition. Criteria: (a) promote students’ voices; (b) is helpful to and takes a personal interest in students; (c) uses creative or innovative instructional techniques; (d) is receptive to students’ viewpoints and ideas; (e) relates his field to other disciplines; (f) knowledge and use of effective, active, and engaging pedagogy
$500 Scholarship: Student of African descent, graduating from 12th grade in June 2024 and will be attending a post-secondary program as a full-time student. GPA 3.5 or higher
Parent Commission Award: Parent/guardian who made significant contributions of time, service, and leadership to his/her child’s school.
email: president@metrocabse.org
Title: Celebrate Our Great
Provide names along with the award name.
We will email you back how they can be awarded.
Opening Prayer
Guest: TBA
Secretary Report- Sandi Patterson
Treasurer Report- Pamela Gray-Mason
President's Updates- Bylaws and Constitution
Committee Reports:
Parent Commission- Caroline Peak
Black Men Teach: Superintendent Donald Jolly II
Public Relations/Newsletter/Website: Latia Taylor
Membership: Beverly Lloyd and Latia Taylor
Parliamentarian: Herman Noland
Juneteenth: Pamela Gray-Mason
Coordinator: Dr. Mary Rice
If we don't celebrate our own, then who are we expecting to do it?
Dear Metro CABSE Members,
We need everyone's help to make our Juneteenth Awards Celebration a success! Join us for an important planning meetings on May 23rd at 6:00 PM. The Zoom link is included in this newsletter.
The Juneteenth event is not just a celebration of our heritage; it's an opportunity for us to honor the achievements and contributions of our community. If we don't celebrate our own, then who are we expecting to do it?
Your participation is crucial in ensuring that this event reflects the strength, resilience, and unity of our community. Together, we can make a meaningful impact and showcase our collective achievements.
Let's come together and show our support for this important event. Your ideas, contributions, and commitment are invaluable as we strive to make this year's Juneteenth celebration one to remember.
Thank you for your dedication to our community and our mission.
Thank you for your unwavering dedication to our cause. Together, we are a force to be reckoned with.
Dr. Robin Simmons
President, Metropolitan Cleveland Alliance of Black School Educators (Metro CABSE)
Juneteenth Committee Meeting- May 23rd at 6:00 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 814 9638 7682
Passcode: 770331
Meeting ID: 814 9638 7682
Passcode: 770331
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kbM3CoNh
Is Your Yearly Membership Due?
Please renew your yearly membership with Metro CABSE.
Have you shown The Right to Read documentary to your staff?
This is a MUST watch and take notes documentary. We have the license and would like to extend an invitation to our partnering districts to show it to their staff and community. Just email president@metrocabse.org
2024 BIG 3 Goals
2024 BIG 3 Goals:
To further amplify our impact in 2024, we have set three significant goals:
Increase Membership by 50%: Strengthening our alliance by expanding our membership base, ensuring that we have a diverse and robust community dedicated to our cause.
Student/Parent Engagement: Actively involving students and parents in the educational process, fostering a collaborative environment that supports and uplifts our youth.
Visibility - Branding, Networking: Enhancing our visibility through strategic branding and networking initiatives, ensuring that our message reaches a broader audience and garnering support for our mission.
Contact US!
Email: president@metrocabse.org
Website: www.metrocabse.org
Location: P.O. Box 21176, Cleveland, OH 44122
Phone: 440-296-3262
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OhioAllianceofBlackSchoolEducators
Twitter: @oabseducators