Weather Decisions
2024-2025 School Year
Eastland CUSD 308 Cancellation Procedures
November 15, 2024
Dear Eastland Families:
The purpose of this correspondence is to provide information regarding the processes utilized for weather cancellations. Our district understands that the decision to open or close schools in inclement weather has a significant impact on families. Student and staff safety is always our top priority when making the decision to have school or not. Our second priority is to make timely decisions as we understand the impact these decisions have on family schedules, childcare, work arrival, etc. We do not take the impact on families lightly.
As is typical, on days when we are expecting dangerous weather, transportation departments, road commissioners, and superintendents in several area districts communicate and coordinate regarding road conditions, beginning the night before and early into the morning on the day of expected weather events. After corresponding, our team will determine, based on several factors, the status of schools for Eastland on that particular day, which could include:
Schools are in session and will open and close on time (no communication to families needed).
1 or 2 hour delay: Students will report to school later when it is safer to commute.
Early dismissal: Students report to school on time and leave early.
Weather related e-learning day: All students will learn from home remotely.
Weather related school closure: This is your typical snow day from the past with a make-up day at the end of the school year.
Oftentimes during the winter, we also run into the issue of the extreme cold. In cases where forecasts call for wind-chill temperatures to be in the negative high teens, we will plan to be in session during these cold days. For planning purposes, the windchill needs to be -25 for consideration of school closing.
Parents and guardians should be sure that your contact information is updated in Skyward, including your cellphone and email address, to ensure you will receive communications from the district on weather-related updates. In addition to AlertNow messaging, closures and delays will be communicated on social media, television and radio platforms.
Although our staff and I do our absolute best in this process, we know that often no perfect decision exists. If you do not feel as though it is safe for your child to attend school, use your best judgment on whether he or she should attend.
We hope this explanation helps everyone understand the process our district staff uses to make the best possible decisions for all in our district.
Dr. Alex Kashner
Nothing can truly replace the quality of in-person learning, but we do need to prepare for the possibility of utilizing e-learning days.
On our district website, under the parents tab, is a link to our e-learning facilitation guide. The guide provides links to e-learning expectations, schedules, tips, and technology support protocols. Each of your students' teachers will review this information in their classes this week.
For K-3, learning will consist of learning packets. Teachers will be available to help during the school day. We know that learning on a device is not second nature to them, and that parents may not have the capability to sit with their K-3 child as a live virtual lesson is taking place. For 4-12, they will follow an online learning schedule that can be found in our facilitation guide. 4-12 grade learners will be participating in both independent learning and live virtual lessons as they would during a "normal" school day.
Contact Information
Email: akashner@eastland308.com
Website: www.eastland308.com
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: 815-493-6301