Liberty Times

February 7, 2025
Upcoming Dates that Would be Helpful to Know
Monday, February 10th - TSD9 School Board Mtg @ 5:30 pm - TSD9 District Office (all are welcome!)
Thursday, February 13th - Friendship Parties
Monday, February 17th - No School - President's Day Holiday
Tuesday, February 18th - PTC Meeting @ 5:30 pm - Liberty Cafeteria (all are welcome!)
Wednesday, February 19th - Oregon Exclusion Day for students with incomplete vaccination records
Monday, February 24th - Dress up like a 100 Year Old Day (100th day of school! -adjusted due to snow days)
Saturday, February 22nd - Compassion Tillamook Free Health Care Event
Snow Day Fun!
Enjoying this Rare Weather Event in Tillamook
February 14th - What Is the Plan?
What Does that Snowflake on the School Calendar Actually Mean?
February 14th is Marked with a Snowflake on the Adopted School Calendar
These days were held in reserve for instances where school was interrupted due to weather. Scheduling these days was intentional to allow teachers and students to make up time when it more meaningful and relevant. It can be especially difficult to make up missed time by adding days to the end of the school year as everyone is fatiguing.
Trimester 2 - K-6 Reading Challenge
We Want All of the Little Leopards to Participate!
Being able to read is a foundational skill that we want to make sure is SOLID for all of our students. Reading is such a complex process within the brain and the more practice we get, the stronger our little brains grow. Our goal is 100% participation - can't wait to see how many minutes our Little Leopards read this trimester!
Check out our current progress - together, we can do this!!!!
Friendship Parties Will Still Happen on February 13th
Our Next Classroom Party is a Celebration of All the Friends We Have Made This Year
Making and keeping friends is one of the most important and positive experiences for our students in Kinder and 1st grade. As a school, we will celebrate the development of these critically important skills during our classroom Friendship Parties happening on Thursday, Feb 13th.
Students will have the opportunity to exchange cards as a token of their friendships with the other children in their class. Participating in this card exchange is completely optional, however, if a student does choose to participate, they need to prepare a card for every person in their class.
How will you know the names of the other students you might ask? Don't worry - we got you! Classroom teachers will send (or have sent already) as list of the students in the class. Along with the list of names, classroom teachers will also provide guidance about when the completed cards should be returned to school for distribution.
Classroom teachers will also communicate any party needs that they might have (supplies, volunteers, etc.), so be on the lookout for those messages as well.
Exclusion Day is February 19, 2025
As per the state of Oregon, students who are missing required vaccinations will not be allowed to attend school beginning Feb 19, 2025.
If our records indicate that your child still needs vaccinations, the main office has contacted you using the mailing address provided at registration.
Want to Serve as a Chaperone or Classroom Volunteer?
All adults who want to support Liberty as a classroom volunteer or as a chaperone must be on the district's approved volunteer list. There is a background check form to complete (linked below) and submit to the main office. Volunteers will receive an official letter to inform them of their approved status, or an individual can check with the main office. Designation as an approved volunteer is good for 3 years and once an individual is an approved volunteer, this is good for all schools in the district.
Check Out These Events Happening in Our Community
Charity Drive is Coming - SO MUCH is Happening Feb 7-17! Check it Out . . .
Monthly Meal Menu
What is being offered for breakfast and/or lunch?
Click the link provided below to find out!
Liberty Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide School
Liberty Elementary receives federal funding through Title I to support providing a well-rounded education for all students. The eligibility for funding is determined by the community wide poverty rate. And any school with a community poverty rate of 40% or higher is able to offer supports to all students in the school. Therefore, Liberty Elementary is a Title I Schoolwide School. All students receive access to the different supports offered from this federal funding source.
Our School Family Values
At Liberty, we consistently teach and model:
- Be Safe
- Be Kind
- Always Do Your Best!
Contact Us - We are Here to Help!
Address: 1700 Ninth Street
Phone: (503) 842-7501
Fax: (541) 635-2033
Email: libertyschool@tillamook.k12.or.us
Website: https://tillamooklibertyelementary.org/en-US
Connect with us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tillamooklibertyschool