CHS Weekly Update
Student Achievement
CHS PAW "Performing Artist of the Week" - Click here for details. Nominated based on Leadership and/or Artistic Skill and/or Work Ethic: Natalie Cisneros
CHS Athletes of the Week - Click here for the complete 2024-2025 list. Student athletes are nominated based on Leadership/Sportsmanship , Skill, Improvement, and/or Work Ethic:
Tyler Veltre - Football
Ellie Semple - Cross Country
CHS Parent Workshop-Empower Your Wellbeing: Coping with Stress
Cranford High School Counseling Department is excited to present a monthly series of workshops in conjunction with NJ4S Prevention Links aimed at helping parents and guardians navigate the process of being a parent in today's world.
Wednesday, November 13th 7PM virtual meeting will be Empower Your Wellbeing: Coping with Stress continues the conversation. Am I really taking care of myself? This presentation offers insight on not just how to cope but where coping came from to different cultural coping mechanisms. While also examining more positive ways to cope, this presentation hopes to alleviate any strain outside demands place on us.
Please sign up using this link-https://forms.gle/BroiBqUwSdM9kFdNA
Gratitude Grams
Supports the Class of 2028 by purchasing Gratitude Grams!!
Purchase using the linked form: https://forms.gle/nVBgxC15hnAjo8h59
See the flyer below for more information:
CHS Fall Play!
Cranford High School Performing Arts Department proudly presents Clue by Sandy Rustin on November 15 and 16 at 7:30pm in the Cranford High School auditorium. Based on the board game of the same name, the inspiration of this production was from the 1985 movie. The theatrical release included multiple endings, staying true to the board game’s intent of the many possible combinations to solve the murder mystery. Join this cast, crew, and production team to determine the WHO, the WHAT, and the WHERE in this hilarious and unusual dinner party! You can find ticket information for this comedic whodunit by visiting chs.booktix.com or emailing Mrs Elizabeth Adams (adams@cranfordschools.org) starting October 25. Also, here is a link to an article written by a cast member and senior here at CHS, Lillian Kelly!
FAFSA Completion Graduation Requirement
CLASS OF 2025 FAMILIES: The FAFSA is scheduled to be available from the state of NJ beginning December 1, 2024. Completing the FAFSA is now a NJ state graduation requirement. Follow these directions to complete a form in Powerschool indicating if you're completing the FAFSA. You may also waive tracking data through the completion of this form. Any questions, please contact Mrs. Burfeindt, Director of School Counseling.
Class of 2025 Senior Events!
Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,
Wow - Senior year is here! We appreciate all of your time, energy and effort during our fundraiser events and would love to keep the momentum going during the 2024-2025 school year! Please click here for a list of Senior Events.
CHS PTSA Meeting Dates & 2024-2025 Board Members
CHS PTSA Meeting Dates
All meetings @ 7 pm CHS library or Zoom
December 11th - Zoom
February 12th - Zoom
April 2nd - in person
May 21st - in person (elect new officers)
June 4th - Zoom
PTSA Board for the 2024/2025 School Year
Kathleen Bruns - Meyers: President
Jillian Sofield: VP of Hospitality
Suzana Carvalho: VP of Membership
Angelina Griffith: Treasurer
Lexi Kiriakatis: Secretary
Join the CHS PTSA today:
Freshman Passport
This program is intended to encourage positive academic and social activities for 9th grade students during the day, particularly during the lunch block. Please click here for a letter from Mr. Good, Assistant Principal outlining the program.
Goal: Motivate students to engage in positive academic and social activities in order to earn Open Lunch as a 10th grader while building excellent habits to reach their full potential.
HIB/Stopit Presentation
We are asking parents to review the Stopit parent/guardian letter and for students to review the Stopit student flyer the student flyer is a PDF so doesn't have your individual school sign up codes on it, but they are listed below and are also listed at the end of the HIB student video.
Here is the HIB student video (approx 5 mins) which will be shown to all students grades 4 through 12. The end of the video also includes information about Stopit and how to sign up.
Cranford High School: CHS01
District SEL and Family Academy
Other Information & Updates
All parents/visitors will need to enter and exit from the main door. Please ring the bell, state your name and purpose for the visit and have your ID ready.
Lockers and Locker rooms
Students will receive locker assignments and combinations on the first day of school.
All students are assigned a locker with a combination lock to secure their school supplies. Due to security reasons, only school issued locks may be used on lockers, and this lock should be kept throughout high school and returned upon graduation. Students are expected to keep the lockers neat and clean. Students will be responsible for damages and may be assessed the cost of repair. Any damage to lockers should be reported immediately. Loss of a lock will result in a ten dollar replacement fee.
Students that ride their bike should lock them up next to the “Bridge” for safety reasons and for upgraded parking the West End bike racks were removed.
A Delayed Opening at CHS will start at 9:30am
If you, or if you know anyone that is interested in being a Lunchroom Assistant at CHS (10:30am-12:30am) or another school in the district, please reach out to me or visit the application site: Click Here or visit: https://www.applitrack.com/cranford/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=Support+Staff
Handbooks, Policies and Procedures
I encourage you to take a few moments to review the following documents, and please feel free to contact CHS Administration with any questions you may have.
Student Handbook 2024-2025 which includes, but is not limited to, information regarding Administrative regulations, graduation requirements, credit Assignments, board of education policies, academic integrity procedures, midterm/final exam procedures, Cranford High School Office phone numbers.
Family Life and HIV/AIDS Curriculum and Grade 9, 11 and 12
ADAPT-Alcohol/Drug Assistance Program for Teens - REMINDER-a student may be entered into the ADAPT Program based on the criteria below in addition to the possession or use of drugs or alcohol.
Referral by a student’s parent for smoking, and/or the use of tobacco, nicotine, vaping devices or other products and devices related to smoking or the use of tobacco.
A student is in possession of or is caught in the act of smoking or using tobacco, nicotine, vaping devices or other products related to the use of tobacco.
Cranford Police Department-Memorandum of Agreement notification
Surveillance Cameras
Cranford High School has security cameras inside the building and around the perimeter of our school to ensure the safety of all staff, students, and visitors and to safeguard our facility from vandalism and theft. Cameras will be used in locations as deemed appropriate by the administration. Video recordings will be reviewed if there is evidence that a violation of board policies, administrative regulations, building rules, or laws has occurred.
I hope that this information is helpful to you. Please do not hesitate to call us if you need further assistance.
We look forward to having a fantastic year! Go Cougars!
Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence
What is the CFEE (Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence)?
Started nearly 30 years ago by members of the community interested in supporting innovative educational initiatives in the Cranford Schools, the Cranford Fund for Educational Excellence has awarded more than $325,000 in supplemental funding for educational grants that empower our teachers and impact our students. These grants support ideas that are aligned with the goals and focus areas of the district schools, but are outside the scope of the regular school budget. Please click here for details.
Community Partner Memberships
Please join the CHS community partners, support and sign up today! Click the links below:
About Us
Email: cantagallo@cranfordschools.org
Website: http://chs.cranfordschools.org/index.shtml
Location: 201 West End Place, Cranford, NJ, USA
Phone: 908-709-6272
Facebook: CranfordPrincipal