Lamkin Lines
February 1, 2025
From The Principal
We hope that your 2025 is off to a terrific start and that you were able to enjoy the snow that our area experienced last week! It was fun to see the excitement on the faces of the students as they shared the fun they had in the snow. February will be a fun month of learning and events. This month’s character trait focus will be kindness and loyalty. February will include Black History Month learning, Valentine’s Day and Go Texan Day. Each day our students are engaged in deep learning, please remember that strong student attendance makes a tremendous difference towards academic progress.
Thank you for staying informed of all the events and opportunities for February.
100th Day of School- Wednesday, February 5th is the 100th day of this school year. Students are encouraged to dress like their future 100 year old self to honor this fun day. Please see the attached informational notice.
Public Meeting- Lamkin will host a meeting of the public to review academic information and initiatives in place to meet the needs of our students. We hope you will join us on Wednesday, February 5th from 5:15-5:45 pm in the Lamkin Library. Please see the attached invitation.
Lamkin Project Help- The principal advisory student committee has chosen to host a kindness drive to benefit Cy-Hope. The drive will take place from February 3rd-10th. Donations can be brought to school and will benefit Cy-Hope’s Hope Centers that provides support for students in the Cypress area. We are collecting Play-Doh, fruit snacks and fruit roll-ups. Please see the attached flyer created by the student team.
Recess Upgrades- We are appreciative of our Lamkin PTO for providing a very generous donation of $5,000 to go towards playground improvement. We are working with a company to select the new items for both of our playgrounds for ALL students. We will also use funds raised from our fall Adventure Dash to support this initiative. Stay tuned for exciting news in the coming months. We are pleased to announce that our students have new hula hoops, jump ropes and other recess equipment that was graciously donated by a grandparent of two Lamkin Elementary students.
5th Grade Families- Please find the middle school night flyers attached for Spillane and Arnold MS.
Valentine’s Day- On Thursday, 2/13, students may exchange valentines in class. If you attach candy to the valentines, please be mindful of students with allergies and avoid candies that contain peanut butter.
February 14th and 17th- These dates are student holidays.
February 28th is Go Texan Day- Students are welcome to wear western attire such as hats, bandanas, and boots to honor Texas’ Western Heritage. We ask that boot spurs, lassos, guns and holsters stay at home and not be worn to school.
Mark Your Calendars- Please mark your calendars for our annual Safari Night for all students on Tuesday, March 4th from 5:30-7:00 pm. This evening will include an art show featuring original art from our Lamkin artists, a Lamkin choir performance, and spring book fair. Also, each grade level will have a booth with FREE educational resources that can be taken home to support your student’s learning. The materials are provided through Title I funds and you will want to make sure that you come and enjoy the fun! Please see the attached invitation.
Upcoming Events
Feb 5 - 100th Day of School
Feb 5 - PTO meeting, 5:00 PM
Feb 5 - Be Kind From Head to Toe - wear your favorite hat
Feb 7 - Progress Reports
Feb 12 - Spread the Love - wear pink or red
Feb 13 - Valentine exchange
Feb 14 & 17 - No school
Feb 27 - Spring individual pictures
Feb 28 - Go Texan Day - wear boots & hats
Leaving Early
If you need to pick your child/children up from school early, please send a note with your child's first and last name, grade and teacher along with the date of the time they are leaving. Make sure you sign the note and provide a phone number in case there are any questions.
The latest time you can pick up your child is 3:30 p.m.
We understand that emergencies will arise from time to time and will accommodate these situations on an individual basis.
Lunch Visitor Policy
- Students may have up to 2 visitors each. If the visitor is not a parent or legal guardian, we must have a note from the parent/guardian of the student giving permission for the visitor. The note must be signed and dated by the parent/guardian.
- We are going to limit the visitor number per grade level and lunch time to 8 students.
- Reservations will be required and will be taken beginning the Monday of each week. Call 281-897-4775 to make the reservation. Reservations are limited to one day a week.
- We will take a wait list, so if you are unable to keep your visit time, please let us know so we can offer it to the next family on the waitlist.
- All visitors will need their photo ID and will be badged in using our Raptor/V-soft system
- Food brought from outside can be given to your child only. You may not purchase food or feed other students without a written note from the parent/guardian of that student.
- You can have lunch with your student only unless we have a note from the other parent saying otherwise.
- Lunch Schedule:
Pre-K 10:55 & 11:25 –check with your child’s teacher for exact time
Kinder – 10:45
1st – 12:45
2nd – 1:15
3rd – 11:15
4th – 11:45
5th – 12:15