Thunderbird Update
"Where all Thunderbirds Thrive"
Week of January 6, 2025 - Happy New Year
Thunderbird Families,
Welcome back and Happy 2025! Hope you all had a nice relaxing break with quality time spent with family and friends. We are excited to have our Thunderbirds back in the building today. We spend so much time with your kiddos, that we truly do miss them when they are home for such a long period of time.
Let's talk is going to be super cold this week so please encourage your kiddo to dress warmly and follow the school dress code that is attached. According to the weather, there could be some snow in our near future. If your son or daughter is in need of a hoodie or jacket, please have them stop by the office and we will take them to visit Karen's Closet to get one. We are also accepting donations for Karen's Closet. If you did closet clean out over the break, we will gladly accept your gently used clothing for our school closet. We are in need of pants, hoodies, jackets, and belts.
Please remind your student of our cell phone and electronic device policy that is attached below. All cell phones should remain off and in backpack for the entire school day. All students have a clean slate as it is a new semester. Please encourage them to follow policy as it increases student engagement in the classroom and reduces cyber bullying! We appreciate your support keeping our school safe and free of disruptions.
Here's to a positive start to the 2nd semester! Have a fantastic week!
Happy New Years,
Tisha Apodaca
Overview of the Upcoming Weeks Activities... (more will be added as Sports schedules are finalized)
- January 7th - Student return
- January 10th - Semester 1 report cards will be available through ParentVue
- January 20th - MLK Holiday - No School
- January 21st - Progress Reports
- January 28th - BUG tutoring begins
Spring After School Program Sign-up now open! Click link below or use QR code.
Get your 2024-25 Thunderbird Yearbook!
Attention 8th Grade Parents
Free Adult Education Classes
Take advantage of FREE Online Tutoring 24 hours a day!
Progress Reports
Progress reports will be printed and sent home through advisory every other Tuesday. They are due with PARENT/GUARDIAN signature by Thursday. Please see exact dates below.
January- 1/21
February- 2/4, 2/25
March- 3/25
April- 4/8, 4/22
May- 5/6, 5/20