Ashdown Junior High Virtual Library
Ashdown, Arkansas
Karen Deaver, Library Media Specialist
Many Changes
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Helpful Links for Students
Free eBooks and Audiobooks
Blind Date With a Book
Read your HeARt out!
We are a school of readers!
The Page Turners
We always love a new shipment of books!
We have a great collection!
Check out the different genres in our fiction section!
Ask Mrs. Deaver
When will my English class come to the library?
See your English teacher about the class schedule. You have three other options for checking out library books:
1. Reserve books through Destiny Discover.
2. Check out books from your teachers' classroom libraries.
3. Get permission from your teacher to visit the library.
Can I reserve library books?
Yes. Go to Destiny Discover to reserve library books. Your username is your lunch number. Your password is your lunch number. Your library book will be delivered to your class. Click here:
What about my Accelerated Reader points?
You may take A.R. quizzes in your English class or in the library. Your username is your first name and your last initial (no caps, no periods). Your English teacher must enter the monitor password.
Who has the most A.R. points?
Competition is loads of fun! Check the bulletin board outside the library to see who has the most points.
Where do I return my library book?
When you are walking by the library, you may walk in and drop it in the slot at the circulation desk, which is the HUGE desk at the front of the library.
What if I lose my library book?
You must keep up with your library book and take care of it. If you lose or damage it, you will have to pay for it.
What if a new book is not available in the library?
Email Mrs. Deaver at with your recommendation.
What if there is a mistake on the library website?
Please email Mrs. Deaver at to report any errors.
Internet Safety
Netiquette in English
Netiquette in Espanol
Netiqueta significa la forma correcta o aceptable de comunicarse en Internet.
Think Before You Post
Oversharing Top Ten
Oversharing: Think Before You Post
Top 50 Books at AJHS Library
Book Talks
Night Library
Cool Stuff Here
Virtual Field Trips: Museums, Zoos, & Aquariums
Karen Deaver
Location: 600 South Ellen Drive, Ashdown, Arkansas, USA
Phone: 870.898.5138