Bobcat Bulletin
August 26th-30th
Happy Last Week of August!
Dear Barranca Mesa Bobcat Families,
We hope you had a nice weekend. Thank you for attending Open House last week. Our teachers and staff enjoyed meeting you and talking to you about classroom expectations for the school year.
Next weekend is a three day weekend in honor of Labor Day. There will be no school on Monday, September 2nd. It has been fun getting to know your students the past couple of weeks and watch them get settled into school routines.
Have a wonderful week!
Kristen Martines, Principal & Audrey Juliani, Assistant Principal
Weekly Schedule
All Week:
Breakfast will be served starting at 7:40 in the cafeteria and before school playground/recess supervision starts at 7:50.Monday, August 26th
- Scoops at 7:30
- School Wide Pledge at 8:15-8:20: Ms.Miller's 6th Grade Class
Tuesday, August 27th
- Scoops at 7:30
Secure Drill at 1:15-1:45
Wednesday, August 28st
- Scoops at 7:30
Thursday, August 29th
- Scoops at 7:30
- LAPS Job Fair at 3:00-5:00- District Board Room
Friday, August 30th
- Scoops at 7:30
- No 3Y preschool today
Kindergarten Police Presentation at 1:30-2:00
Mon, September 2nd
- Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
A Note from Ms. Romero, School Counselor
One Circle Opportunity for 5th & 6th Graders
We are collaborating with Los Alamos JJAB (Los Alamos Juvenile Justice Board) to offer One Circle support groups. These groups help improve resiliency in Los Alamos youth by creating a secure environment for kids to engage with each other – and an adult facilitator from Los Alamos JJAB (Juvenile Justice Advisory Board)– on the topics that most affect them: boundaries, body image, creating and maintaining friendships, stereotypes around culture and gender, and relationships.
We are offering groups for both boys and girls in 5th and 6th grades. The groups will meet during lunch time once a week for 8 weeks. There are separate groups for the boys and girls and by grade. Youth who participate in One Circle groups have shown an increased ability to regulate their emotions, have improved sense of self, and better school engagement. One Circle is for anyone and everyone who is looking for a safe, encouraging place to express themselves and learn valuable life skills.
If you would like your child to participate, please complete the online registration form as soon as possible.
Boys group starts Tuesday, September 10th and the Girls group starts Wednesday, September 11th. All forms need to be completed as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Romero at 663-2726 or
Library Tidbits from Mrs.Manzanares, School Librarian
Parking Lot Reminders
- The parking lot speed is 5 mph. Please drive slowly and carefully through the school parking lot at all times.
- You may not leave your car unattended at any time during the day in the parking lot.
- If you need to assist your child out of the vehicle, please park your car in the parking lot and then do so. Drivers may not get out of their car in the car line.
- There is no student drop off in the red fire lane. Please do not let your children out the vehicle until you pass the 4th cement bolster.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our students safe!
Student Use of Phones/Electronics
Elementary students may not use devices such as cell phones, smart watches, or other electronics during the school day, even when placed in school-mode, especially those that permit texting or internet usage. Devices must remain turned off and left in your student’s backpack during school hours on campus. Students found wearing or using these devices during the day will be asked to place them in their backpacks. Thank you for your support!
LAPS Job Fair - Barranca is hiring EAs!
We are still seeking two educational assistants for the school year. Our EAs are critical members of our staff who not only help the teachers, but also directly assist with students in order to meet their educational needs. Please contact the principal at for more information, or Apply Online.
LAPS will have a job fair in the school board room on the 29th of August from 3-5 pm. Anyone interested in working for LAPS is welcome to attend. We will be interviewing EAs specifically and scheduling the necessary background checks at this event.
Scoops - Before School Program
School begins promptly at 8:10am. We know that the start time may create logistical issues for some families.Barranca offers Scoops a before school activity program for students from 7:30AM - 7:55AM. This is a free service. If your student needs to participate in the Scoops Program, please download the permission slip and turn it at the Barranca office.
At 7:55, Scoops students can choose to go to the cafeteria for breakfast, or go outside for recess. If students arrive between 7:50 and 8:10, they will also have those two options.
Chartwells Food Service
Upcoming Events
School Secure Drill
Tuesday, August 27 at 1:15-1:45
LAPS Job Fair
Thursday, August 29 at 3:00-5:00- School Board Room
Kindergarten Police Presentation
Friday, August 30 at 1:30-2:00
Mascot Naming Suggestion Deadline
Friday, August 30
Monthly Character Trait: Hard Work & Enthusiasm
Labor Day - No School
Monday, September 2
College & Military Day - Wear your college or military attire!
Friday, September 6
PTO Popcorn Friday
Friday, September 6
One Circle 5th & 6th Boys Group
Tuesday, September 10, 6th Grade: 11:00-11:45 & 5th Grade: 11:50-12:35
School Board Meeting
Tuesday, September 10 at 5:30 pm- Board Room
Level Up Reading Challenge Kick Off Assembly
Wednesday, September 11, K-3rd 1:05-1:35 & 4th-6th 2:00-2:30
One Circle 5th & 6th Girls Group
Wednesday, September 11, 6th Grade: 11:00-11:45 & 5th Grade: 11:50-12:35
PTO Meeting
Wednesday, September 11 at 6:00-7:00 pm- SALA Event Center
PTO Movie on the Mesa "Freaky Friday"
Friday, September 13 at 5:40 pm
Constitution Day Assembly
Monday, September 16 at 8:30 am- flag pole
Parent Council Meeting
Tuesday, September 17 at 12:00-1:00 pm
Character Assembly
Friday, September 20- K-3rd: 1:20-1:50 & 4th-6th: 2:00-2:30
BMES Yearbook 10% Discount Deadline
Friday, September 20
4th Grade Monarch Butterfly Presentation
Tuesday, September 24 at 1:00-2:30 pm
6th Grade Field Trip to the Valles Caldera National Preserve
Thursday, September 26 at 9:15-11:15 am
School Board Meeting
Thursday, September 26 at 5:30 pm- Aspen
Early Dismissal for Homecoming Parade
Friday, September 27at 12:00 pm
Homecoming Parade
Friday, September 27at 2:30 pm- Central Avenue
Homecoming Football Game
Friday, September 27at 7:00 pm- Sullivan Field
Athletic Hall of Fame Ceremony
Saturday, September 28 at 1:00 pm- Duane Smith Auditorium
College & Military Day
BMES Yearbook 24-25
Order your child's yearbook and get 10% off now until September 20th.
Name Out Mascot!
Hi! We need your help to name our new BOBCAT MASCOT. We are asking you- our BMES students- for fun name suggestions for our awesome BOBCAT roaming around school. We will take the top 3 name suggestions for a final whole school vote.
*Deadline to input name suggestions is August 30th!
Thank you BMES!
PTO Events Coming Soon!
New Bobcat Share Wear!
Contact Principal Martines:
Location: 57 Loma Del Escolar, Los Alamos, NM, USA
Phone: (505) 663-2730