Jaguar Band Newsletter
Your Place for JHS Jaguar Band News
October 4, 2020
A Message from Mr. Lucita
Thanks for Keeping Everyone Safe & Healthy!
Other Things You Will Want to Know!
Important Dates
Football Game Information
Check out pictures of the Jaguar band on our website!
October 15 Spirit Night
Chrome Car Emblems
Spirit Wear: Online and at Games
Football Program Ads
Band Sponsorships - Please Share!
Band Booster Membership and Committees
Formulario de Membresia e Interés del Comité
Remind 101 for 2020 - 21
VIPS REQUIRED District Volunteer Program
Sync Your Calendar
Dear Jaguar Band Families,
Welcome to the first week of October! Normally, this would be the first week of Bandtober, and we would be preparing for a marching contest on Saturday! However, things are different this year!
One thing did remain the same, and that was the fun of a football game and performing for our band parents, cheer parents, dance parents, football parents and any other spectators in the crowd! Our first home game of the season was a great one! The football team won; the choir sounded great on the National Anthem; Dance and Cheer were spectacular; and the band looked and sounded awesome! Their bright pink socks and wristbands, in support of “Pink Out,” pushed us just one more notch higher!
This week we will have a Friday night game against Alamo Heights from San Antonio! We are looking forward to another great performance and game! Game time is 7:30 PM at Shelton Stadium. As always, a detailed schedule will be emailed to everyone on Monday!
We will have our regularly-scheduled rehearsals Monday and Thursday from 5 - 8 p.m. Our arrivals to rehearsal were better last week; however, we still had a few stragglers arriving after rehearsal began. Please help us ensure all kiddos are on the field with water, instrument and all equipment and ready to start at 5 p.m.
As always, we want to say "thank you" to our parent volunteers who loaded podiums, drums, generators and other equipment on the semi trailer! Thank you to those who helped obtain and serve food for the meal plan; the water crew; and those issuing shorts, shirts and the ever-so-colorful pink socks and wristbands! Also, a big "thank you" goes out to Mr. Bert Bronaugh for driving our truck and trailer to and from the game! We are extremely grateful to all of our volunteers!!
We are looking forward to this coming game when we will add even more stand tunes and continue our efforts to establish the musical traditions for our Varsity Game team, crowd and student body! There is more to come!!!
Have a great week,
Mr. Lucita
Thanks for keeping everyone safe & healthy!
Other things you will want to know to be ready for this week!
- Remind 101 for Color Guard: Text @thejagway to 81010.
- Spirit Days: Please know the Boosters will not be providing items for all Spirit Days. The Pink out game is a yearly tradition in which band, football, cheer and Rosettes participate. The other spirit days are fun for during the school day and the general student body in the stands.
- Daily COVID Screening: Students should fill out the Daily COVID Screening Form before coming to ALL practices AND game days.
- Check-In for Band Practice: We need help making each student has submitted Daily COVID screening before band practice and game days. Please click here to sign up!
- After school rehearsals for in-person band students: While the band hall is usually a place for band students to hang out, due to COVID, students will not be allowed to linger in band hall in between the end of the school day and the start of marching band practice. Please know that there is plenty of shaded seating areas in the courtyard.
- Band Send-off: Parents are welcome to send off the band before they head to the game! Keep an eye out on Facebook for details to participate!
* Full uniform photo ordering information will be coming very soon! Make sure to check your email!
October 5 & 8
Full Band Rehearsal, 5 - 8 p.m.
October 9
JHS vs Alamo Heights (Shelton Stadium @ Hays High School), 7:30 p.m.
October 15
Band Booster Spirit Night @ Mod Pizza in Kyle, 10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Football Game Information: Volunteering, Live stream games, Reserved parking, and Jag Swag!
Please know that we LOVE how many parents are offering to volunteer this year to help with pit crew. Unfortunately, due to COVID and in order to follow district safety regulations, we have been limited to only eight people that can be designated as Pit Crew and receive free admission to the games.
Please know that other parents can assist with any unmet pit crew needs or chaperoning RR breaks but those volunteers must purchase a ticket and will not be able to return to stand seats after assisting. Ticket-holder pit crew or chaperone volunteers must remain with the band.
- All volunteers at Shelton games must purchase a ticket. (*this requirement does not apply to the designated 8 Pit Crew volunteers)
- ALL volunteers will be required to fill out the COVID protocol google doc listed on the athletic booster website on the day they volunteer. This MUST be done for every game.
- All volunteers must wear a mask at all times.
- All pit crew and chaperone volunteers located near the band must wear their issued band volunteer shirt.
- If volunteers arrive during school hours, they will also be required to check-in at the school front office. The front office will verify that volunteers filled out the form.
Pit crew volunteers should contact Clover Clamons at to inquire about volunteering and to obtain their volunteer shirts
All other volunteers, including chaperones, should contact Ida Musgrove at to inquire about volunteering and obtain their volunteer shirt.
Watch Live Varsity Games
The band will only perform at "home" games (and the Lehman "away" game). Fans can watch all home and away games at Please feel free to share!
Reserved Parking Spots
The South parking lot at Shelton Stadium is a reserved parking lot for Varsity Games. We are selling the reserved parking spots to anyone who might want one. This will guarantee you a spot until kick-off. All information regarding the parking spot is located on our website.
Football Program Ads: Celebrate your student! Promote your business!
Missed the deadline to submit your celebration ad? Well, it's not too late! We are still taking orders for FOOTBALL PROGRAM ADS and ask all of our band families to share this information with friends and acquaintances. Ads submitted before the next printing deadline (generally Fridays) will be included in the next weeks program. For details and templates, click here.
Order a personal ad to celebrate your student in this year's Jaguar football program! These programs are a great keepsake and is open to all Johnson students. Your personal ad will be featured in every home Jaguar football game program published this season! The football programs are also great advertising space for local businesses!
Brian and Emily Pierce
Carmen Sifuentes
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
Check out pictures of the Jaguar band on our website!
If you have experience taking quality photos, will be attending games or other events, and are willing to take pictures for the band, please contact Greta Von Paumgarten at
* Please know that we will share full uniform photo ordering information as soon as it is made available to us!
Have fun!
October 15 Spirit Night!
Our next spirit night is on Thursday, October 15, at Mod Pizza in Kyle from 10:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Please join us!
Storage area MAKEOVER!
Color Guard storage!
Booster storage!
and MORE booster storage!
Spirit Wear: online and at football games!
The new hats and spirit gear are now available for order via our website.
We have a soft-style and trucker style hat available along with two new t-shirt designs and an ultra-comfortable long sleeve hoodie shirt. Items are in stock and will be filled on a first-come-first-served basis with additional items being ordered at regular intervals. Orders will be available for pick up at JHS on Mondays and this information will be communicated via email.
Band Sponsorships and opportunity to put Student names on trailer!
The Johnson Jaguar Band depends in large part on the fundraising efforts of the Band Boosters. Sponsorships are a very important part of fundraising. Our Sponsorship levels have been updated, and we have a lot of exciting options for businesses AND families! We ask that every family please share this brochure with anyone you know that has a business. We are eager to help promote businesses in our community that support the Jaguar Band! If you would like color copies of our Sponsorship Brochure, we are happy to provide them.
Melissa Frensley
Carmen Sifuentes
A new addition to our Sponsorship options is the Friends and Family Level. This level offers various options for businesses as well as an option for band families: For $200, you can have your child’s name and graduation year on our band trailer indefinitely with the option to simultaneously add sibling name for an additional $100.
Thank you for your support of the Johnson Jaguar Band!
How can you help?
¿Cómo puedes ayudar?
Update your CHARMS information to include BIRTHDAYS!
Log in at: the school code is: JohnsonJaguarBand
After logging in, click RETURNING students. The password is your child’s Hays CISD Student ID#. It will ask you to create a new password at that point. Please feel free to use a password of your choice.
Include birth dates so we can celebrate student birthdays!!
Find helpful documents regarding Charms on our website:
Visit our website to find the correct Remind 101 codes for you and your student.
Text that code to 81010, and you're ready to go!
Questions or feedback?
Contact Juliette Kroeger
Visit the Johnson Band Website ( and click on the Calendar tab at the top for instructions.
Location: 4260 FM 967, Buda, TX, USA
Phone: 512.268.5172
Twitter: @JHS_JaguarBand