Family Connections

Playground Updated Status Report
Earlier this week, a small playground committee met with Mr. Daniel Paul, a representative of Park Vision Play. During our time together, we spoke about enhancing the playground area with some new equipment. Next week, our playground committee will review potential design options created by Mr. Paul's company. Afterwards, we will select a variety of pieces and allow the student body to vote. It appears as though there will be various stages to this overall project. Special thanks to our parents and PTA for raising funds via the annual Run 4 Fun program.
American Heart Association
Earlier this week, representatives from the American Heart Association visited the NF community. During the assembly, the students learned about the AHA association and various health topics. While the building will NOT be conducting a specific fundraiser for this organization, a flyer will be sent home for families to review and learn more information.
Month of February: 7 Mindsets Theme...Attitude of Gratitude
- Monday, February 17, No School/Presidents' Day
- Tuesday, February 18, Monthly BOE Mtg., 7:00 p.m., NF Cafeteria
- Monday, February 24, Family First Day
- Friday, February 28, Spirit Day
- Week of February 24th, Fourth Grade Gifted Screening Assessments
- Friday, February 28, One School, One Book "Launch" Assembly
- Thursday, March 6, OSOB Family Night, Two Family Sessions
- Wednesday, March 12, PTA Monthly Mtg., 6:00 p.m., Annex
- Thursday, March 20, End of OSOB, Assembly
- Thursday, March 20, End of Third Quarter
- Thursday, March 20, "Mother/Son Knight Out"
- Friday, March 21, Teacher Professional Development Day
- Monday, March 24, Spring Break Begins
- Monday, March 31, First Day Back from Spring Break
Save the Date!
The annual One School, One Book Family Night is scheduled for Thursday, March 6, 2025. There will be two sessions, divided by our students' last names. More information forthcoming later this month.