Barbara Morgan S.T.E.M. Academy
November 21, 2024
Parent Newsletter
Upcoming Events
21 - 3rd Grade PBL Showcase 3pm
25 - 29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
3 - PTO Lovejoys Ice Cream Fundraiser
6 - School of Choice Lottery Draw 2025-26
23 - Jan 6 NO SCHOOL- Winter Break
6 - No School - Teacher Prep Day
7- School Resumes
20 - No School - Human Rights Day
29 - No School - Professional Learning
17 - No School - President's Day
5 - No School - Professional Learning
17 - 25 - No School - Spring Break
11 - No School
23 - Last Day of School/School Picnic
3rd Grade PBL Showcase
3rd grade families can enter through the main office beginning at 3pm to visit their student's PBL Showcase on Nov 21. The Showcase will be in the 3rd grade hallway and their classrooms. If you're checking out your 3rd grader after, please do so through their teacher.
To minimize disruptions to classrooms, we'd appreciate siblings being picked up at 3:55. If you must check out siblings before the end of day, you'll request them at main office, and we will call them down. Thank you.
Online Bookfair - Last Day Nov 23rd!
Thank you to everyone who has participated in our Follett Book eFair to support Barbara Morgan STEM Academy. As a reminder, the last day to get books is Sunday, November 23. All books will be delivered to your student's classroom approximately 2 weeks after the online book fair ends. (Parents, if you are ordering books for gifts, please let your student's teacher or Mrs. Hansen know, so we can help you keep the surprise!) As a reminder, the book fair can be accessed at this link:
4th Graders enjoy Celebration Park!
5th Grade PE/Health Guests - Dangers of Vaping
On Tuesday Nov 19th 5th graders had a special presentation organized by Mrs. Hensman, BMSA Health Teacher on the Dangers of Vaping and how it effects the human body.
This is a learning intention for 5th Graders to know about the Hazards of smoking and how smoking effects the human body.
The presentation is successful because of one of our parents Morgan Keating who works at Idaho Public Television along with Austin Henderson and Kati Chauvin on the kNOw Vape Campaign.
I have been working directly with Morgan Keating, Community Engagement Manager, Idaho Public Television.
Austin Henderson, Communication Specialist, Idaho Public Television (and KNOW VAPE project)
Kati Chauvin, Health Policy Analyst, Community & Environmental Health | Health Policy & Promotion, Central District Health
Kati Chauvin has crafted this presentation with the CATCH My Breath curriculum.
The CATCH My Breath curriculum is an evidence-based youth vaping prevention program that public health districts have implemented within their regions/communities.
I have also attached a copy of the Presentation from “Catch My Breath" Curriculum that is being used by the presenters.
The students were able to apply their “Refusal Skills” for a scenario given by the presenters. The students also participated in a group activity at the end where they shared their refusal skills with other students.
BMSA PE Teacher,
Melanie Hensman
BMSA Giving Tree 🌲
December Kindness Challenge: BMSA Giving Tree 2024
Once again, our BMSA Family is collecting gifts for families in need! We hope that your family will consider giving an item from our list below. The PTO initiated this project in 2015 as a means of providing giving opportunities for the students and their families. After heart-warming reviews by givers and receivers over the last 9 years, we are repeating this win-win event. This is an opportunity to seek to understand the needs of others. If you decide to give, here are some ideas for involving your child(ren):
- Ask your child's input in choosing the gift to purchase.
- Bring your child shopping to help choose the item.
- Talk about how you feel when you have an opportunity to help others.
- Talk about times when others have helped your family.
- Reflect on the feelings of gratitude you feel when you do this.
- Encourage empathy by asking what your child imagines the child you’re shopping for might like.
Have fun with it! Use it as an opportunity to "sharpen your saw." We are so fortunate to belong to a community of people who take care of each other.
Here are the steps to participate:
- Sign up here through this Sign-Up Genius link!
- *Purchase the items. (Recipients understand the clothing and toy items requested should be under $25 each. If there are multiple items requested, you may choose some of them in order to keep the cost under $25. This will help to ensure equity between siblings.)
- Label your UNWRAPPED item(s) with the family letter, gender, and age of the child you bought it for.
- Deliver all UNWRAPPED gifts and/or food boxes to the school’s front office by Wednesday, December 11th.
*When you are choosing a child to shop for, try to choose one that is a different age than your child. This will help avoid your child noticing the new clothes on a classmate.
BMSA: BMSA 2024 Giving OpportunityWe are THANKFUL!
Note from the School Nurse
With cold and flu season upon us, here are some quick reminders for when students should remain home:
Fever greater than 100.0 degrees: A fever lets us know that our body is fighting an infection. We are contagious during this time and need rest. Students should be fever free for at least 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school.
Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours without vomiting diarrhea before returning to school to make sure they can keep food/liquids down.
Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.0 degrees: Students should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been on the prescribed antibiotics and are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
Students should stay home if they have a new onset persistent cough in which they are coughing so much it keeps them from participating in class or disrupts their classmates. Student may return when their cough is no longer disruptive to the educational environment and/or the student is cleared to return to school by their health care provider.
*There may be exceptions. Please contact your school nurse with any questions.
For a complete overview of the Health Services Department, click on the link. This is a great place to start to answer any questions that you may have!
Shannon Ebersole, RN, BSN
School Nurse
Lost & Found donated after Friday 11/22!
Have you child check lost and found this week! All items will be donated after 11/22, during Thanksgiving break. Parents are welcome to come by and check lost and found too!
School Of Choice Open Application Nov 1 - 30
Schools of Choice | West Ada School District
Know a family interested in attending BMSA? Open Enrollment begins Nov 1 - 30. Lottery is held in December. At the elementary level, WestAda provides specialized programs focused in the Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). While covering the same Idaho Content Standards, these programs offer an immersive and hands-on approach to learning aligned with these focus areas that fosters creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Click below for a school tour.
West Ada Winter Raffle -BMSA
BMSA is participating in the West Ada Winter Raffle! 100% of all profits go directly to BMSA! As a thank you for your support, from November 6th - December 31st for every $50 you donate, you'll be entered into a raffle with exciting prizes. Additionally, If you donate $200, you'll receive one free entry into the drawing.
Prizes include:
- 2024 Ford Escape ($30,000 value)
- 2024 Polaris Sportsman 450 ($7,000 value)
- MLB Game Package - Colorado Rockies ($2,000 value)
- Scheels Gift Card ($2,500 value)
- 5ft Coca-Cola Fridge & 1 yr of Coke Products ($2,300)
- Visa Gift Cards ($500 - $1,000 value)
Parents of Bus Riders
While we strive for timeliness, busses do inevitably get caught in winter weather traffic. Please prepare your student(s) for the possibility of busses being 10-15 minutes late. Please make sure your student(s) is dressed appropriately. Here are some tips to better prepare.
Cold Weather Bus Stop Tips:
As always, have students wear bright colors.
Be cautious of anything dangling off clothing or backpacks as it can get caught on bus doors.
Have student(s) wear layers of loose-fitting, lightweight, warm clothing.
Be sure hats and/or hoods do not obstruct the student(s) ability to hear and see traffic.
Cover student(s) mouth to protect his/her lungs from extreme cold.
Have student(s) wear shoes with good traction.
Use the restroom before getting on the bus!
Plan ahead for any medical needs your student may have on the bus.
Winter Weather Recess and School Arrival/Dismissal Times:
If temperatures fall below 20 degrees with the wind chill, students are held indoors instead of being allowed out for recess. Please have students dress appropriately for the weather. We use out BMSA Weather station to check the windchill. Personal Weather Station Dashboard | Weather Underground (
Community Happenings
Parent Teacher Organization Information
Stay in the Know and Join BMSA's PTO!
If you are new to BMSA or a long-time family member, you know we love supporting our students, staff and community. We do so by embracing and celebrating individual strengths, networking to share resources, and organizing amazing events and activities that help unite our entire BMSA family. We are stronger when working together and we invite you to join our Facebook group, participate in PTO meetings, volunteer time, or simply engage in the activities we help to provide.
If you would like to help out with items, please comment here or email us at so we can arrange to get them from you.
Please contact us at:
PTO Newsletter
Power School
West Ada School District uses PowerSchool, which is an online application that allows teachers, parents, and school administrators to track and share information on students' progress and growth. Teachers in West Ada use PowerSchool to keep a record of students' academic progress and attendance. Parents can view their student’s information anytime by logging into their district PowerSchool account or using the mobile app provided by PowerSchool.
To ensure proper communication can be done by district staff, it is important to make sure your parent/guardian contact information in PowerSchool is up to date. Use the steps in "Updating Email and Account Settings" to check your contact information.
Contact Us
Principal Ms. Mittleider-
Secretary Mrs. Wilson -
Safe School Assistant Mrs. Brown -
Counselor Emma:
Location: 1825 West Chateau Drive, Meridian, ID, USA
Main Phone: 208-855-4430
Attendance Line: 208-855-4435