August 29th, 2024
Assistant Principal Wackwitz
It has been a great start to the 24-25 school year and we are excited to see where this year leads us in growth for every student. We’ve seen new learning happening from day 1 and the positivity I see in every classroom is inspiring. Now that we are a couple of weeks into some routines for the school year at West, I want to take this time to share important safety information with the community and remind everyone about our safety needs and expectations.
- Lockdown Drill
- We conduct two of these a year and our first drill will be on September 18th. Be on the lookout for the parent/community letter coming the week of September 9th.
- Before/After School Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Do not get in and out of vehicles on Holly St., as this creates unsafe situations for students. Make sure you pull into one of the school drop off loops or into the Greenwood Community Church parking lot to complete pick up or drop off. There are signs along Holly St. stating this as well.
- The speed limit when the school zone lights are flashing is 20 mph. This is enforced by Greenwood Village PD due to the number of close calls caused by speeding on Holly St.
- Additional General Safety Info
- We will not accept deliveries from 3rd party food vendors for students. If a delivery is made by someone other than a parent/family member, that delivery will be refused by our Security Team.
- If you plan on having someone pick up your student from school, please ensure that they are listed in Powerschool. You can add contacts who have permission for pick up of your student. If an individual who is not in Powerschool attempts to check out your student, it will become a security issue and the student will not be released until there is communication from parent/guardian.
Please feel free to reach out to me at mwackwitz@cherrycreekschools.org if you have any questions related school safety.
Mark Wackwitz
Assistant Principal
Wildcat Challenge is under way!
Thank you to everyone for contributing through volunteer work and/or donations thus far…but let’s keep it going! Below is a list of resources:
- Parent Letter Flyer (With all you need to know!)
- 6th Grade Volunteer Sign Up
- 7th Grade Volunteer Sign Up
- 8th Grade Volunteer Sign Up
Also, you may quickly copy the message below and text it to your closet friends and family for donation requests!
Please consider making a donation to my child's school fundraiser! West Middle School's Wildcat Challenge is a great way to give back to the school and teachers who care!
Click here to give r4funds.com/schools/westmsrun24/donate
Don't forget to complete the required waiver for your child to participate in the Wildcat Challenge Event Day! Sign the waiver here: https://r4funds.com/schools/westmsrun24/waiver/
Let’s make this the best Wildcat Challenge to date!
Wade Nedved
Communications Chair
September 10, 6:00 p.m.
September 11, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Regular daily school attendance is a critical factor in school success. Students who are chronically absent from school are at risk of falling behind in academic learning. Poor attendance in early grades can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade. By sixth grade, chronic absence can be a predictor of whether a student is at risk for dropping out of school. Help us meet our goal of having every child in school every day. If your family anticipates an issue with attendance this year, please reach out to our office and we will make a plan to ensure your student gets to school.
Learn more about why attendance matters, the new CCSD policy, and how CCSD can help.
Student Picture Make-Up Day
Orders can be placed online now, and all purchases will be mailed directly to students' homes. Visit mymiddleschoolpictures.com and select West Middle School to view the packages available and place an order. Parents or guardians can contact our photographer at customercare@cidmphoto.com with any questions about school photos.
West Middle School offers a variety of opportunities for students to engage in athletics, after school activities and clubs. We encourage all students to pursue their interests and passions through extracurricular activities. The more involved a student is within their school, the better they will achieve and feel connected.
Please be sure to talk with your student about staying after school and communicating with you about which club/activity and days your student plans on staying after to participate. After school activities run from 3:45 to 4:40 Monday – Thursday. Late buses are available for students who are already assigned to a bus, and depart at 4:45 PM. Those who do not take a bus and participate in an after school activity are expected to be picked up no later than 5:00 PM.
Students are encouraged to participate in clubs and activities that interest them. Research has shown that students who complement their academics with extracurricular experiences often enjoy school more and connect with their peers and teachers through more positive interactions. In addition, clubs and activities provide opportunities for students to express their creativity in a variety of ways. Students should listen to the announcements and check the building rotators for sign-up information, start dates, and times.
Students currently have 3 opportunities to get involved in theatre at West. Info on ALL of these programs and more at bit.ly/wmsdrama.
Fall Play - Through the Looking Glass - Actors and Tech ready to step into Wonderland - Auditions Sept 9 and 10, Audition and Tech forms due Sept 9.
Wildcat Unified Theatre - Students both with and without disabilities will come together in a student-written, student-led production. Applications due September 9.
CCHS District Honor Theatre - Middle and High school students from across the district can apply and audition to be a part of an original student-led performance in January. Applications due September 12.
Please check out the website or see Mrs. Brickley with questions on any of these programs. jbrickley@cherrycreekschools.org
The beginning of every school year is such a busy time with so many things to think about! Sometimes things get away from us. I wanted to take a minute to remind families that our elective classes do have fees associated with them. We have had many payments come in already, which is wonderful, but there are also many still outstanding.
- Check your child's schedule in PowerSchool
- Go to West's Revtrak: https://cherrycreek.revtrak.net/middle-schools/wms/#/list
- Pay for each class fee, as needed
Art Classes $10
Spanish Classes $30
Industrial Tech Classes $15
Orchestra $7 for Theory book, $60 for Instrument Rental (if you rent from us)
Band $60 for Instrument Rental (if you rent from us)
Guitar $15
Sports do have fees as well, and your child's coach will be communicating that information at the start of the season.
Payments are quick and easy through Revtrak with no user fees, but if you prefer to pay in cash, your student may bring cash to the Bookkeeping window to pay for their fees. A receipt will be issued.
To see if your student has fees remaining from the 23-24 school year:
- Log into my.cherryschools.org
- Click on PowerSchool/Parent Forms
- Click on Balance
- Click Make a Payment to make payments (from last year's fees)
We really appreciate your payments, as we have purchased supplies for student use this year. If you have any questions, please reach out to me, Renee Susman at rsusman@cherrycreekschools.org or at 720-554-5138.
Tips for Getting Back Into the School Year
The night before...
Finish all homework
Charge my computer
Put my work in my backpack and in a place ready to go
Get clothes ready for the next day
Make lunch if I don't get a school lunch
Set my alarm clock
Get a good night sleep
The morning of school...
Get up right when the alarm goes off or when a parent/guardian comes to wake me up.
Get dressed right away.
Clean up and brush teeth without reminders from family.
Remind others we need to BE ON TIME!
Help others who need it!
Don't forget my backpack, computer, charger and homework.
Leave enough time to drive, walk or get to the bus stop
Students can enter at 8:35 for breakfast or 8:40 for class
Class starts at 8:50
Homework Hints
Allow your student to re-energize themselves after school by taking a break, having a snack, or playing a game before beginning homework
Create a routine for homework each night using the same time and place each day
Encourage students to use planners to stay organized with assignments
Have a set place for homework like a big desk with all necessary materials available such as pencils, paper, books, and calculators; make sure the area is free of distractions
Sometimes a break may help with concentration during homework time (20 minutes on, 5 minutes off).
From the Deans
Hi West Families!
We have had a great start and are looking forward to an amazing year with your students. We've recently finished up our 1st Quarter Dean's Talks and wanted to highlight a few sections.
First, our CARE values (Community, Achievement, Respect, and Equity) drive our work and time at West Middle School. We deeply believe in the need to build a community between students and between students and staff. We spoke at length about how the words we choose to use can build up or break down that sense of belonging for all. Please talk to your student about the importance of using kind, respectful language throughout their day - even when frustrated or upset. We have many adults in the building who can support them when they are struggling to be their best selves.
We also talked about the different spaces that safe and respectful behavior can happen in. The same expectations that we have for our classrooms also follow students into the hallways, cafeteria, outside at recess, and onto the busses before and after school. Unstructured spaces are often the hardest places to behave, so make sure your student is clear on the expectations and where they will be responsible for following rules.
We also talked about the dress code. We ask that all private areas are covered (knowing that many of us are growing taller - we may need to check the fit of our shorts!). In addition, if an item is not allowed on campus (weapons, drugs, alcohol), those symbols and companies cannot be on our clothing. This often happens on team jerseys that have various sponsors. In the case of a shirt or pants not meeting the dress code, we will provide an alternate for the rest of the day.
Finally, we talked about cell phones, ear buds/Airpods, and other personal devices. If we are to meet our CARE value of Achievement, it is our expectation that these items are not being used between 8:50am and 3:45pm. If personal devices are becoming an issue for your student, we may house those devices in the Dean's Office during the day to support student learning. Most students can handle this responsibility, so we look forward to a great year of hard work and growth!
Thank you so much and we can't wait to see our students succeed this year!
--Ms. Kusek and Ms. Lia
Transportation is required by CDE Regulations to account for all students on the bus and unauthorized passengers are not permitted. However, the Transportation Department recognizes that circumstances may arise, e.g. a family emergency, parents out of town, etc., when a student needs to ride home with another student on a one-time only basis. The student must get off at the assigned stop of the student they are riding with (no exceptions).
Make sure to fill out and turn in the linked Permission Slip to the Dean's office no later than 9:00 AM on the requested ride date. Forms can be printed and handed to the Dean's Assistant. Hard copies of the form can be picked up from the Dean's office if they are needed but must be picked up prior to the day they need to ride a different bus. No emails will be accepted. If there is an emergency, please call the main office at 720-554-5180.
A Pedestrian Safety Message by the Colorado State Patrol
School is back in session, and the Colorado State Patrol is asking parents, crossing guards, and school faculty for help. For the past four years, pedestrian and bicycle fatalities have increased. Last year alone, they increased by 18% across the State of Colorado. By demonstrating safe pedestrian behavior and educating students, you can help us reduce the chances of those crashes occurring in your community and save more lives.
Unplug: When walking across the street or around traffic, remove your earbuds or headphones so that you can focus on what is going on around you. Similarly, while riding a bicycle, ensure you can hear the traffic around you.
Stay Focused: Put down your phone or other distractions to keep your eyes focused on your surroundings and traffic.
Make Eye Contact: Before crossing the street, make eye contact with people driving to ensure they see you.
Be Bright: Last year, 70% of the fatal pedestrian and bicycle crashes occurred in low light conditions. Make sure you wear bright clothing when walking so you are more visible. Wear or have something reflective on yourself or bicycle during the dusk and evening hours. Do not forget to wear your helmet.
Watch for Turning Vehicles: Whether walking or riding a bicycle, watch out for vehicles turning because a driver’s attention is usually divided and may not see you.
Where to Walk: When crossing the street, use marked crosswalks. If a sidewalk is available, please use it. If you are walking along the roadway, walk so you are facing traffic.
Where to Bike: Use a bike lane if one is available. If one is not available, ride in the same direction as traffic.
*PARENTS* Pickup/Dropoff Safety: Please come to a complete stop when dropping off or picking up your children and slow down through the lines to avoid collisions. As always, ensure everyone is buckled up when arriving to and leaving from school.
We hope everyone has a safe school year!
Sergeant Bonnie Collins
Hearing/Vision Screenings
Colorado Department of Education requires hearing & vision screenings for all 7th grade students and best practice suggests screening for all students newly enrolled or transferred into district as well as students being evaluated or re-evaluated for special education services. Please review the attached schedule and remind your student(s) to bring their glasses on their vision screening day.
Clinic Tip
Does your student wear contact or glasses? To reduce disruption to your student's day I would encourage all students who wear contacts or glasses to keep an extra pair of glasses or contacts with them in their backpack. It can also be a great idea to keep a travel size bottle of contact solution in their backpack as well.
Non-Medical Immunization Exemptions
If your student had a non-medical immunization exemption on file during the previous school year. This exemption has now expired. This is a reminder that if you are choosing to have your student be non-medically exempt from any school required immunizations, Colorado law requires a new exemption to be completed at the start of each school year. Please use this link, https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdphe/vaccine-exemptions, to get more information from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment about the various ways you can update your student’s non-medical exemption of immunizations. Please inform Nurse Brenna if you plan on completing a non-medical exemption for your student. Non-medical exemptions must be dated on or after July 1, 2024, please provide completed exemptions to the WMS clinic.
Please view the following resources if you are seeking medical care (including immunizations) for your student or family.
Are you looking for extra help with homework, studying, and/or class projects? West Middle School offers Homework Help/Study Hall!
Before School: 8:00am to 8:40am, Mondays - Fridays
Enter the building through Door 1 and enter the Commons.
After School: 3:50pm-4:40pm, Mondays - Thursdays; no after school activities on Fridays
Enter the Commons after the final bell.
Expectations for Homework Help/Study Hall
Use the restroom and fill your water before entering.
Stay in the Commons.
Bring a charged device.
Sign in. Find a seat. 1 person per table.
Keep your phones put away and off.
Work on school work quietly until dismissal.
At the end of Homework Help/Study Hall… Push in your chair and take all your belongings.
Does your student want to be a part of yearbook club?
Update to CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please see the below message regarding the new CCSD Volunteer/Partner Process. If you are currently volunteering or plan to volunteer in the future, please complete the online volunteer form. It should only take a few minutes to complete. We want to thank you in advance and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.
New Colorado legislation has prompted greater need to screen and document volunteers in our schools. Therefore, beginning January 2022, we must ensure that every volunteer completes a brief application to support activities in CCSD schools. This information will be automatically linked to the Raptor System. The good news is they only need to complete this form once per school year, and it will meet the requirement to volunteer in all CCSD buildings.
To access the form, please click on the following link: https://apps.raptortech.com/Apply/NzU0OmVuLVVT
- Volunteers are guests who are supporting students, completing tasks, and under the immediate supervision and direction of District licensed personnel.
- Visitors are guests who are solely entering the building to conduct business such as participate in a meeting, eat lunch with their student, or attend a school sponsored activity.
The safety and security of our students and staff remains our top priority. Every person entering our buildings must have a District ID or a badge printed from the Raptor System.
Thank you again for your continued support.
Monday, 9/2:
No School - Labor Day.
Tuesday, 9/3:
Wednesday, 9/4:
Hearing Screening for 7th grade
Track Meet @ Falcon Creek - Field Events start at 4
District Accountability - Community Forum 6:30 p.m. at Instructional Support Facility - 5416 S Riviera Way, Centennial CO 80015
Thursday, 9/5:
Friday, 9/6:
No after school activities or late buses.
Monday, 9/9:
Drama Auditions from 3:45pm-5:30pm
Track Meet @ Sky Vista - Field Events start at 4
Board of Education meeting @ Horizon MS
Tuesday, 9/10:
Drama Auditions from 3:45pm-5:30pm
WMS Accountability meeting 6:00 p.m.
Wednesday, 9/11:
Vision Screening for 7th grade
Hearing & Vision Screening for 6th & 8th grade
Cherry Creek Feeder 2024 Bond Presentation 5:30 p.m. at Campus Middle School
Thursday, 9/12:
Wildcat Challenge Celebration Day - during school day
Friday, 9/13:
No after school activities or late buses.
Get your West Spirit Gear!
Store link: WMS Sideline Store
Remember, a portion of all proceeds return back to West Middle School to support our students -- so thank you Wildcat families!
Who do I call regarding attendance?
If your student is going to be absent, you must call the WMS Attendance line to report the absence at 720-554-5110 (last name A-L) or 720-554-5111 (last name M-Z). For any student who is marked Tardy or Unexcused Absent during the school day, automated phone calls will go out at 10am and 4pm daily.
- If you feel an error was made in your child’s attendance, please contact the attendance clerk at 720-554-5109.
How do I update my student's contacts?
Parent/ Guardians are now able to update Additional Contact info in their https://my.cherrycreekschools.org/ accounts by clicking on the Guardian Tile.
Some things to keep in mind:
- If a Household 1 Parent/Guardian has not completed Parent Forms, they will not have access to the Guardian Update tile.
- Household 2 will only be able to access this tile if they have a 2nd household setup in PowerSchool. If they need to create a 2nd household, please see the Admissions section on the District Website. On the left menu, they will need to click on the link titled “Change/Update/Verify Address or Household Info."
- Changes made through the update tile will be visible in PowerSchool within minutes.
- Occasionally, parents will not see their students listed when logging into the Guardian Update tile. Refreshing the screen will correct this issue.
Where can I pay my student's fees?
You can pay your student's fees by visiting the West Middle School Revtrak page or you may send your student with cash to the bookkeeper. Regrettably, we are unable to accept checks.
Information and Expectations
This email is to serve as an important reminder for students to carry their bus card when riding the bus. Students without a bus card will experience longer wait times on the bus and/or could be denied a ride home from school if they cannot be identified. Please see below for more specific details and information on how to replace your student’s bus card if necessary.
All students will be provided a ride to school in the morning regardless of whether they have their bus card or student ID. If a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will call Dispatch.
*Students must ride the bus home to which they are assigned.
In the afternoon, if a student does not have their bus card, the student will be directed to the back of the line and the following process will take place:
- Student will be asked to provide their student ID.
- Bus driver will check student ID and manually load student in system.
- If the student cannot be found in the system or the information contradicts the student ID or what the student is saying, the bus driver will take the following action appropriate for primary and secondary level students.
- Bus driver will call security/administrator at the school to identify the student.
- If a school staff member is unable to identify student or respond in a timely manner, the student’s ride will be denied, and the student must contact a parent for a ride home.
Students with a lost or damaged bus card should take action to replace it. Please ask your bus driver for information on how to replace a lost or damaged bus card for free. Bus riders who are repeatedly unable to provide identification will be referred to the appropriate dean or administrator at their school.
Cherry Creek High School Feeder Program Tryouts
Parent Information Network Meeting
September 3rd, 2024
9:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Click here for the PIN Website
Fremont Building
Centennial, CO 80112
Family Vision Workshop: Crafting the Close-Knit Family You've Always Wanted
Kerry Stutzman, MSW, LMFT and Palmer Skudneski,
Teen Life coach Mother/Son Duo
The Connected Family
District Accountability Committee ~ Community Forum
September 4th, 2024
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Instructional Support Facility
5416 S. Riviera Way
Centennial, CO 80015
Board of Education Meeting
September 9th, 2024
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Horizon Community Middle School
3981 S. Reservoir Road
Aurora, CO 80013
Parents' Council
September 11th, 2024
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Fremont Building
14603 E Fremont Ave
Centennial, CO 80112
- Meet and greet: 9:00AM - 9:30AM
- Formal meeting: 9:30AM - 11:00AM
Special Education Advisory Committee
September 12th, 2024
9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Student Achievement Resource Center
14270 E. Briarwood Avenue
Centennial, CO 80112
Click here for the Special Education Advisory Committee Website
September 28th, 2023
9:00am - 12:00pm OR 1:00pm-4:00pm
Cherry Creek Innovations Campus
8000 S. Chambers Road
Centennial, CO 80112