Wildcat Corner
August 2022
Dear Parents,
Happy Summer! As you know, our building has been under construction this summer. We are all excited to get into the building to admire our new look. We will not be in our building for another week or so. We will be working very hard to get the building ready to show off for our Meet the Teacher event on August 18th. Please know that it will not be perfect and there will probably be a lot that still needs unpacked and organized. We appreciate your support and grace as we move as fast as we can to prepare for your visit. We will welcome our ECSE, PK and Kindergarten students at 3:00 pm on Thursday, August 18th. It will be very important that you arrive before 3:00 pm as we have a great hour planned. We will then have a "come and go" Meet the Teacher for our 1st-5th graders from 4:00-5:15 pm on Thursday, August 18th. We are looking forward to seeing you all very soon.
Your child's teacher will be calling you and following up with an important email no later than noon on Wednesday, August 17th. The email will contain important beginning of the year information and forms to fill out. Please take time to read over the email and fill out the necessary forms. We appreciate your support.
Just a reminder that our new school hours are 8:15-3:40. We will open our doors every day at 7:50 am for students to get to their classrooms in plenty of time to prepare for their day. It is extremely important that your child arrives to school by 8:10 am or earlier. Teachers have things planned to start at 7:50 am daily. You don't want your child to miss out on extra practice or activities.
The first day of school for the 2022-2023 school year is August 22.
For the safety of all of our students and staff, we do not allow parents to walk students to class. We have a bus zone, hiker route and car rider line. All students will enter the building through one these entrances. Visitors will not be allowed through these areas. ALL visitors MUST enter the building throught the front entrance. Please make sure that you attend Meet the Teacher so that everything will be done for your child ahead of time to ensure a smooth return to school. We appreciate your cooperation as our focus must always be on getting the students safely to the classrooms.
We are looking forward to an amazing 2022-2023 school year!
Staff Development Day Snacks
For your convenience, we have created an Amazon wish list where you can donate, and your items will be shipped directly to the school.
Please click here to visit the wishlist.
We love and appreciate our Walker families! THANK YOU!
Lunch Visitors
Important Dates to Remember
August 18th - 4:00-5:15 1st thru 5th Grades Meet the Teacher
September 5th - Labor Day - Student/Staff Holiday
School Messenger
District Calendar
Student Chromebook Help
Walker Elementary
Email: walkerelementary@cfisd.net
Website: https://walker.cfisd.net/en/
Location: 6424 Settlers Village Drive, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: (281)345-3200
Facebook: facebook.com/walkercfisd
Twitter: @CFISDWalker