Principal Message

ECE Principal's Message
February 11, 2025
Dear families and community,
February is Kindness Month at ECE. Our school counselor, Mrs. Bartness, has created a schedule for the month (included in our monthly newsletter sent out last Friday). She will visit classrooms to talk about kindness, host an appreciation station, create a school-wide kindness display, and encourage students and families to complete the Kindness Checklist. The family checklist is attached below. The Kindness Checklist comes from a national program called The Great Kindness Challenge. ECE has participated in this challenge for the past eight years. For more information, visit https://thegreatkindnesschallenge.com/.
As mentioned in the February monthly newsletter, our students have earned another all-school celebration. We will watch the movie WALL-E on Thursday in classrooms. This is a Disney-Pixar production from 2008 that is rated G. Students will also have some snacks to enjoy during the movie. Congratulations to our students for earning the 2nd all school celebration this year!
We are excited to host the Missoula Children's Theatre in March and put on a production of "Hercules". Students will be learning about the show and bringing home audition information over the next few weeks. We are looking for an accompanist for this show, which runs March 17-22nd. The rehearsals are in the afternoon/evenings until 7:45pm and the performances will be on Saturday, March 22nd.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.
Michele Ricci, Principal
Important Dates
- Feb. 14th - Mid Winter Break; No school.
- Feb. 17th - President's Day; No school.
- Feb. 21st - Early Release; 1:45pm dismissal.
- Feb. 28th - Early Release; 1:45pm dismissal.
- March 2nd-March 16th - PTA Read-a-Thon
- March 6th - Books before Bedtime family event 6:00-7:15pm.
- March 14th - 2nd Trimester ends
- March 17th - School Day (snow make up day)
- March 17-March 22 - Missoula Children's Theatre production "Hercules"
A Note from the Dean
Hello families,
As you know, regular attendance at school is important for learning and building relationships with staff and peers. It is important to communicate with the school regarding absences so our team is able to provide support as best as possible. Thank you to families who met with us and signed an attendance success plan. Classes with all students present earn class celebrations through our ALL-IN Attendance Incentive program. Ask your child about how they can earn ALL IN Stars and celebrate.
As the Dean of Students, I will be reaching out to families to schedule attendance conferences when students have accrued 3 or more unexcused absences or 5 or more excused absences in a month. These conferences will include steps to identify any barriers and will identify resources and supports that may assist families in helping their child to improve attendance.
Please reach out to Mrs. Bechtholdt (Mrs. B.) at dbechtholdt@lwsd.wednet.edu or extension 4006 if you have questions or concerns related to your child’s attendance.
Lost and Found
There are lots of warm coats, hats and gloves in our lost and found. Please be sure to label your student's belongings so we can return them to them easily. Parents are welcome to come check the lost and found. Please check in at the office.
Be Prepared for Inclement Weather
Please make sure you are aware of how to stay informed in the event of a school delay or cancellation. Please visit the LWSD webpage on Inclement Weather: https://www.lwsd.wednet.edu/Page/86.
Updated Limited Transportation bus routes are available on the district website’s Inclement Weather page. These stops will only be used during an Inclement Weather situation. We will send out an email and text message (generally before 5:30 a.m.) if the district is using Limited Transportation routes.
We also use the following communication channels:
- FlashAlert. You can subscribe to receive automated e-mail or text alerts.
- Television and radio stations.
- Transportation Information Line: Pre-recorded information on weather-related delays or closures: 360-654-2024.
- LWSD mobile app.
- The District website and Facebook page.
English Crossing Elementary PTA has decided to hold a Read-A-Thon this year! 📚
Our Read-A-Thon starts Sunday, March 2, 2025. Students will be invited to track their minutes of reading during the Read-A-Thon. Friends and family can sponsor the readers to encourage reading and help raise money for our PTA.
About one week before our Read-A-Thon starts, we will send home details about the program and instructions on how to activate your reader's personal page. This is where you will be able to view and record their progress.
You are welcome to activate your reader’s account earlier by clicking on https://www.read-a-thon.com/readers/r/323832323733/1 and following the simple instructions. After you've registered your student, don't forget to share with TEN people via text message to be entered into a drawing to win a trip for four to Disney!!
We've chosen a Read-A-Thon because it will not take much of your time, gives your child a reason to read, and helps in the development of stronger reading skills. Read-A-Thons get your reader excited about reading, and it gives friends and family the opportunity to encourage your child to read even more.
We hope EVERYONE participates. 😊
English Crossing Elementary
In Partnership for Quality Education
Email: mricci@lwsd.wednet.edu
Website: https://ece.lwsd.wednet.edu
Location: 16728 16th Drive Northeast, Marysville, WA 98271, USA
Phone: (360) 652-4515