Ranger Report
October 20, 2023
Important Upcoming Dates
Mark Your Calendars
10/27 - 28 - Haunted Auditorium
11/10 - Veterans Day, no school
11/17 - Grading day, no school
11/20 - School conferences
11/21 - School conferences
11/22 - 24 Thanksgiving Break
11/30 - Fall Vision and Hearing Screening
EHS Thespian Society Welcomes You Back to the Haunted Auditorium
Buy Your Yearbook
Responding to Impactful World Events:
From the Oregon Department of Education in response to the Israeli-Hamas War:
It's likely students have been following these events, overheard conversations, and will continue to see images on social media. They will most likely be curious about the cause and impacts this war may have both globally and locally. To help students better understand this event and to place it in a broader context, we've gathered history/social science, mental health, and social and emotional learning resources to support teachers and families in assisting students.
It is also important to recognize that the adults in student's lives, including teachers, may also experience a range of emotions from the unfolding news reports and information shared by friends and family in the region. Please take care of yourself and seek support as needed.
RAIN: Dealing with Uncomfortable Emotions:
Attendance Matters
REID Day attendance at EHS for September 29th was 57/195. Meaning 29% of our students who were invited to REID day attended REID day.
REID day is held most Fridays at EHS as a re-teaching opportunity for students who need more time to learn a concept or to accelerate deeper student learning with enrichment activities. Students are invited directly by their teachers for a specific purpose. Please, although this learning opportunity is optional, if your student is invited to REID day, make a point to attend REID day.
Senior Photos
SENIOR PHOTOS are due February 1. They can be sent via email to Jordan Collins at collinsj@estacada.k12.or.us. All photos must be high quality and in portrait format. On the retake picture day, all seniors will take a Tux or Drape photo in case they do not submit a senior photo!
Annual Notice for Oregon’s Statewide Summative Assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics
Aviso anual para evaluaciones sumativas estatales de Oregón en Artes del Lenguaje Inglés y Matemáticas
Estacada Open House
Estacada casa abierta
AntFarm Movie Night
Classrooms are Cell Phone Free Zones
Life is full of distractions that keep us from performing our best.
Our expectation is that classrooms are cell phone free zones.
The classroom is a space for learning and engagement in preparation for a student’s next step in life. Join us in fostering this commitment to learning by:
Talking with your student about their cell phone use in school.
Be prepared to set limits and to collaborate with school staff in making learning a priority.