The Muraski Tribune: Issue 35
Important Dates and Information for the 23-24 School Year
Mike Griffen
A Note from Mr. Lawrence
Hello Families,
As we grow and develop, we transition into different phases in life. My time in Strongsville has afforded me the opportunity to grow and develop. I have learned about different ways in which I support the needs of students, as well as how best to partner with families. It's time for me to take the next step and put the lessons learned into practice. After much reflection, I've accepted the role of Principal at John F. Kennedy in Maple Heights for the 24-25 school year. While I am excited about this move to connect with the amazing community of Maple Heights, I can’t help but think about the wonderful students and families I am leaving behind. The conversations we have had, the events put on, and how you showed up for your children told a story about how much you care and advocate for not just your child, but the school experience as a whole. The Strongsville community will continue to grow and flourish in large part due to your commitment to the students. Thank you for being amazing partners as we worked to provide your children with exceptional experiences and opportunities to grow. I am hopeful our paths cross in the future. It has been a pleasure working with you.
Mr. Lawrence
Field Day - Tuesday, May 21st
Our Field Day is set for Tuesday, May 21st. We have a great day planned for our students, where 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grader students, along with our AM Half Day Kindergarten students will attend in the morning, and our Full Day Kindergarten, 1st Grade, PM Kindergarten, and 5th grade students will attend in the afternoon. A few notes:
- The temperatures will be hot - Please make sure your children wear sunscreen and have a water bottle to take around with them.
- The CAVS Scream Team will be at our building, conducting a school-wide pep assembly.
- MAKE SURE TO FILL OUT THE FORM for Bounce houses (BELOW) - If the form is not on file, your child will not be permitted to jump in the bounce houses.
We are looking forward to a great day, which is made possible by all of the volunteers who assist us throughout the day.
FIELD DAY IS APPROACHING ON Tuesday, May 21st. We have 4 Inflatables that will be part of the Field Day Events. In order to participate in these, you must sign off on this waiver, by filling out the Google Form Below.
WE NEED THE ONLINE VERSION - Many of you have already filled this out for the END of YEAR
If you have already filled this out, you are good to go. If you have not, please make sure we have your form on file.
If you would like your child to use the inflatables during Field Day, you MUST fill out the form below. Please make sure that you fill out the form for EACH OF YOUR CHILDREN at Muraski. If this form is not filled out, your child WILL NOT be able to participate in these events.
5th Grade Memories: Student Sign-Out
A Muraski Tradition is for our 5th graders to participate in the Memories Program on the last day of school, then most parents take them home for a shortened day to celebrate.
If you plan on your child going home early with family, YOU MUST FILL OUT THIS FORM which is linked below.
If you would like a younger sibling to attend the Memories Program, YOU MUST FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW.
If you would like the younger sibling to be released early with your 5th grader, YOU MUST FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW.
5th Grade Memories Program
Early Release Day: Friday, May 24th
Don't forget, all students will be released early on Friday, May 24th, our last day of school. Times are as follows:
Half Day AM Kindergarten: 9:05 - 11:05
Half Day PM Kindergarten: 12:25 - 2:05
All Other Students: 9:05 - 2:05
Mobile Unit Plan 24-25 School Year
As many of you already know, Muraski will have two mobile units on campus next year, making room for 4 classroom spaces. Please see the plan for use of those spaces below:
- Gifted Math with Mrs. Peters- Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will be using a classroom in the mobile units for their math period throughout the school day. These are between 70-80 minute periods for these students.
- Small Group Reading Instruction (Mrs. Angelo, Mrs. Oppedisano, Ms. Gurchensky) - Students who receive small group reading instruction through out Title 1 program may received instruction in the mobile units. These are between 30-45 minute periods.
- Music & Traveling Encore (Mrs. Dykstra, Ms. Namsick, and Traveling Art) - In order to provide music and our traveling music/art teachers a dedicated space for instruction, all music classes, as well as the traveling art program, will be taught in the mobile units. These periods are 45 minutes long.
We are excited to have these mobile spaces, as they will assist us in addressing the limitations with the physical space inside our building.
Medication Pick Up: From the Nurse
Summer is fast approaching! As a reminder, please pick up your student's medication at the school clinic on or before the last day of school. Medication that is not picked up by May 24, 2024 at 2 PM will be discarded. Please go to https://www.strongnet.org/departments/student-services/health-services to download medication administration forms and action plans for next school year.
Have a safe and healthy summer.
Clinic Nurse
Strongsville City Schools
Order Ahead School Supplies
Mike Griffen
Email: mgriffen@scsmustangs.org
Website: https://muraski.strongnet.org/
Location: Muraski Elementary School, Royalton Road, Strongsville, OH, USA
Phone: 440-572-7160
Twitter: @MuraskiPrin