Wildcat Pride
September / October 2024
Jenison High School
Principal: Michael Leiter Ed.D.
Assistant Principal: Kelly Carque
Assistant Principal: Amanda Alverson
Dean of Students: Karen Dame
Athletic Director: Michael Johnston
Assistant Athletic Director: Todd Graham
Website: https://www.jpsonline.org/schools/secondary/jenison-high-school/
Location: 2140 Bauer Road, Jenison, MI, USA
Phone: 6164573400
Happy Fall Season!
Jenison High School Families,
I hope this message finds you well as we kick off another exciting school year! We’ve had a fantastic start, and it’s been wonderful to see the energy and enthusiasm your students bring each day. Our staff and teachers are committed to making this year a success, and we are so grateful for your support as we work together to ensure your child’s academic and personal growth.
As we settle into the fall season, there are many exciting events on the horizon. Homecoming is just around the corner, and we look forward to seeing students and families come together to celebrate Wildcat pride with a week full of spirit days, a parade, and of course, the big game and dance! It’s a wonderful tradition that highlights the strength of our school community.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are also coming up soon. This is an excellent opportunity for you to connect with your child’s teachers, discuss their progress, and address any questions or concerns. Your partnership is invaluable in ensuring every student has the tools and support they need to thrive.
We’re also proud of the dedication and hard work of our student-athletes and performers. Fall athletics are well underway, with exciting games and meets across all sports. Additionally, we have Band, Orchestra, and Choir fall concerts to look forward to, and I encourage you to attend and support our talented students.
Good luck to our Jenison Marching Band as they head to Toledo to compete in the Bands of America Regional competition.
Thank you for your continued involvement and support. Let’s make this fall a season to remember! If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our office.
Go Wildcats!
Important Dates
1-2 No School - Labor Day Recess
6 Wildcat Festival - 3:30 - 7 pm
12 Festival of Plays - 7 p.m. HS Auditorium
14 Band of America Regionals - Toledo
19 Geskus Picture Retakes 7:15-12:15 pm, Triple Conference Room
23 Rockford Marching Band Invitational
28 Jenison Marching Band Invitational
27 No School for Students, Teachers Report, CTC Students still need to report *
1 CTC Students - no a.m. session
2 Fall Count Day
3 CTC students no p.m. session
7-11 Homecoming Week
11 Homecoming Rally/Parade/Homecoming Game - Jenison vs. West Ottawa - (CTC students will have an early release of 1:10 pm to attend assembly)
12 Homecoming Dance 7 pm - 10 pm - Wildcat Fieldhouse
15 In-Person Teacher Conferences 3:30-8:00pm
16 Fall Orchestra Concert 7:30-9:00 pm
17 HS Choir Fall Concert 7:30-8:30 pm
17 Senior Class Meeting 10:07 am - Graduation Orders
17 Freshman Class Meeting 10:36 am - Class Ring Orders
17 Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences 3:30pm-8:00pm
18 End of 1st Quarter
19 West Shore Marching Band Invitational
7-25 PSAT/NMSQT Testing Window - Juniors Only
24 Jostens Graduation & Class Ring Order Pickup for orders not placed online in the Cafeteria, during lunches
24 Fall Concert - Band 6:30pm-7:30pm
24 Fall Concert - Band 8:15pm-9:15pm
26 Marching Band State Preliminary/Grand Ledge
For a complete list of activities for the 2024-25 High School Activities Calendar - Click Here
Parent / Teacher Conferences
October 15 & 17 from 3:30 pm to 8 pm. To accommodate as many families as possible, parent/teacher conferences will be held in-person on October 15 and virtually on October 17. A document with Zoom links for all teachers will be sent out the week of the 14th. All conference slots are scheduled using Power PTC, please click below to learn more.
The scheduling window will open as follows:
October 7 at 8:00 AM for the October 15th In-Person Conferences. Scheduling closes at 3 pm on October 13, 2024.
October 7 at 8:00 AM for the October 17th Virtual Conferences. Scheduling closes at 3 pm on October 15, 2024.
Please reference the document below before scheduling your conference times.
The Homecoming dance is on Saturday, October 12th from 7-10 p.m. in the fieldhouse. Ticket information coming soon! Guest applications are available in the Main Office and must be turned in no later than the end of the school day on Wednesday, October 2nd for approval. The guest application must be approved before purchasing a ticket.
Loss of Privileges / Dances (high school) Students with unserved detentions are not allowed to attend school dances. Should they not serve the detentions before the last day of ticket sales, they will not be allowed to purchase a ticket. Students who spend 12 or more class periods in the Student Responsibility Center (SRC) during the quarter shall not be allowed to attend dances. Students that are placed on Out of School Suspension or actively serving a behavior consequence shall not be allowed to attend dances within the same quarter (marking period) as the offense. Students that are chronically absent (see attendance policy section) and/or chronically tardy (6+ in a class or administrator determination) will not be allowed to attend dances. Students who miss Friday School or other assigned discipline will not be allowed to attend dances, per administrator discretion. Administrator approval is required for all exceptions to these guidelines.
High School Yearbook Orders
Yearbooks are currently for sale online now with Jostens - to order, click here. We have returned to a Summer/Fall drop off, so graduating seniors will receive yearbook orders in the summer, and freshmen through juniors will receive yearbook orders the first week of the 2025-2026 school year.
If you are interested in advertising in this year's yearbook by purchasing a business advertisement, please contact Ms. Zeichman at lzeichman@jpsonline.org.
If your student has not received their 2023-2024 school year yearbook order, please contact Ms. Zeichman at lzeichman@jpsonline.org. Please note that the Yearbook staff is currently in the process of distributing yearbook orders to graduated seniors (Class of 2024).
Senior Pictures for Yearbook
The deadline to submit senior photos for the yearbook is February 1.
Here are the requirements and the process for submitting a photo:
- Photos must be in .jpg format and sent as an attachment.
- All photos must be vertical.
- The photo can be full body or head and shoulder.
- The photos can be in color or black and white.
- Photos should be emailed to Ms. Zeichman at lzeichman@jpsonline.org. Please put the name of the student in the subject line.
- Please Note: screenshots or cell-phone pictures of the senior photo will not be high-quality enough to include in the yearbook. Please submit the original photo.
- Seniors & senior parents will be notified if a photo does not meet requirements. A replacement photo must be submitted within a limited time frame or your school ID photo will be used.
- We will reply to all submissions as we receive them. You can expect a confirmation email after you submit a photo and it is placed in the yearbook.
Our page designers are excited to continue the tradition of featuring senior baby photos in this year’s yearbook. Senior baby photos are due on February 1 as well. This is optional, but many participate. Baby photos should also be sent to Ms. Zeichman at lzeichman@jpsonline.org - the baby picture is considered anything up to age 4ish.
Festival Of Plays
Join us for the Festival of Plays, our student-directed and acted night of comedy, with a special performance from our improv team! The show starts at 7pm on September 12 in the High School auditorium. See you there!
Student Parking
All students who drive to school must obtain a parking pass and park in the student parking lot on the west side of the building. Student vehicles are not allowed in the JCA or Junior High lots. The cost of a parking sticker is $25.00. Please use the following link Parking Permit Application to begin the parking registration process. New this year - Consequences for failure to have a parking pass on a vehicle will include a parking ticket of $35, which will include a parking pass for your vehicle. Consequences for failure to park in the designated student parking area with a properly affixed parking sticker will follow this schedule:
1st offense - $10 ticket
2nd and all subsequent offenses - $20 ticket
Parking tickets will be enforced the week of September 9, 2024.
Cell Phones
Thank you parents for continuing to support our new policy, No Cell - Bell to Bell!
Cell phones are restricted during instruction time. The consequences are as follows:
1st offense - Turn technology into your teacher. Returned at end of hour.
2nd offense - Turned into office. End of day return.
3rd offense - Turned into office. End of day PARENT PICKUP.
4 (and subsequent) offense - Progressive Discipline (ISS, OSS etc)
Student Handbook
The complete handbook is available on our website, www.jpsonline.org.
Counselor's Corner
Reminder to complete the Annual Student Information Update that was emailed to Jenison families.
Seniors who are considering attending college after high school should be working on their applications! Many applications have November 1 deadlines in order to be eligible for merit scholarships. Application resources are located in the senior counseling Google Classroom.
College and military reps will be at JHS each Wednesday during Advisory. Juniors and seniors can sign up to attend these informational sessions in the counseling Google Classroom. Sign-ups for each week close on Mondays at 3pm.
We have noticed an increase in students and parents requesting schedule changes due to students feeling overwhelmed, having conflict with others in the class, or not feeling confident about the content. We are hopeful that parents will partner with us to encourage students to take control of their learning by:
Encourage your student to talk with their teacher. This might happen via email or before/after class, but the teacher is with your student for an hour each day... and doesn't know how your student is feeling if the student doesn't communicate!
Practicing healthy study skills. Waiting until the day before a test is not the best way to prepare. Students should be reviewing their notes and materials regularly throughout the unit to better prepare for tests and quizzes.
Take advantage of additional support. Teachers can request students for additional help during Advisory, and students can receive help on their work or ask questions at JASPER.
Help remind your student to check their email and their Google Classroom to stay up to date on their coursework.
From the Nurse's Office
Hand 2 Hand
The “Hand2Hand” program helps provide students with food for the weekends and is intended for families who currently may be experiencing a financial burden. We would like to give your student the opportunity to participate in this program this year. If you are interested, please complete this GOOGLE FORM - click here
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact JHS Parent Liaison, Jenny van Biljon or JHS Social Worker, Amy Young.
To learn more about Hand2Hand, please visit their website: http://h2hkids.org.
Cat's Corner
If you want to order Jenison gear or purchase a gift card to our student-run school store, please check out our website - jenisoncatscorner.
Senior Getaway Information for the Class of 2025
Planning for the Class of 2025 Senior Getaway is well underway and it going to be a blast! Registration is now open! Please click on the link below to access how to sign-up online and for additional information from the Senior Getaway Committee.
Attendance/Appointment Call-In Process:
Help us minimize classroom disruption during instructional time
Regular attendance is crucial to success in school. Parents, if your student misses school, please be sure to call our attendance line (616-457-3400, option 1) to excuse the absence prior to the start of the school day. If your student has an appointment during the school day and needs to be dismissed from classes, please call the office before the start of the school day and leave this information on the attendance line. By following this process, it will avoid disruption of staff calling into classrooms during instructional time for students to come to the office to sign out. Calling in prior to the start of the school day, the attendance office can provide your student with a pass to leave at the requested time. We greatly appreciate your help with this process.
Reminder: New Feature - Submit attendance through PowerSchool
Student Pickup
Parents, please help your student(s) make plans for after school. Students not participating in a club, activity, or sport should ride a bus home or be picked up after school by 3:30 p.m. to avoid unstructured and unsupervised time in the building.
Thank you!
Food Delivery Process
Food deliveries from outside vendors are only allowed during the lunch periods. Students will not be allowed to leave during class periods to pick up food orders from outside vendors. There is a delivery table outside of the main office for food order drop off/pick up.