Family Newsletter
December 13, 2024
A Note From Dr. Hooks
Dear Hyde-Addison ES Families,
Thank you to all of the families who have supported our school-wide community service project. Our goal is to collect 350 new winter hats, gloves and scarves, for those in need. Although we are currently well below100, we believe we can still hit the goal of 350 by the last day for collections, next Thursday.
Please be reminded that students have school all next week, prior to their winter break. School teams will be hosting several exciting activities, including the winter concert and STEAM Day. Your classroom teacher can provide additional details.
As always, please feel free to email hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov, with any school specific inquiries.
Kindest Regards,
Dr. Calvin Hooks, Principal
Hyde-Addison Elementary School
Important Winter Shutdown Announcement from WMATA
From Friday, December 20 to Thursday, December 26, Farragut West, McPherson Square, and the lower level (Blue, Orange, and Silver service) at Metro Center will be closed. Shuttles will replace trains between Foggy Bottom and Federal Triangle. Click here for more information.
DCPS Encourages Participation in the Student Grades 3-12 Meal Feedback Survey (12/4-12/20)
The OSSE DC School Report Card
“The 2024 DC School Report Card is built on OSSE’s amended ESSA State Plan, which increases the school accountability system’s emphasis on student growth and marginalized student groups. OSSE has calculated a summative score for each school, as required by USED and the District’s ESSA State Plan. To determine a school’s summative score, OSSE calculates metric scores for each student group, combines student group scores into single metric scores, and then calculates the school-level summative score (up to 100 points). The student groups included are students with disabilities, students who are economically disadvantaged, English learners, and racial/ethnic groups.”
Data points include Academic Achievement, Academic Growth, Student Attendance, Early Childhood Environment, English Language “Proficiency”, and Enrollment.
Based on the Office of the State Superintendent of Education's DC School Report Card Accountability Scores (2024)…
Hyde-Addison ES was ranked #1 for all DCPS Elementary Schools.
Hyde-Addison ES was ranked #1 for all DCPS Elementary, Middle and High Schools.
Hyde-Addison ES was ranked #1 for all DCPS and Public Charter Schools in Washington, DC.
You can read more about how OSSE calculates summative scores at OSSE Data Discovery.
Hyde-Addison Winter Concert (12/19)
Hello Families and Friends, The annual Hyde-Addison Winter Concert is set for Thursday December 19th. Please note the arrival time for your student's show. It takes time for all visitors to sign in, so please arrive on time so that we can start the concert promptly!
Arrival time: 1:45pm
Showtime: 2pm
Arrival time: 2:35pm
Showtime: 2:50pm
If possible we would love the students to wear coordinating colors in their grade.
- PreK - Any bright clothes with Hats, Mittens and Gloves!
- K - Red
- 1st - White
- 2nd Blue
- 3rd - White
- 4th- Blue
- 5th - Any festive clothes!
Impact Aid Student-Parent Survey
Every year, DCPS asks families to complete this survey to generate additional federal funds. This year’s survey will be fully electronic using the Seamless platform and will be open through Sunday, December 22. Please complete one survey per child, not per household, in your preferred language.
Please find the link below to the Impact Aid website, along with the links to the electronic surveys.
Here are the survey links:
1. English: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_English
2. Spanish: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Spanish
3. French: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_French
4. Amharic: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Amharic
5. Vietnamese: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Vietnamese
6. Chinese: https://forms.dc.gov/f/DCPSImpactAid_Chinese
If you prefer to complete the survey on paper, please refer to the FAQ Document on the Impact Aid website for instructions. You may print out the paper survey, scan it, and email it to DCPSImpactAid@k12.dc.gov.
Boys’ basketball for our 4th and 5th graders is back at Hyde!
Coach Cox and Coach Making are excited to begin tryouts for the team. Tryouts will be December 11th and 12th from 3:30-4:30pm in the gym. To ensure we have a proper list of students participating in tryouts please complete this form before December 11th. Please make sure to have player forms completed no later than January 10th. The player contract form should be completed online following this link. If there are any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Ms. Wiegmann via email: megan.wiegmann@k12.dc.gov.
Student Support Team Monthly Newsletter
Community Resources
Winter 2025 Active Play Enrichment Classes
Dear Hyde Families,
We’re excited to announce that registration for our Winter 2025 ASEP classes open next week! You can view the full list of class offerings, class descriptions and the schedule (including dates with no classes) by following the link below:
Registration opens Monday, November 18th, at 9 a.m., and will close on December 13th at 9 a.m. To register, simply click on the "Register Here for Winter" link on the website. Please note that classes are available on a first-come, first-served basis and will close once the maximum number of students is reached.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at hydeenrichment@activeplayllc.com.
Active Play Enrichment Team
Support During the Holiday Season
With the holiday season fast approaching, we acknowledge that some families may require additional assistance. To indicate if you would benefit from some support, kindly click on the provided link here. Please note that completing the form does not ensure selection by the school's external partner. This information will only be shared with our Student Support Team.
Attention 5th Grade Families
Hardy Middle School will be hosting several Open Houses this school year for prospective students and their families. Please mark your calendars -
SY 2024-2025 Open House Dates:
• Wednesday, January 29, 2025 from 5-7pm
If you are unable to attend this event, Hardy MS will also be doing feeder school visits to talk to students and meet with families.
If you have any questions, please contact Joseph Boykin (joseph.boykin@k12.dc.gov) or Principal Maurine Westover (maurine.westover@k12.dc.gov)
We look forward to seeing our future Hawks soon!
Volunteer in Our Schools
All volunteers, including parents, must complete the DCPS Clearance process before volunteer services can be provided.
SY24-25 Student Meal Prices and Payment Information
Attendance Policy
Please notify the school every time your student is absent. Excuse notes must be emailed to hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov within 5 school days after the student’s return to school for the absence to be excused. (Classroom teachers cannot excuse absences.)
Prioritizing Attendance: DCPS Calendar for Planning
Attendance is a priority of DCPS and Hyde-Addison, as we know regular school attendance is integral to student success. Please find the DCPS calendar, linked here or at the dcps.dc.gov website, so that your family can plan events and vacations accordingly.
Medications and Allergies
If your child needs to take medication or requires medical treatment during school hours, please have your medical provider complete the appropriate forms – there’s the Medication and Treatment Authorization Forms, the Asthma Action Plan and the Action Plan for Anaphylaxis. Please email forms to hyde.Addison@k12.dc.gov and ask them to be submitted to the nurse. We will confirm receipt.
If your child needs a dietary accommodation, your provider should also complete the Dietary Accommodations Form. Please submit the completed form to dietary.forms@k12.dc.gov and cc hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov.
Champions Aftercare Enrollment is Open for SY24-25
If you need help or have questions, email: ch002523@discoverchampions.com
To enroll your child in Champions aftercare for SY24-25:
Create a parent portal [STEP 1]
a. Your parent portal will give you access to billing, scheduling and many more things that will assist you.
Link: https://connect.klcschoolpartnerships.com/
Fill out the attached Enrollment Packets [STEP 2]
Ensure to have your REQUESTED SCHEDULE completed.
Ensure you fill out all 3 OSSE forms.
Ensure you fill out a separate form for each of your students.
Ensure there is contact information for primary and secondary payer (email and number).
Ensure you are putting your child/children grade on the enrollment form.
When finished please email a copy to CH002523@DISCOVERCHAMPIONS.COM.
We want to hear from you!
This Fall Active Play partnered with Hyde-Addison to offer after school enrichment programs. Your honest feedback matters and is very important to our partnership with Active Play. If your child was enrolled in Fall I and/or II, please take the time to complete a short survey on your experience with the program. The survey should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete. Click this link to complete the survey.
Join the Sponsorship Committee!
Do you have ideas or want to leverage your creativity and connections to local businesses to support Hyde? The sponsorship committee will work to identify and solicit sponsorships from local businesses for various events at Hyde including the annual gala. Click this link to join on Konstella.
Join the Gala Planning Committee!
We need your enthusiasm, creativity, and support to make our Gala fundraiser a huge success! Whether you can contribute a little or a lot, every bit helps. Here are some ways you can get involved by joining the Gala Committee:
- Event Setup and Decoration: Bring the event to life with your decorating ideas and skills!
- Silent Auction: Help solicit businesses, restaurants, and other organizations to ask for donations.
- Vendor Coordination: Help secure Food and beverage and entertainment vendors
- Set Up and Clean-Up Crew: Lend a hand in setting up and tidying up after the event.
Why Volunteer?
- Make a positive impact on our students and school community.
- Meet and collaborate with other passionate parents and community members.
Interested in Volunteering? Sign up at Gala Committee on Konstella. Let’s come together to create an unforgettable night for our school and students!
Download Konstella!
If you're new to Hyde or haven't already, download Konstella, a virtual platform for Hyde-Addison families. It’s our way of creating a virtual directory so you can connect with other families, including those in your child(ren)’s class(es) once school starts, ask for recommendations, volunteer for one time activities or on an ongoing basis, and keep up to date on events and activities happening at school! We also have social groups for each grade level in addition to each DC ward. Click here for more info including how to join Konstella.
Connect to Your Classrooms in Konstella!
If you haven’t already, we hope you’ll take a minute to update your Konstella settings and add your child(ren) to their classroom(s) in Konstella. Click the Gear icon to access your account settings, then go to “Your Children” to update. If you have any problems, please reach out to the PTA via Konstella or email pta.hydeaddison@gmail.com. More Konstella tips are in the attached flyer.
Family Newsletter Features
When you receive the family newsletter by email on Fridays, as well as most other school-wide correspondence, you have the option to click and view the newsletter in a web browser. Viewing the newsletter in a web browser enables automatic translation into over 20 languages as well as provides the option for increased visibility with high-contrast settings and increased font sizes.
Family Newsletters will continue to be archived on the Hyde-Addison website (https://hydeaddisondc.org/home) throughout the year for your reference.
Please be reminded to email hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov to inform the team of your child's absence, in order for it to be excused. If your child has a communicable illness, like strep throat, RSV, pink eye, or lice, please also include that information.
DCPS SY25-26 Feeder, Middle School, and High School Booklets
DCPS is pleased to announce the release of the SY 25-26 Feeder, Middle School, and High School Booklets. These comprehensive booklets provide essential information including school overviews, programming details, geographic and programmatic feeder patterns, and much more.
Upcoming School Activities and Events
December 19: Winter Concert (2:00-3:30)
December 20: STEAM Day (9:15am-9:45am) *Following Morning Meeting
December 23-January 1st: Winter Holiday Break, No School for Students
LSAT Meetings: First Tuesday of every month @ 4pm
Equity and Anti-Racism Task Force Meetings: Last Friday of every month @ 4pm
Stay In Touch
Email: hyde.addison@k12.dc.gov
Website: https://www.hydeaddisondc.org
Location: 3219 O St NW, Washington, DC 20007
Phone: 202-282-0170
Facebook: facebook.com/hydeaddison/
Twitter: @HydeAddisonES