North Central News
North Central Junior High: February Updates
Important Dates:
February 3rd: PSTO Meeting 10:30 am - 11:30 am (Main Office)
February 7th: School Party 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm (Cafeteria/Upper Gym)
- $5 or 3(or more) items for the food pantry
- Pizza $1, Pop/Suckers 50 cents
February 13th: Choir Concert
February 17: Fine Arts Day
February 27th: Incoming 7th grade informational parent meeting 6:30- 7:30 (Band Room).
Registration Information
Iowa City Community School District
North Central JH/ Liberty High School/West High
REGISTRATION FOR 2020-21 School Year
7th Grade Registration
Mrs. McDonough & Mr. Clark will visit each elementary school and meet with 6th grade students planning to attend NCJH next fall as scheduled below:
Tuesday, Feb. 18th Penn Elementary 10:00 am - Garner 1:30 pm
Wednesday, Feb. 19th Van Allen Elementary 8:00 am - Kirkwood 2:00 pm
Thursday, Feb. 20th Grant Elementary 8:15 am
Thursday, February 27th Parent informational meeting at North Central for parents who are unable to attend the elementary meeting - 6:30 P.M. NC Band Room
Friday, February 28th NCJH 7th grade Registration forms are due back to your 6th grade teacher.
8th Grade Registration
March 5th & 6th Mrs. McDonough & Mr. Clark will meet with all current 7th graders in Mrs. Soukup’s, Mrs. Piper’s, and Mr. James’ LA 7 classes to distribute registration materials.
Friday, March 13th Forms DUE back to the North Central guidance office.
9th Grade Registration
Wednesday, Feb. 5th 9th grade Liberty registration presentation (via Science 8 classes at NC)
Thursday, Feb. 6th Parent information meeting for Liberty High students/Liberty HS 6:00 PM
Wednesday, February 12th 9th grade on-line registration DUE/ Collect forms, finalize on-line registration.
Liberty counselors return to NC to pick up registration forms and assist students with on-line registration.
Student Artwork
We would like to say thank you to the North Central Junior High PSTO Board and NC parents for the donations that continue to come in from the Teacher Wish List. Parents have gone above and beyond providing requested classroom supplies and our staff is beyond grateful for the generosity. We would also like to say thank you to all that helped provide our conference meal during January conferences. The meal was delicious, as always.
PSTO Updates
PBIS Assembly
Article on the PBIS parent app (the youtube video is imbedded on the page) This, in general, has great info for parents
Youtube video for families about the PBIS parent app
Letter from our School Nurse
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Recently the number of students missing school due to illness has been on the rise. The illnesses are varied, but Influenza has been present and remains a concern. Below is some information about influenza symptoms and steps that might help in prevention.
The following are some of the symptoms of Influenza:
Fever (it is important to note NOT everyone with the flu has a fever)
Sore Throat
Runny or stuffy nose
Body aches
Sometimes diarrhea and vomiting
The following are a few things we can to do to prevent illness:
Good hand washing
Clean-all common surfaces, especially if experiencing symptoms of the flu/illness.
Cover-your cough or sneeze with the inner part of your elbow/arm or with a Kleenex. Always wash hands following coughing or sneezing.
Keep children home that are ill.
If you suspect you or your child has Influenza, we encourage you to see your healthcare provider. Our district policy requires students to stay home until they are fever, diarrhea, and vomit free for 24 hours without the use of medication. Per district policy, a fever is considered to be 100.0 degrees or higher.
When calling in your child’s absence, it would be helpful if you identify the symptoms of your child’s illness so that we can track illnesses that are circulating in the school. Also, please notify the office if your child has a confirmed laboratory test for any illness.
For more information on influenza, you can visit the following CDC website:
Thank you,
Christel Philipp RN, BSN
North Central Junior High School Nurse
North Central Junior High
Email: miller.colby@iowacityschools.org
Website: https://www.iowacityschools.org/Domain/1327
Location: 180 East Forevergreen Road, North Liberty, IA, USA
Phone: 319-688-1210
Twitter: @NCJHlightning
Non-Discrimination Statement: It is the policy of the Iowa City Community School District not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, creed, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity and socioeconomic status in its educational programs, activities, or employment practices. There is a grievance procedure for processing complaints of discrimination. If you have questions or a grievance related to this policy, please contact the Jeremy Tabor, Director of Equity, 1725 N. Dodge St., Iowa City, IA 52245, 319-688-1000, tabor.jeremy@iowacityschools.org.