Wiregrass Ranch High School

Wiregrass Ranch High School
Welcome Back Newsletter 2024-2025
WRHS Website-Check out the WRHS Website
Contact Us - Emails for all Staff
GoFan Tickets-Buy Tickets to WRHS Athletics Events
Dual Enrollment Information (Link Goes to District,2024 information halfway down page)
How to Sign up for Class Announcements
Who are the Counselors at WRHS
Who is the Principal and who are the Assistant Principals
Am I (or is my student) on Track
Click "Follow Candace Wright-Robinson" to subscribe to the weekly Newsletter
Our Mission Statement
- Reach for Excellence,
- Strive for the best,
- Plan for the future,
- Engage in amazing ideas,
- Concentrate on core values,
- Teach each other kindness.
First Day Of School
The first day of school is August 12th, from 8:10 am - 2:36 pm.
Sports and Season Passes For Student And Parents
Sports passes are available for purchase on Gofan.co. Student passes are $30, adult passes are $60, and family passes are $110.
Any student that is in interested in playing athletics for the coming year needs to make sure they complete the paperwork on athletic https://athleticclearance.fhsaahome.org/ needs prior to participating.
Class of 2028 Freshman And New Students To WRHS Orientation
Save the date: August 1st 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Lunch will be provided for students. (For specific dietary requests, please email Mrs. Vergne or plan to bring your own food)
Parents are welcome to join us for the welcome and a short parent session from 9:30 am – 10:00 am
Students will rotate through sessions and be ready for pick up at 2:00 pm
Email Mrs. Verge for questions: mailto:dvergne@pasco.k12.fl.us If ESE IND, email Mrs. Vergne for modified day.
Schedule Availability, Parent Portal, and Lockers
Freshman and new students who are attending the Freshman/New Student Orientation on August 1st will receive a paper copy of their schedules. Schedules and the Parent Portal will open on July 31st to pay fees and view your schedule.
Locker sales will occur on August 1st and during the first two weeks. Announcements will be made during lunches to let students know when this will be occurring. You may pay for the locker in the student fees section on myStudent.
Open House & Meet the Teacher
Open House and Meet the teacher day is August 6th, 2024 from 11:30 am - 3:30 pm.
Before school starts, you will be able to see your schedule, pay fees, purchase lockers, view your transportation information, and more in your portal as it will be live! Make sure that you have your account set up by August 3rd so that you can be prepared for the August 6th Open House.
On August 6th, you will be able to attend our Open House & Meet the Teacher from 11:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Here you will be able to walk your student's schedule and meet the teachers. We will also have PTSA, Clubs, PE uniforms, Spirit Wear for purchase, and more. We will not be selling parking hang tags this day, students will be able to park the first few weeks without one and purchase during those weeks.
Click Here: https://wrhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/course-card-selection-sheet-24-25/ to register with WRHS
Click here for registration requirements
Pasco eSchool
If your student is planning on enrolling in an online course for the upcoming school year, we recommend going through Pasco eSchool, https://eschool.pasco.k12.fl.us/registration/ as this will ensure they have access to a Pasco County teacher.
Parents and students, please remember to register in advance for all online (Pasco eSchool)classes. Do not wait until school starts on August 12th. This will enable students to begin course work on the first day.
MyStudent Parent Portal Account
This year it will be imperative for all parents to have access to myStudent as it will be the main form of all communication from the school and the district.
If you did not previously have a parent portal, you can create one HERE.
Select to create a new account, register a new student or add a student to your account (please see Create a Parent Portal Account or video to walk through the process)
2024-2025 Cell Phone Policy
*During Lunch Period
*During a time authorized by the classroom teacher for a specific instructional activity
Bell Schedule
2024 – 2025 BELL SCHEDULE
8:10 – 9:03 Period 1
9:08 – 10:01 Period 2
10:06 – 10:59 Period 3
11:04 – 11:57 Period 4
12:02 – 12:32 Period 5A
12:37 – 1:38 Class
12:02 – 12:33 Class
12:35 – 1:05 Period 5B
1:08 – 1:38 Class
12:02 -1:03 Class
1:08 – 1:38 Period 5C
(includes off campus)
1:43 – 2:36 Period 6
Tardy Policy
Students need to arrive on time and stay through dismissal so they will receive important directions, class instruction, and avoid disrupting other students. Students have the responsibility to: · Be in the classroom ready for learning before the start of the class period. · Stay attentive to instruction until the end of the class period.
Consequences are detailed on the Discipline Matrix and may also include the following:
10 Tardies- Parent and Student Conference w/contract
15 Tardies - LD or Loss of Privilege for 5 days, if applicable
20 Tardies- ASD or Loss of Privilege for 10 days, if applicable
25 Tardies- SD or loss of privilege for 30 days, if applicable
Students Need to Check Their Email Frequently
All students will receive their myLearning announcements, Office 365 notifications, etc. through their Pasco County Schools student email account (123456@student.pasco.k12.fl.us) which is located in myPascoConnect, then click Office, then click 365Outlook.
Click Accessing Outlook Through Office 365 for step-by-step directions.
When will grades start to post
WRHS teachers will start entering grades after the 10th day of school. If you have concerns in a class prior to grades posting, please reach out to the teacher of that class. Thank you
How to Report an Absence
Deliveries Not Permitted to Campus
Please note that we do not permit deliveries from outside services such as DoorDash, Uber Eats, Pizza, Restaurants, or Florists. Please do not order or send items to be delivered to the school. Any delivery that does appear will be sent away.
The only items that will be delivered would be something a student needs for instructional purposes. Please understand that we will not interrupt instructional time for students to pick up items - students will be called down during lunchtime only to secure any instructional items dropped off for them.
Medication Drop-Off
Medication will not be accepted if brought in by your child. The clinic assistant will be available August 9th to accept medications. Please contact student services and communicate with our clinic for all medical needs. Students are not allowed to carry around medication, it must be brought by a parent/legal guardian and registered with our clinic assistant.
Online Free and Reduced Meal Application & MySchool Bucks
Free/Reduced Meals:
Pasco County Schools Food & Nutrition Services will be implementing a program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).
What does this mean for our families?
All enrolled students of Pasco County Schools are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at school at no charge to their household.
No further action is required. Each student(s) will be able to participate in these meal programs without having to pay a fee or submit a meal application.
MySchool Bucks
School meal accounts can be funded through the MySchoolBucks meal payment service. Just visit MySchoolBucks.com. You also have the option of paying directly in the cafeteria with cash, check, credit or debit. Contactless pay will be available at registers where credit cards are accepted. Students can use contactless cards, or Google Wallet, Android Pay and Apple Pay from their phones.
Please contact Food and Nutrition Services with any questions by emailing fns_finance@pasco.k12.fl.usor calling 813-794-2522.
Pasco County Student/Teacher 2024-2025 school year Calander
2024-2025 School Calendar calendar_24_25.pdf (pasco.k12.fl.us)
Volunteer Application
The School Board of Pasco County requires that all adult volunteers must be approved prior to volunteering in any capacity in the school. All Volunteers must reapply each school year. Please visit the Pasco County website at www.pascoschools.org and click on Volunteer Application. It is located on the bottom of the home page. Don’t forget to register today! Any student who would like to receive future volunteer opportunities can email Mrs. Hensley at khensley@pasco.k12.fl.us to be added to her volunteer email list. Volunteer opportunities are sent via email to students.
A letter from your PTSA!
The WRHS PTSA is excited to WELCOME you to start off the 2024-20245 school year!
Our mission is “to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for ALL children.”
We strive to be a relevant support to ALL STUDENTS and TEACHERS with programs, grants, scholarships and offering volunteer opportunities for students.
We also participate in the Florida Legislative sessions in Tallahassee to help support issues like keeping Bright Futures scholarships alive.
We are looking for both Members and Student Liaisons that would like to work within our legislative committee. Students have the opportunity to meet our Senators/ Representatives, to talk about issues facing students and schools. Please join us and help make a difference.
There are many opportunities to participate from helping with chair positions and committees to just being on the “VOLUNTEER TEAM” where you can help at events whenever it is convenient for you…no obligations! Help be a Piece of the Puzzle.
Click here for the Spirit Store
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Bulls Cash
PBIS rewards will be transitioning to the myStudent platform. Parents and students will be able to see points awarded/comments and points used under the “News” tab in myStudent.
All PBIS points will start fresh at the beginning of the year.
Important Contacts For Each Grade Level
Each grade level has a specific Assistant Principal (AP) and School Counselor (SC)
9th grade – AP-Diamela Vergne and SC- Shannon Cordero
10th grade – AP-Christy Rankin and SC- Cathy Billington
11th grade – AP- Krystal Packard and SC- Evan Willis
12th grade – AP-Allison Taylor and SC- Allison Kanewa
11th and 12th grade On Track and Recovery AP- Amanda McCoy and School Counselor – Whitney Willis
In addition to knowing the important contacts, it is important to stay informed through our Canvas Class pages.
Each graduating class has a separate Canvas page through which important information is disseminated by the grade level sponsor, counselor, administrator, and career specialist. Parents and students are encouraged to join the appropriate “Class of” Canvas page to keep up with current and upcoming events, deadlines, and announcements.
Schedule Change Requests
All Schedule change requests will be handled through an online request form. This form will go live on Meet the Teacher Day, August 6th, and be posted in the student services section on our website.
Schedule changes will be very limited due to increased enrollment and class size. Reasons for class a schedule change being granted will include missing a graduation requirement, student has already earned credit in the course, or the student is active in an online course and is requesting a placeholder.
Dress Code Policy Consequences
2024 – 2025 Pasco County Schools Rules for Dress and Appearance Wiregrass Ranch High School Policy Overview Dress Code Requirements Details Coverage.
• Opaque clothing covering front, back, sides, entire chest, genital area, and buttocks.
• Shirts must have sleeves or straps and extend to the waistband of pants/shorts/skirts/or other bottoms.
• No visible undergarments, including bra straps and underwear waistbands Footwear.
• Shoes or sandals with protective soles are required.
• Socks (when worn alone) and slippers are not allowed.
Classroom Suitability Clothing must be appropriate for all classroom activities Specialized Attire Required for some courses (e.g., sports uniforms, safety gear) Prohibited Clothing/Items
• Clothing exposing underwear, body parts, or skin in an indecent manner
• Clothing causing substantial disruption or safety concerns
• Clothing depicting profanity, drugs, alcohol, violence, vulgarity, or sexually explicit images
• Gang-related or antisocial group affiliation clothing
• Wallet chains, spiked jewelry, dog collars
• Slippers, pajamas, or costumes (unless approved for special events)
• Hats, bandanas, or head coverings (unless preapproved for medical, religious, or special activities) Consequences for Violations
• First Offense: Conference with student; parent/guardian notification; change of clothing
• Second Offense: Lunch detention; Ineligibility for extracurricular activities for up to five (5) days, if applicable; parent/guardian meeting; change of clothing
• Third Offense: After-school detention; ineligibility for extracurricular activities for up to thirty (30) days, if applicable; parent/guardian notification; change of clothing
• Further Offenses: Follow discipline matrix Regulations on Concealing Identity
• Identities must always be recognizable.
• No coverings that conceal the face including hoods from sweatshirts or jackets commonly referred to as “hoodies”.
• Health-related face coverings are permitted.
• Principals may modify rules during inclement weather for student safety, safety, or welfare. Enforcement Students must comply with staff directives. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action according to district policy. Contact Information Contact school administration for details or questions about the dress code policy.
Student Code of Conduct
The District School Board of Pasco County does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, marital status, disability, or age in its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment
Each year the Student Code of Conduct is updated by Pasco County Schools. It is the expectation that every student and family are aware of their rights and responsibilities outlined within the Student Code of Conduct.
Link: https://www.pasco.k12.fl.us/library/student_services/conduct/csc_eng.pdf
Students have 3 options when they arrive and leave campus each day.
BUS: Students that arrive by bus to school will exit by the cafeteria. Each bus will park in the same row in the afternoon and bus maps as well as staff members will be available to help students locate their buses in the afternoon. Buses leave 5 minutes after the end of the day, it is important that if your student is a bus rider that they go directly to their bus at the end of the day to not be left behind. If you have transportation questions, please call our transportation department.
- C Routes 727-774-0520
- D Routes 813-794-0560
- N Routes 727-774-0540
- S Routes 727-774-4410
- W Routes 727-774-0400
- Z Routes 813-794-0501
Student Parking: Students that are "On Track" are able to purchase a hangtag and park in our student parking lot. Hang Tags will be sold the first few weeks of school. Students who park on campus that do not have a proper hang tag will be subject to disciplinary consequences. Students cannot share tags and must park in their own spot following the parking policies. When students exit their cars in the morning, they need to walk down the parking lot and enter campus by the gym. In the afternoon, students can cross at the 2 designated crosswalks to enter back into the parking lot for dismissal. Check out the Student Parking section of this email for more details. Encourage your student to arrive early as traffic backs up in the morning.
Student Parking Sales 9am-2pm Located in Student Services
July 29th Seniors
July 30th Juniors
July 31st Open to all
Application is available on website under student services/student parking
Car Loop: Our student drop-off circles through the student parking lot. Please stay in the lane closest to the school building and circle around, dropping your student off as you approach the gym. Students should not be dropped off in the front of the school or be exiting cars from the 2nd lane of traffic. We do have a large volume of parents dropping off students as well as student drivers in this same lot, please arrive early as traffic will back up. Make sure that you allow enough time to get through the traffic and for your student to arrive at class before 8:10 AM. Drop off starts at 7:30 AM.
Security of Valuables
Students must secure electronic devices, money, jewelry, etc. at all times. Failure to secure valuables may result in LOSS or theft and the school is not responsible.
Portables and Rainy Days
With over 2100 students, we have 30 portables that most students will use during the day. Please plan on providing your child with rain gear or a small umbrella (to fit in a book bag) for rainy days. Florida weather is unpredictable and we do not cancel classes in the portables when it rains. Plan accordingly.
Protection of School Instructional Time
The primary purpose of school is to provide instruction for students, and any infringement upon time designated for instructional activities is a failure to achieve that purpose. Therefore, classroom interruptions will be limited to emergency cases only. Please attempt to schedule all appointments after school. If you must check your child out from school, please plan ahead to allow time for a pass to be delivered to the classroom to retrieve your student. Calls to the classroom are prohibited. In addition, teachers will not be checking their email during school hours. Please allow teachers 24 hours to read and then respond to your emails and telephone messages. Deliveries of essential school-related items dropped off to Student Services during school time will be limited to the last five minutes of each class period. We will not be delivering flowers, cakes, balloons, etc. to student classrooms. We appreciate your cooperation, as we attempt to make this the best year yet!
Security Notice
With the passing of House Bill 1473, we will now be required to lock all interior and exterior doors with the exception of passing periods at which time, the doors will be monitored. Any student who is more than 5 minutes late to class after the tardy bell will not be able to get into the building, so it will be more crucial than ever that students arrive to school on time and make it to each class on time. Hall passes will be limited to restroom use in the restroom nearest their classroom and with an escort back to the building if they must go to Student Services, the Front office, Media Center or the Clinic.
Please have conversations with your students about the best plan to arrive to school on time and to quickly get to classes prior to the exterior doors being shut. Any student that is late to class will still need to report to the tardy kiosk BEFORE reporting to class.
Security Cameras may be used to record events at WRHS.
Pet Notice
Pets are not allowed on campus.
Parent/Teacher Conference Procedure
The WRHS faculty knows that parental involvement is the number one indicator of student success in school. To ensure a successful parent-teacher conference, WRHS asks that the following procedures be followed. Before scheduling a parent-teacher conference, please contact and discuss the issue or concern directly with the teacher by email or telephone. If, after this discussion, and a conference still needs to occur, contact the guidance secretary at (813) 346-6011 in Student Services to schedule the conference. All conferences will be held from 7:35 am - 8:00 am.
Academic Honor Code for WRHS
As a student at Wiregrass Ranch High School, you have entered a community of student scholars and educators who are committed to excellence in education. Take the time to read and think about what you want your education to mean to you. It is assumed that all students will pursue their studies with integrity and honesty. This means that all work for which the student wants to receive a grade, credit or recognition will be the work of the individual student. Academic honesty is a very serious commitment to make, so please do not do so lightly. Students have the responsibility to uphold the highest standards of academic integrity in the student’s own work, to refuse to tolerate violations of academic integrity in the school community, and to foster a high sense of integrity and social responsibility on the part of your class and in the Wiregrass Ranch High School community. Violations of the following infractions will result in severe disciplinary action by your teacher, which will include –but are not limited to –a grade of F on the assignment/test, a referral, and parental contact. The following are considered egregious infractions of the academic honor code:
I. Cheating
A. Copying, in part or in whole, from someone else’s test
B. Altering or interfering with grading
C. Using or consulting any of the following during an examination: any sources, consulting with others, use of electronics equipment including cell phones and PDAs, or use of materials not authorized by the instructor
D. Committing other acts which defraud or misrepresent
tII. Plagiarism
A. Incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs or parts of another person’s writings without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as your own
B. Representing another’s scholarly works such as written assignments or projects as your own
C. Submitting a paper purchased from a research or term paper service, including the Internet
D. Undocumented Web source usage
III. Other Specific Examples of Academic Dishonesty
A. Purposely allowing another student to copy from your paper during a test
B. Giving your homework, written assignments or other academic work to another to plagiarize
C. Having another person submit any work in your name
D. Lying to a teacher to improve your grade
E. Altering a graded work after it has been returned, then submitting the work for re-grading
F. Stealing tests
G. Forging signatures of parents or other students on documents
H. Collaboration without permission of your teacher.
SAC (School Advisory Council)
SAC members shall be elected for two (2) years. At the end of two years, they may be re-elected. If you are a current SAC member within your two-year term, please confirm with Candace Wright-Robinson at cwrightr@pasco.k12.fl.us. that you are continuing to serve your term. If you would like to run for an additional term, please complete the nomination form that is attached. Any Parent or Business/Community Member that would like to be considered as a SAC member can also complete the nomination form. All nomination forms must be returned to the Front Office no later than August 25th.
Student Voice
Hey students, are you interested in having a voice in school-based decisions? Come be apart of student voice or be a PTSA representative?
Ms. White is currently looking for students from all demographics and all grade levels that represent the school. If you are interested in any of the following, please send an email to rwhite@pasco.k12.fl.us and let me know which committee you may be interested in. Students will be selected and notified by the end of August
Wiregrass Ranch High School
Website: https://wrhs.pasco.k12.fl.us/
Location: 2909 Mansfield Boulevard, Wesley Chapel, FL, USA
Phone: 813-346-6000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WiregrassRanchHighSchool
Twitter: @wiregrassRanchH