Silver Creek Weekly Newsletter
March 10-March 14
Dear Silver Creek Families
Happy daylight-saving time! Our clocks spring forward! Although we lose an hour, we gain more sunlight. Spring is on the way. Looking forward to another great week of school for our Huskies!
In the newsletter, the section with an * has been updated with new information OR is a new section in the newsletter. Please make sure to review. As always, thank you for your continued partnership.
Let's make it an awesome week, Huskies!
Silver Creek Middle School Bell Schedule
*Silver Creek News (SCN)
Did you miss the latest Husky news. You may access the link below from Friday, March 7 to hear upcoming news & events Click Link. You can see all of the news links located here.
Women's History Month: March 1- March 31
Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. Women’s History Month 2025 will take place from Saturday, March 1-Monday, March 31, 2025.
Check out this great resource for more information.
*Media Center News & Updates
Happy almost spring from the LMC! Click for our March Media Monthly: News & Notes from the Library Media Program. Highlights include:
- Women's History Month Titles
- Instructional updates
- March Graphic Novel Madness contest
- News article databases
*Counseling Department News & Updates-
Check out our newsletter for March. This month's Newsletter is focused on the Signs of Suicide. https://secure.smore.com/n/b3zg2
The counselors are offering parent/caregiver toolbox sessions to provide pertinent and helpful information to our families to navigate parenting a middle school child.
- Save the dates: Meetings will be from 7:00 - 8:00 via zoom.
- The dates are January 30, March 20 and May 15, 2025. If you missed the parenting toolbox session on Jan 30th, the slides are posted on the counseling website. Just go to the tab that reads: Parenting Toolbox Session.
On March 20th the workshop will focus on: Dealing with Digital Drama. Learn how drama escalates online, and help older kids and teens avoid and de-escalate harmful online behavior.
In this workshop, parents and caregivers will learn to:- Encourage older kids and teens to take a break—and a breath—before responding to online drama.
- Help kids avoid making drama worse.
- Assist kids in making a plan to problem solve.
- Check out the mental health support tab on our website for some workshops for grieving families put on by Caring Matters. All workshops are on zoom.
- If your family needs help with school supplies, food for the weekend, winter coats or other needs, we would like to help! Please fill out the following form: Sign up for Husky Help 24-25 (google.com)
- The HUSKY PANTRY is open. Please make sure to fill out the FORM above to ensure your child has access to these resources.
If you have questions related to registration/enrollment or transcripts, please contact Ms. Susan Levine, resource counselor at Susan_A_Levine@mcpsmd.org
*Spring Testing: MISA testing (8th grade ONLY) Wednesday (3/12) and Thursday (3/13)
Testing season is fast approaching. The table below highlights the dates of our spring testing. You may Click here for more information on the MCAP assessment.
All information and logistics about each assessment will be communicated out to families as the testing dates near. If you have any questions about testing, please contact Ms. Pfeiffer, assistant principal, at Justine_Pfeiffer@mcpsmd.org
Please click here for the Bell Schedule for these two days- March 12 & March 13.
National Museum of African American History and Culture- 7th Grade Field Trip on April 1 & 2.
We are excited to be able to provide an opportunity for our 7th grade students to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington, D.C. The grade will be split over the two days by World Studies classes.
- On Tuesday, April 1st, students from Kavanaugh Periods 2 and 6, and Bascom Periods 3, 4 and 7 classes will attend the trip.
- On Wednesday, April 2nd, students from Kavanaugh Periods 3, 4 and 7, and Bascom Periods 2 and 6 classes will attend the trip.
PARENT CHAPERONES ARE NEEDED to support our students with this cultural learning experience! You will be needed from about 8:30am-2:30pm. If you are interested in chaperoning, please email 7th Grade Team Leader, Ms. Leah Taylor at leah_r_taylor@mcpsmd.org.
Please check with your child to see which day they will be attending the trip. Field trip forms went home with students on 2/25 and should be returned to English teachers by 3/10.
*7th Grade Field Trip to Finance Park- This Week: March 10 & March 14
We look forward to taking our 7th grade students to Finance Park this week. You can learn more about Finance Park in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71tAtQGmOUc&t=63s
We are planning on taking half of our 7th graders on Monday, March 10th, and the other half on Friday, March 14th. Students will arrive to school at the normal time and return to the school before dismissal.
- Students attending on March 10– Mr. Kavanaugh’s Periods 2 and 6, and Mr. Bascom’s Periods 3, 4 and 7.
- Students attending on March 14– Mr. Kavanaugh’s Periods 3, 4 and 7, and Mr. Bascom’s Periods 2 and 6.
Save the date: 8th Grade Promotion, Tuesday, June 10
The Silver Creek Middle School (SCMS) Promotion Ceremony will take place on Tuesday, June 10 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at SCMS outside on the bus loop. We are excited to celebrate and promote all 8th grade students during this special ceremony. Each student will receive two (2) promotion tickets for their family. This also includes siblings (ex: one family with two children in 8th grade will get a total of 4 tickets.).
You may request up to two (2) additional tickets for your child, if available. Please complete google form below to let us know whether you need additional tickets. If there are any additional tickets, these will be given to families through a lottery process. Please complete this form no later than Friday, May 9 so we can plan accordingly. Click here to open the form.
Also, 8th grade students will be attending Six Flags America on Thursday, June 12 as part of their end of the year trip/celebration. More information to follow.
If you have any questions, please email Cassandra Jordan, 8th Grade Team Lead at Cassandra-Lee_E_Jordan@mcpsmd.org, or Justine Pfeiffer, Assistant Principal at Justine_Pfeiffer@mcpsmd.org.
*Multicultural Night Celebration- Save the Date: April 10 from 6-8PM
Silver Creek Middle School's Multicultural Night Celebration this year will take place on Thursday, April 10 from 6-8 pm. This is an opportunity for our students and families to showcase the cultural diversity that makes our school and community so incredible. This evening will feature food and music from around the world. Moreover, our very own SCMS students will have a chance to share their culture and what it means to them. Please see FLYER for additional information.
We simply cannot do this without the support of our amazing families and students. We are looking for families to help with providing food, showcasing their culture for attendees, and to set up/breakdown the event. If you are interested in participating, please complete this FORM. We will reach out and provide more information about your specific contribution and details about the event.
SCMS Yearbook Sale
We are excited to announce that SCMS Yearbooks are on Sale NOW. Ms. Jordan is our Yearbook sponsor this school year. Ms. Jordan and the SCMS Yearbook club have been meeting after school to start designing the 2024-2025 yearbook.
How to Order
- Reserve your copy now. To order online, scan the QR code or go to yearbookforever.com.
Questions? Please email our yearbook sponsor at Cassandra-lee_E_Jordan@mcpsmd.org
Middle School Athletics: Spring Registration
Middle School Athletics for the 2024-2025 school year is open to all 7th and 8th grade students. All athletes MUST be registered on ParentVue. Physicals (form SR-8) must be filled out by a medical professional prior to any type of participation. Physicals are valid for up to two years. Copies of the SR-8 form can be found HERE. Practices/Games occur every Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday after school from 3:10-4:30, or later on game days.
Spring Registration: Parent/guardians can register their student-athletes for spring athletics using ParentVue that has already begun. Tryouts for soccer will be held March 11- March 13th. Information regarding middle school athletics registration can be found here. Below are some helpful resources to assist parents/guardians with the on-line registration process:
- Complete the Middle School Spring Athletics Online Registration located on ParentVue.
- Click here for helpful tips on accessing the registration form.
After School Activities
We have a range of after-school activities to choose from. Please click the link below to view our After School Activities Brochure which includes a description of each activity, the staff member who is sponsoring, the location, and the day of the week the activity begins. Please note that some clubs will begin later in the school year.
We ask that students register for their activity so that sponsors are aware of the number of students attending. The registration link is below. Buses will depart Silver Creek at approximately 4:20 p.m. to take students home. Each bus will take students to their regular bus stop or to a stop nearby. You may also choose to pick your child up from their activity. Please pick your child up at the front of the school at 4:20 p.m.
We look forward to seeing your child at one of our great clubs!
Afterschool Activities Brochure
Principal Coffee
We are excited to have virtual principal coffees once a month on Fridays from 8:30-9:10 am. The next Principal Coffee is scheduled for Friday, May 2, 2025.
If you missed any of the principal coffees, you can view the recordings in the SCMS Parent/Guardian handbook.
Principal Coffees are a great opportunity to hear about school-wide happenings and events related to students' academic and social well-being.
Parent Handbook
Please locate the parent handbook on our website to find copies of school-wide presentations and other information.
*Latest MCPS Updates- from Thursday, March 6, 2025
Here is the Latest MCPS Things to know: Things to Know
Piano Sale
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) has a business partnership with Schaeffer’s Piano Company, Inc., providing 15 grand, upright, and digital loaner pianos to MCPS at no cost. MCPS provides maintenance for the instruments and informs our students, parents, and guardians of the partnership. Schaeffer’s Piano Company, Inc., has a public sale of instruments twice a year—the second sale is scheduled for March 8-16, 2025.
During this time, the public can purchase pianos at reduced prices.
See Parent/Guardian Letter- (English)
See Parent/Guardian Letter- (Spanish)
Severe Weather Plan: Virtual Learning
As we begin to enter the colder months, we would like to share with you our Severe Weather to Virtual Learning Plan. MCPS requires each school to have a Severe Weather plan and to communicate it to staff, students and families and then post on the school’s website.
Please see Plan and Schedule linked below:
Message from the PTSA
Join the PTSA Nominating Committee!
Want to make a positive difference at SCMS? Volunteer to serve on the PTSA Nominating Committee and help identify the leaders of next year’s PTSA!
The Nominating Committee is responsible for finding and nominating volunteers to serve as PTSA officers and Board members for the 2025-2026 school year by communicating with current and future SCMS families. This is an incredibly important job, because without nominees for next year’s PTSA, SCMS won’t have a functioning PTSA to support our school and fund important programs.
The PTSA Board will be electing a 3-person Nominating Committee at the March 11 Board meeting, so if you are interested, please contact Cecily Baskir at ptsa.silvercreek@gmail.com or Kimberly Boer at kimberlyrboer@gmail.com before March 11. Thanks in advance for your help!
Lunchtime Cultural Celebrations
Our school’s diversity is what makes us so special. In an effort to recognize the many cultures and backgrounds that make up our community, the PTSA Diversity Council will be hosting special recognitions/activities during lunch to celebrate this uniqueness.
We look forward to celebrating our school's diversity. You may view the previous events HERE.
Restorative Approaches at Silver Creek
At Silver Creek, we continue to instill the values of being a restorative justice school. Restorative Approaches is a mindset and philosophy toward school climate and relationship building. Important components are: Proactively and intentionally developing relationships and building community; and restoring, repairing, or healing the school community when harm has occurred.
The focus is on education, learning from mistakes, identifying and working on the root of the behavior, making deep-level change, repairing relationships, and restoring students and staff to the environment.
The Key Values of Restorative Approaches include:
- Nurturing healthy relationships built on trust
- Fostering mutual respect between individuals
- Feeling a sense of responsibility for your community
- Repairing harm and transforming conflict
- Reintegrating back to your community if harm has been caused
To learn more about RJ at Silver Creek, please see the flyer here.
Phone- Free School!
SCMS is a cell phone-free school. This means that phones are prohibited the entire school day (8:05 - 3:00 PM). Please make sure you and your child review our new cell phone policy to ensure a smooth transition to the school year.
Free and Reduced Meals
The application is now open for parents and guardians to complete and submit for assistance with the cost of school meals. Families of students who may qualify for free or reduced-price meals can apply for this service. Eligibility is based on family size and gross income. Beginning this year, students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for breakfast or lunch meals.
Ride by the Rules: School Safety
As we continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of our students, I would like to take a moment to emphasize the importance of riding the school bus safely. Riding the school bus is a privilege extended to our students, offering a means of transportation to and from school. However, with this privilege comes a responsibility to adhere to all safety protocols and rules. It is crucial that all students understand the significance of listening to the bus driver at all times.
The bus driver is not only responsible for safely navigating the roads but also for ensuring the well-being of every passenger on board. By following their instructions promptly and respectfully, we can help maintain a safe and orderly environment for all of our students. As parents/guardians, I urge you to reinforce these principles with your children. Emphasize the importance of respecting the authority of the bus driver and following their directions without hesitation. Additionally, encourage open communication with your children regarding any concerns or questions they may have about bus safety.
Together, we can work towards fostering a culture of safety and responsibility within our school community. By prioritizing these values, we can ensure that every student enjoys a safe and secure journey to and from school each day.
Please review the bus rules and policies located on MCPS website located HERE.
*Important Upcoming Dates to Remember
March 10 & March 14- 7th Grade Finance Park Field Trip
March 28- End of Quarter 3
March 31- No school for students; Grading and Planning for Teachers
April 1 & April 2- 7th Grade Field Trip to the National Museum of African American History and Culture
April 10- Multicultural Night- 6:00 PM
April 14-18- Spring Break—No school for students and teachers
April 21- Holiday- Schools closed
Link to MCPS Calendar
Student Absence
If a student is going to be absent, the parent/guardian is asked to call the attendance line at 240-740-2201 the morning of the absence. In your message, please include the information listed below:
1. Parent/Guardian name
2. Full name of your student (First & Last); student ID#
3. Date(s)of absence
4. Reason for absence
If you have any questions regarding attendance procedures, parents/guardians can contact our new attendance secretary, Ms. Jennifer Clark, at Jennifer_A_Clark@mcpsmd.org or you may call the main office at 240 740 2200.
Important Contacts
Silver Creek Middle School
Principal: Dr. Tiffany N. Awkard
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Kimberly P. Heidler
Assistant Principal: Ms. Justine Pfeiffer
School Hours: 7:30 am- 4:00 pm
Main Office: 240-740-2200
Registration & Counseling: 240-740-2211
Attendance Line: 240-740-2201
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/silvercreekms/
Location: 3701 Saul Road, Kensington, MD, USA
Phone: 240 740 2200
X: @SCMSDrAwkard