Sprouty News
Hooker Oak School...#MightyOakSTRONG
May 6th-10th
Lifelong Guideline: Trustworthiness
Staff Appreciation Week! We love our Hooker Oak Teachers and Staff!
“Stop on by the bulletin board in front of the office this week to write on an acorn or oak leaf to show some appreciation to your teacher or any staff member on campus. It will be up all week and would love to show much we appreciate our Hooker Oak Staff.”
Monday, May 6th
Mighty Oaks Monday! Wear your Hooker Oak Gear!
8:30 School Tour
1:30 CAASPP Kick-off Assembly in the MPR (Grades 3-5)
Tuesday, May 7th
8:30-9:45 ELA CAASP Testing (3rd-5th)
Wednesday, May 8th
8:30-9:45 ELA CAASP Testing (3rd-5th)
8:30-10:30 Room 1 to Honeybee Museum in Orland
9:50-1:00 Room 15 to Honeybee Museum in Orland
1:00-3:00 Talent Show Auditions in the MPR (Grades 2-5)
Early Release Day
- TK-3rd 1:30
- 4th/5th 1:38
Thursday, May 9th
8:30-9:45 ELA CAASP Testing (3rd-5th)
Friday, May 10th
Aloha Friday! Wear Hawaiian/floral prints every Friday until summer vacation!
10:15-12:30 Room 9 to Chico Courthouse-Mock Trial/Law Day
On the Horizon
May 6th-24th
CAASPP Testing (Grades 3-5)
May 17th
May 27th
No School-Memorial Day
May 30th
Cal Fresh Healthy Me Jubilee (TK-5th)
May 31st
Field Day (3rd-5th)
June 5th
Talent Show
June 7th
Last Day of School!
Minimum Day
5th Grade Promotion
Carnival Volunteer Sign Up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E054BA9A622A0F94-49475996-teacher
Hooker Oak Gear Reminder
Gear is available at https://hookeroakpto.com/store
To arrange payment via cash or check please contact hookeroakpto@gmail.com
CUSD Summer Camp
Chico Unified 2024 Summer Camp
Chico Unified's elementary school summer camp is open to all current CUSD TK - 5th grade students. Camp will be offered at all 12 elementary schools from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
What: Chico Unified Summer Camp
Who: All Current CUSD TK - 5 students
When: Camp Runs from 6/10/24-7/3/24
Where: Camp will be offered at all 12 elementary schools
Cost: FREE
Apply Today: bit.ly/CUSDSummerCamp24
Contact the Expanded Learning Coordinator, Tanner Schaeffer at tschaeffer@chicousd.org
Volunteers Needed!
The UC, Calfresh healthy Living Healthy Me Jubilee is coming to Hooker Oak Elementary on Thursday, May 30th. A Healthy Me Jubilee (HMJ) is a health and nutrition-themed field day put on by the CalFresh Healthy Living UC program. Students rotate, by grade level, through six physical activity stations and answer nutrition and health-themed trivia questions. The event reinforces messages taught throughout the year by teachers who are utilizing our resources and our lesson demonstration times.
*Please arrive 10-15 minutes before allotted time to receive instruction.*
Thank you
Lost & Found
As the weather warms up, our Lost & Found is overflowing! Please stop by to claim lost items when you are on campus and remind your child(ren) to be responsible for their clothing items by bringing them home each day.
https://www.yearbookordercenter.com/ code: 18568
Order online or in the office. If paying cash, please bring exact change. Thank you.
CAASPP Testing Schedule
Hooker Oak Elementary School
Email: emullins@chicousd.org
Website: http://hookeroak.chicousd.org/
Location: 1238 Arbutus Avenue, Chico, CA, USA
Phone: (530)891-3119
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HookerOak
Twitter: @hookeroakschool