Panther Paw
January 10, 2025
Price Website: https://price.cambriansd.org/
Translating Newsletter
This newsletter can be translated into almost any language by clicking the link below then choosing the "translation" button listed in the square black box on the right-hand side.
Este boletĂn se puede traducir a casi cualquier idioma haciendo clic en el enlace de abajo y luego eligiendo el botĂłn "traducciĂłn" que aparece en el cuadro negro sombreado del lado derecho. Translation Link
Dates to Remember
January 10 - End of Quarter 2
January 13 - 31 - Priority Enrollment
January 14 - Home & School Club Meeting @ 7pm in Room 3.
January 20 - Holiday: Martin Luther King, Jr. - NO SCHOOL
Jan 21 - 24 - Kindness Week
January 25 - Family Dinner Night at Erik's Deli
Happy New Year!
Dear Price Families,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful break enjoying time with family and friends. Here at Price we are off and running, learning, and having fun.
This coming Tuesday is our Home & School Club meeting and we would love to see more parents join us and find out all the exciting things that are happening around campus and in the community. The meeting is at 7pm on January 14th in Room 3 (our cooking room). We hope to see you there!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Your Admin Team
Mrs. VanCampenhout's Rocketry Class Rocket Launch
Family Night at Erik's Deli Cafe
Saturday, Jan 25, 2025, 10:00 AM
Erik's DeliCafé, South Bascom Avenue, Campbell, CA, USA
Project Cornerstone Volunteer Celebration
We are so proud of our 6th grader, Milah Hasmukh, who attended the Project Cornerstone Volunteer Celebration on December 12, 2024. Milah shared her experience with the Middle School SEL Program at Price.
Attention 8th Grade Families
Here are the dates for upcoming family nights.
Del Mar 8th Grade Family Information Night: Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 6:30pm
Branham 8th grade Family Information Night: Thursday, February 6, 2025 at 6:30pm
Leigh 8th grade Parent Information Night: Tuesday, February 4, 2025 at 6pm
Westmont 8th Grade Future Warrior Night: Thursday, January 30, 2025 at 6:30 pm-8:30 pm in large gym
Attendance is critical to student success!
Did you know...
- By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school.
- By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores.
• Talk about the importance of showing up to school every day.
• Help your children maintain daily routines, such as finishing homework and getting a good night’s sleep.
• Try not to schedule dental and non-urgent related medical appointments during the school day.
• Keep your student healthy, and if you are concerned about Covid-19, call your school for advice.
• If your children must stay home because they are sick, make sure they have asked teachers for resources and materials to make up for the missed learning time in the classroom.
Thank you to everyone for continuing to help keep all of our students safe on their way to and home from school. Just as a reminder to continue to follow all of the parking lot safety measures to ensure all of our students and families are safe.
Crosswalk safety flags are now available at Foxworthy and New Jersey! Grab one of the flags and make eye contact with all four vehicles before crossing. Help us by carrying flags back from a full bucket to replenish an empty bucket.
Sponsors are needed to support this effort with more flags and flag locations. Your business name and number can be printed on the flag, so it's free advertising for your business! Please email Cambrian Education Foundation for more info: cambriancef@gmail.com.
Independent Study Changes Announcement
The laws surrounding independent studies have recently changed, and below are some of the notable changes:
An Independent Study can only be used for emergencies, illness, or unique and special circumstances.
Independent Studies can be for one instructional day and no more than 15 consecutive school days.
Only one independent study agreement is permitted per school year.
Ten school days' notice is required before the start date of the Independent Study.
Independent Study will not be granted within the first three weeks of a school year.
Independent Study will not be granted during the annual state testing window.
Independent Study will not be granted within the last three weeks of a school year. After Friday, May 15, 2025, for the 2024-25 school year
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we adjust to the new laws and regulations.
Cambrian/Fresno State Parent University
Cambrian School District is proud to collaborate with Fresno State University to offer free online courses for our parent community. This innovative partnership focuses on building community capacity through engagement, involvement, and professional development. Through these courses, participants are empowered to explore new socioeconomic opportunities, equipping them with skills to contribute meaningfully to their families, schools, communities, and beyond. Together, we are fostering a stronger, more resilient community.
Registration for Spring 2025 courses (starting in February and March) is now open.
February 2025
March 2025
Febrero 2025
Marzo 2025
Living with Teens and Social Media
Thursday, January 16 | 5:00 p.m. PT / 8:00 p.m. ET
(One-hour live webinar | Free but registration required)
Teens have always pushed boundaries—it's part of growing up. But today's families are increasingly concerned about what they can't see as easily: their teens' tech and social media use. While risky behaviors are developmentally normal, today's challenges are unique. As parents, how can we protect our teens and manage their mistakes, especially when it comes to technology?
In this live webinar, Common Sense's Sue Thotz will be joined by Dr. Lisa Damour and Christopher Pepper for an insightful conversation on how social media intersects with the teen experience. They'll share practical, time-tested strategies and tips to help you navigate the risks of constant online presence and support your teen in this digital age.
This webinar is ideal for parents and caregivers with kids who use social media, but everyone is welcome. All questions submitted at registration will be shared with the panelists, and there will also be a live chat.
Bell Schedule
District Calendar
Price Middle School
Website: https://www.cambriansd.org/Domain/11
Location: 2650 New Jersey Ave, San Jose, CA, USA
Phone: (408)377-2532