Tiger Tracks
October 4, 2024
Important Dates
10/7 - 10/13 - Fall Break
10/14 - No School - Columbus Day
10/15 - Fire Prevention Presentation
10/16 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:15
10/18 - Morning Meeting (Grade 2 Presenting) and Parent Talk
10/24 - Grades 3 and 4 Field Trip to the Rochester Opera House
10/25 - Picture Re-take Day
10/27 - Trunk or Treat sponsored by the MSMS PTA (more info below)
11/5 - No School (Teacher Workshop Day)
11/6 - Early Release, Dismissal at 12:15
Click here to see the MSMS School Calendar for the 24-25 school year.
Notes from the Principal
Dear Maple Street Magnet School families,
As is typical in October, we are seeing an increase in both hands-on play and teasing, particularly with our older students. It often is intended to be playful and the type of play children participate in outside of school. It is not something we support at school, however, and when it does happen, it is disruptive. Staff are redirecting on the spot and most of the time these reminders are effective. There will be instances, however that myself or Mrs. Keays follows up with students. Please know that our intent always is to foster growth, promote healthy peer relationships, and to educate. This is where you can help! Please consider engaging with your child about what to do when they get frustrated during social situations, how to advocate for themselves appropriately when their feelings are hurt, and what to do if a friend isn't being treated kindly. These conversations are important and often need to be revisited as children grow and change. Thank you in advance for your support.
Have a wonderful weekend and Fall Break,
~ Sarah
*The fall break is the perfect time to remind your child of the Bus Expectations and how to safely and respectfully ride the bus.
* Just a quick reminder to approach the school during arrival and dismissal times from Waldron Ave. This allows the buses to come down Maple Street to unload before moving on to their next school. If you want to walk with your child during arrival and dismissal please use the spaces on Waldron Ave. Also, please do not park in the school lot leading up to or during arrival as this makes it hard for staff to find parking for the day. Finally, please do not park and get out when you are in the loading zone. This creates a traffic jam, slows down arrival/dismissal, and creates an unsafe situation for students and staff.
Grade 5
Band students showing off their musical skills
Grade 2
Students practiced reciting their Fall Poems
Building new traditions
Welcoming students into the building with positivity (and bubbles) on Fridays
Notes from Mrs. Keays
Hello! I am excited to announce that we are partnering with Enso Counseling and the wonderful Mrs. Poitras to offer outside counseling services to students during the school day. Please see the letter from her below to learn more about this wonderful opportunity.
Dear Maple St. Magnet School Families,
I hope that everyone is doing well and enjoying the rhythm of the school year. As some of
you may be aware, finding mental health counseling services for your child or children can be
difficult in the Seacoast area right now. Many agencies and practices have waiting lists and
finding a time that works for families can be challenging.
Enso Counseling Group is a small private practice group which just opened a second
office in Durham last fall. I have been working with them as a mental health counseling intern for
the past 23-24 school year. We have counselors with a variety of backgrounds and expertise
and can work with children, youth and adults. I am happy to announce that Enso Counseling
Group will be partnering with Maple Street Magnet School this school year and I will be available
to work with some children in the building during the school day. As many of you know, I was the
school counselor at MSMS for the 23-24 school year. I recently finished up my mental health
counseling program at Plymouth State University and am now working full time at Enso
Counseling Group.
I am excited to be able to return to MSMS to provide some school based clinical mental
health counseling services. This service is separate from the Rochester School District and from
MSMS. If you are interested in this it would be funded through your child’s health insurance
plan. Enso Counseling Group would be working with Maple Street Magnet School’s school
counselor and principal, Ms. Sarah Anderson to support the logistics and referrals to allow this
partnership to be successful and collaborative.
If you have any concerns about your child’s mental health and are interested in
counseling services, please reach out to me directly at Enso Counseling Group. I can be
reached at 617-958-6123 or kpoitras@ensocounselinggroup.com. I no longer am employed by
Rochester School District, so you will need to contact me directly at Enso Counseling Group.
Thank you,
Kathy Poitras
Kathy Poitras
Clinical Mental Health Counselor
Enso Counseling Group
PTA Corner
Upcoming Events
27 Maple Street
Rochester, NH 03867
(603) 332-6481 | https://www.rochesterschools.com/o/msms
Sarah Anderson, Principal | anderson.s@sau54.org
Brenda Bourgeois, Admin Assistant | bourgeois.b@sau54.org