CPI Trainer Certification & Renewal
at Prairie Lakes Area Education Agency
Now is the time to get staff become trainers or renew their trainer certifications without having to send them across the country for training!
PLAEA is hosting a CPI "train the trainer" session in the PLAEA Pocahontas, Iowa office in July 2023 with national trainers.
Registration is considered an eligible expense for ESSER II/III funds.
This training will utilize the newly released 3rd edition training handbooks.
Program Details
Provide your staff with the skills to safely recognize and respond to everyday crisis situations. The training complies with all current legislation and is evidence-based and fully accredited, so your staff can earn continuing education credits.
- Prevention & verbal de-escalation skills
- Disengagement safety techniques
- Risk assessment framework
- Physical intervention techniques
Learn about receiving Continuing Education Units
Pre-Training Online Course
Before your live training begins, you must complete an online curriculum. You will review course content, dig deeper into CPI modules, and learn important facilitation strategies to maximize your training.
You will receive an invitation to complete the online portion of training approximately 10 days before your live training event.
Certification Training
You will attend a session led by a Global Professional Instructor to train and assess your skills as well as assess your competency in the overall program through teach-back exercises.
Included with Registration
2-Year Certification*
Completing the Instructor Certification Program puts you in good standing for two years. You will be invited to renew your certification as you approach the two-year mark to help keep your skills current, as well as to ensure that your training reflects the most up-to-date approaches to Care, Welfare, Safety, and Security℠.
*Annual membership in the Certified Instructor Professional Association and the cost of materials for those you are training are not included.
Instructor Guide
The comprehensive instructor guide assists you in facilitating thorough and effective staff training that is consistent with program quality standards, policies, and procedures.
Instructor Kit
The instructor kit includes all of the resource materials necessary to teach your first program course. Does not include workbooks and other resource materials for participants.
PLAEA Pocahontas Office
500 NE 6th St.
Pocahontas, IA 50574
- Jul 25, 2023 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
- Jul 26, 2023 (8:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
- Jul 27, 2023 (8:00 AM - 3:00 PM)
New trainers will attend all 3 days (July 25, 26, & 27).
Trainers eligible to renew only attend the last day (July 27).