Hilhi Happenings
Boletín informativo para familias de la Preparatoria: Hilhi.

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September 2, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Hilhi Families,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! Teachers and staff have been hard at work preparing for the new school year and we are excited to welcome the class of 2028 on Wednesday and all students on Thursday. Here's the schedule for the week:
- Tuesday, 9/3 - No School, last day of teacher prep
- Wednesday, 9/4 - 9th graders attend 9:00-3:30 (Wednesdays always start at 9:00 am)
- Thursday, 9/5 - All students attend, Day 2 (periods 5-8), 8:30-3:30
- Friday, 9/6 - All students attend, Day 1 (periods 1-4), 8:30-3:30
Our bell schedule has changed slightly this year, in that advisory is now on Tuesdays. Wednesdays will always be late start at 9:00 am and Thursday and Friday remain Spartan Academy days. School ends at 3:30 each day.
We've included lots of resources in this week's newsletter, but if you don't see an answer to your question, please contact us.
See you soon, Sparts!
Cary Meier
Protip: All the grey bars below are clickable links to helpful resources.
Reporting an Absence through ParentVue
Parents can now report full day absences via ParentVue. We are working on ways to enter partial day absences, but that is not yet available. With full day absence reporting, you can easily let us know when your child is absent for a full day.
Directions for Parents | English
Directions for Parents | Spanish
Missed Spartan Days
Did you miss Spartan Days? No worries! On September 10th, students can get their picture taken and get their student ID cards. On the first day of school, students will have the opportunity to pick up their technology, purchase their ASB sticker, parking pass, and yearbooks, and request a locker should they want one. There will also be ongoing support for students and families who would like assistance with setting up their ParentVue and/or StudentVue apps. Our official picture retake day by Dorian will be on October 25th, so please save the date!
Retakes : Oct 25th
HSD Family Engagement
The Hillsboro School District is currently accepting community member and student applications for its Community Curriculum Advisory Committee (CCAC).
The CCAC serves as a resource to the Board and Superintendent in setting the direction for long-range curriculum development and assisting in the development of the school’s curriculum and instructional programs. Members are appointed to two-year terms by the Board of Directors. Learn more here and apply by 5 PM on Thursday, Sep. 13, 2024
School counselors are assigned by grade level. If you have any questions about your child's schedule, please send a message to your student's counselor and be patient while they work through requests.
9th grade - Anita Siller - sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
10th grade - Carl Almquist - alquisc@hsd.k12.or.us
11th grade - Ralph Medina - medinar@hsd.k12.or.us
12th grade - Stephanie Anderson - andersos@hsd.k12.or.us
College & Career Specialist - Tim Kasper - kaspert@hsd.k12.or.us
Support & Wellness - Aleja GrahamUbadoPaz - grahamua@hsd.k12.or.us
New Students, CCPs & Volunteering - Marla Lyle - lylem@hsd.k12.or.us
New website
Over the summer HSD moved to a new website. While we are still working to update the information on the site, the new site is more accessible and easier to read on a mobile device. You will notice that in order to prevent cyberattacks, staff email addresses are no longer on the website. Families can access teacher emails in ParentVue or via Remind. You can also use the "Contact Us" button on the website and we'll send your message to the right person. If you can't find what you're looking for on the website, let us know and we'll get it added!
Online Verification & Fee Waiver
Each year families are asked to verify student enrollment online through the ParentVue app. This ensures we have accurate contact information for your student and gives families the opportunity to complete the family income survey to request fee waivers. We'll have staff available at Spartan Days to troubleshoot ParentVue access.
The fee waiver request is new this year, as we are no longer able to automatically waive fees for all students. We ask that all families complete the form, especially if your child will be participating in athletics, activities or taking IB tests, as this is the only way to waive those fees.
School Supplies
Hillsboro School District does not have a defined supply list for middle and high school students. Typically, students will be told what supplies they need for their individual classes on the first day of school. There are, however, some basic supplies that most students will need:
- Backpack
- Binder (2.5‐3”)
- Tab dividers
- College‐ruled filler paper (11” x 8½”)
- College‐ruled composition books
- College‐ruled spiral notebooks
- Folders
- Graphing Calculator
- Pencils (#2 graphite)
- Pens (black or dark blue ink)
- Highlighters
- Zipper pouch for pencils/pens (optional)
- Combination lock for PE classes (if needed)
Donations of these types of supplies are welcome and appreciated! Contact the Communications department at 503‐844‐1500 for more information.
The Little Spartan Preschool still has a few spaces available for this coming year. The program is a part time program (Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from 8:45am -12:00pm) for children 3-5 years old. Please reach out to Amanda Shipley for more information if you would like to enroll or know someone who would be interested.
Grade 9 Introduction
HHS 9th Grade Level Team meets weekly to focus primarily on attendance and students’ individual barriers to improve their attendance to school and their classes. We follow the guidelines and research from the Chicago University to support our students to stay On Track for their High School Graduation from the beginning in grade 9. Here is an interesting article on this topic: Why does attendance matter in High School?
If your student will be absent due to illness, a medical appointment, or any other reason, please call Mrs. Nuria Pence our attendance secretary or leave a message in our attendance line 503.844.1990.
Our 9th Grade Level Team is here to serve you and your students. If you have any questions or need support, please feel free to reach out to us!
MariaEugenia Olivar, 9th grade Administrator | olivarm@hsd.k12.or.us
Anita Siller, School Counselor | sillera@hsd.k12.or.us
Alejandra Lopez Sanchez, Graduation Coach | lopezsaa@hsd.k12.or.us
- Nuria Pence, Attendance Secretary | pencen@hsd.k12.or.us
Class of 2025 Grad Party
Senior parents, our 2025 Grad Party Committee is forming now. Please join this Facebook page to keep up to date on what the committee is doing and where we can use help. We are still looking for a Committee Secretary! There are many Chair positions we are looking for as well including Car Show, Bingo, and Online Auction. We are also looking for people to lead continual fundraising drives such as Restaurant Nights, Textile Drive, and more. Later on we will need volunteers for the party itself. Our class graduates on Saturday, June 7 at 1pm. Please complete this form so you are included in information about what the committee is doing. Any questions can be directed to HilhiGradNight@gmail.com.
Dates to Know
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day Holiday - No School
- Tuesday, September 3 - Last day of Inservice, No School
- Wednesday, September 4 - Freshmen Orientation Day - All 9th graders attend, 9:00 start time
- Thursday, September 5 - Senior Sunrise on the turf field 6:00am
- Thursday, September 5 - All students attend, 8:30 start time, Day 2
- Friday, September 6 - All students attend, 8:30 start time, Day 1
- Saturday, September 7, 8:00-10:00 - Freshman Dance in the Commons
- Tuesday, September 10 - Picture makeup day for those who missed Spartan Days
- Wednesday, September 18 - Back to School Night, 6:00-7:30pm
- Friday, September 27 - Club Kickoff during lunches
- Monday, September 30 - No School, Staff Development
- Tuesday, October 1 - After school tutoring begins - Tuesday & Thursday until 5:00 in the Library
- Thursday, October 10 - Homecoming Parade & Football game
- Friday, October 11 - No School, Statewide Inservice
- Saturday, October 12 - Homecoming Dance, 8:00-11:00 pm at Hilhi
- Tuesday, October 15 - Optional PSAT testing for 11th graders
- Thursday, October 31 - Last day of Quarter 1
- Friday, November 1 - No School, Grading Day
- Monday, November 11 - No School, Veterans Day
- Monday, November 18 - Winter Sports begin
- Monday-Friday, November 25-29 - No School, Conferences & Thanksgiving holiday
- Tuesday, December 10 - PreACT testing for all 10th graders
- Monday, December 23-Friday, January 3, 2025 - Winter Break
Fall Sports!
It’s been a very exciting start to the athletic year. We had over 300 student athletes tryout for teams.
Athletes and coaches have been working hard and we start this week with our first contests. On Thursday, August 29th Boys Soccer hosts Century at Hilhi’s Turf field. Girls’ soccer goes to Woodburn for their jamboree and football hosts their Jamboree with Aloha, Parkrose and St. Helens at Hare Field. Admission to the football game is $6 for adults $4 for students high school to kindergarten. High school students with ASB stickers from a participating school get in free. All non high school students need to have an adult chaperone with them at entrance and during the game.
Thank you to the athletes, coaches, parents and the community that support our athletes in competition.
Performing Arts
Marching Band & Colorguard
The Marching Band and Colorguard have been working hard since August 5th on their 2024 Marching Field Show “Ladder of Success!” It is looking and sounding amazing! Come see our home football game half-time shows!