Welcome Back to School
2024 - 2025
Welcome Back to the 2024 - 2025 School Year!!!
Registration Dates:
Tuesday July 30, 2024
6th, 7th, & 8th grades
8 - 11 am - Registration
11 - 12 pm - Closed for Lunch
12 - 3 pm Registration
Wednesday July 31, 2024
6th, 7th, & 8th grades
8 - 11 am - Registration
11 - 12 pm - Closed for Lunch
12 - 3 pm Registration
3 - 4 pm Closed for staff dinner break
4 - 7 pm Evening Registration
Guiding You Through the REGISTRATION Process
The following information is designed to help you navigate through the activation and registration process smoothly and quickly. If you have any questions, please call Clark Middle School at 742-4700.
The entire process usually takes 30-45 minutes. Please remember that we close for lunch from 11:00 a.m. -12 p.m. and for Dinner 3:00-4pm each day.
All Anchorage School District fines incurred must be cleared before or during activation.
State of Alaska regulations require all students to be current on their immunizations. Students who do not have proper documentation of immunizations will not be allowed to activate or to register. For more information, please contact the school.
Please bring checks or cash with you to pay for fines, a Memory Book, and activities. Be sure to keep your receipts, especially the Memory Book receipt!
Volunteers and office staff will be available to answer questions and provide directions. Please don’t hesitate to ask us for assistance.
On Wednesday, July 31 2024 an additional Evening Registration Session has been scheduled to take place from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. for all grade levels. We hope that our Customer Service brings a sense of comfort to you and your family. We are excited about the great potential that exist at Clark Middle School. This will be a very successful year.
Make sure your student is registered and their address has been verified by calling the school.
Returning to Clark Students are required to register for 2024-2025 school year.
Returning & Pre-Registered ASD Students:
To help accommodate families’ schedules, we are open on Tuesday, (July 30, 2024) from 8:00 am -11:00am (closed for lunch 11-12:00pm) we will reopen from 12 - 3:00pm, also on Wednesday, (July 31,2024) from 8:00am – 11:00am (closed for Lunch 11-12:00pm) open 12-3:00pm, (closed for dinner 3-4:00pm) open from 4pm-7:00pm.
EVENING REGISTRATIONS. All grade levels: 6th, 7th and 8th grade students are welcome.
If you will be out of town and unable to come to activation, please contact the Registrar at 742-7765 /or 742-4700 to get your name on a list so your student will not be dropped from the rosters.
New to the District Students:
If you are registering for the first time and you have any questions, you may call 742-4700 or 742-7765 to speak to the registrar. Otherwise, please have the following documentation with you at activation: original birth certificate, current immunization record, official grade report from the last school attended, and proof of address (ex. Lease agreement, electric or gas bill). All of these are required to register a student new to the Anchorage School District.
Activation/Registration Dates and Times
July 30th(Tuesday) 6th, 7th, & 8th Grade Activation & Registration 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
July 31st(Wednesday) 6th, 7th & 8th Grade Activation & Registration 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
July 31st(Wednesday) Evening Activation & Registration 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Things to Remember:
- SCHEDULES will be available on the first day of school.
- LOCKERS Students will receive lockers on the first day of school.
- LOCATE and PRACTICE your LOCKER COMBINATION on the first day of school. No worries, staff are here and ready to help!
- TOUR the BUILDING and LOCATE your CLASSES during registration
Counselors and administrators will be available to assist in the activation process and help with questions and concerns. If you will not be able to register on these dates, please contact us, 742-4700. You still will need to activate in person; however, we can plan on your attending Clark and reserve your valuable spot.
NEW School Start Times beginning in August 2024
For the 2024/2025 school year, school start times will look like this:
PLC Monday ONLY Schedule Start Time / Release Time
Elementary School 9:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
High School 9:45 a.m. 3:15 p.m.
Middle School 10:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday-Friday ONLY Schedule Start Time / Release Time
Elementary School 8:00 a.m. 2:30 p.m.
High School 8:45 a.m. 3:15 p.m.
Middle School 9:30 a.m. 4:00 p.m.
Anchorage School District FIRST DAY 2024
ASD is staggering the first day of school in August 2024 to support students in a new school environment - sixth-graders in middle school and ninth-graders in the Freshman Academy. All neighborhood and comprehensive schools will follow the staggered first day schedule. Classes will begin at the new school start times, which is 9:30 a.m. for middle school and 8:45 a.m. for high school.
By providing students in grades 6-7 and 9 a day at school with smaller student populations, schools can prioritize onboarding activities and supports.
This will include:
- Assisting students with locker and classroom navigation
- Team building activities
- Discussions on successful academic practices and clear behavior expectations
- Additional activities appropriate to grade level
Due to the staggered start date where all school staff will be on hand to support students, middle and high schools will not hold optional orientations or camps for students prior to the first day of school.
Back To School Night / Open House (Tuesday, September 10, 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm)
Open House
Location: Clark Middle School
You are cordially invited to attend Clark Middle School's Open House/Back To School Night. Staff and support services will be available to meet you and share about our great dynamic programs.
in the Multi-Purpose Room
- Greetings From the Principal
- Title I Plan Review
- Start the Conversation
- Focus for the School Year is Accelerated Learning/Instruction for all students
- Title I Compact
- Great Families Learn Here
Lockers will be assigned the first week of school.
The form below will be helpful to students as they learn their combination and remember the combination. Remember, friendly staff will be available to assist you.
· STEP 1 Turn the Dial right two or more complete turns and then STOP on the FIRST NUMBER.
· STEP 2 Turn the dial to the left. Make sure to pass the second number once….. then STOP when you land on the SECOND NUMBER.
· STEP 3 Turn the dial right and go directly to the THIRD NUMBER and pull the shackle open.
NOTE: It is a policy that you DO NOT share or give your combination out to any other students or friends once you receive it at the beginning of the school year.
You are responsible for everything in your locker.
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL For 6th & 7th Grade ONLY
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Breakfast is served at 8:30am in the MPR
Mondays ONLY Classes Begin 10:30am and End 4:00pm
Classes BEGIN Promptly at 9:30am Tuesday - Friday
Classes END at 4:00pm Daily
8th grade
Friday, August 16, 2024
Elizabeth Hermanson, Assistant Principal, Contact:907-742-4724
If you are interested in serving on the school Discipline Committee
Team or attending any of the discipline meetings, please let me know.
The committee meets at 8:30am each month in the Clark Library during
the school year. The meetings last thirty minutes and is a great way to
provide input to the Administrative Team.
Carl Snider, Assistant Principal, Contact: 907-742-7724
If you are interested in serving on the school Safety Committee
Team or attending any of the discipline meetings, please let me know.
The committee meets at 8:30am each month during the school year.
The meetings last thirty minutes and is a great way to provide input
to the Administrative Team.
Administrative Assistant: Ms. Chekedia Rias 907-742-4715,
Registrar: Ms. Lillian Lopez 907-742-7765,
Attendance Secretary: Ms. Shawna Alexander 907-742-7763,
Administrative Assistant of Finances and Procurement: Ms. Christina Russell 907-742-4727
Cell Phone & Earbud Policy
Telephones - Office phones are for emergency contact calls only. You must obtain prior permission from a staff member to use the phone. Phones are also available in classrooms throughout the building.
Cell Phones - Personal cell phones are to be shut off and stored away throughout the day. Students may use cell phones before and after school.
As a rule remember, OFF & AWAY during the school day!
The following is intended to clarify the Clark's dress code and should be used as a guide.
Breakfast begins at 8:30am each morning.
Academic Instruction Students are not allowed to venture into the team academic areas until 9:15am to begin preparing for the school day.
Students must be in their seats when the 9:30am bell rings to be considered ON TIME. Students arriving after 9:30am will be considered TARDY.
School is Dismissed at 4:00pm each day
Attendance Counts!
School Student Creed
I am a student seeking to be
The standard is Excellence
today and tomorrow
I am disciplined, focused
and on time
I am organized, respectful
and responsible
I am on a mission to elevate
myself, my community and
I am a Clark Middle School SCHOLAR!!!
School Name
Orah Dee Clark Middle
School Colors
Blue and Gold
School Mascot
The Mighty FALCONS
schol·ar /ˈskälər/
A specialist in a particular branch of study, esp. the humanities; a distinguished academic.
Intramural activities are done within the school. Students do not compete against other schools.
Interscholastic activities are district wide and students compete against other middle schools during the season.
· Students must have a current physical on file at school in order to participate in interscholastic and
intramural activities. Parents must sign a participation form for each sport.
· A $110 fee will be charged per interscholastic sport. However, a family cap will be implemented once the students in a family have paid $220 to participate in activities including any combination of middle and high school activities. Students who qualify for free or reduced lunch, may request a waiver of fees by completing an Activities Waiver Form.
· Interscholastic Activities are $110.
· The completed “Middle School Activity Participation Form”, “Health Examination Form”,
“Sports Fee Remittance Form”, and fees must be handed in together to Christina Russell before the student will be allowed to practice. If forms are turned in to the office after noon, the student will begin practice on the next practice day.
Note: Coed = both boys and girls participate together
Physicals can be scheduled through Clark Middle Schools Heath Center.
Students must have a current physical to participate in interscholastic and intramural activities. Parents must sign a participation form for each sport. All forms will be available at Activation/Registration or in the school office.
School Lunch
It is very important that every child have a nutritious lunch at school each day. Students are not allowed off campus at lunchtime unless picked up by a parent. Parents must go to the office before picking up a student.
FREE breakfast and FREE lunch is provided for ALL students
attending Clark Middle school. Our school applied and qualified for five-year grant to provide these services to all students. Students can elect to bring a healthy packed lunch if you desire.
LUNCHROOM SEATING: Each academic grade level will eat lunch with their peers. All 6th graders will each lunch with all 6th grade students; All 7th graders will eat lunch with 7th graders and all 8th grade students will eat lunch with 8th grade students.
LUNCHROOM SEATING: Students will eat in the lunchroom, which is often known as the multi-purpose room for 30-minutes. Staff, security and administrators supervise the lunchroom to ensure safety and organization throughout the duration of the lunch period. All students will follow clear expections for positive behavior and assist with clean up. They will sit at their designated area during the lunch period. When finished with lunch, the library is often open for students to use as well as teachers often open their classrooms for students to receive help and support with class work.
The following expectations must be followed:
Students are to remain seated a all times unless discarding trash or released to line up to purchase lunch.
Carry on a quiet conversation with a friendly neighbor. (VOICE LEVEL 1)
Raise your hand for any assistance required from the table. Put all waste/trash in the garbage when directed by an Administrator or one of the security specialists. (Assistant Principal or Safety Security)
After the first 20 minutes of the nutrition break, students collect their garbage. The Assistant Principals and Safety Security will move about the lunchroom to collect it. At this time, students wait quietly to be dismissed to their next class. While waiting to be dismissed, students are encouraged to read quietly, catch up on homework, or talk quietly with friends. Students are not to be moving about the lunchroom.
Clark is focusing on providing nutritional lunches for all students.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact the Anchorage School Food and Nutrition Department or Clark Middle School at 742-4700.
Please avoid bringing Large bags of chips and liters of sodas.
Sodas are not allowed in school.
No Takis of any sort is allowed.
Big bags of chips are not allowed
Theme for the Year: Every Student, Every Day!
Did you know...? Why Daily Attendance Matters:
Missed Lessons = Falling Behind: Even one day can mean missing critical instructions and activities, making it harder for your child to catch up.
Impact on Future Success: Consistent attendance is a strong predictor of academic achievement and future opportunities.
Building Resilience: Regular attendance teaches your child the value of perseverance and responsibility—essential skills for success in life.
Stronger Friendships: Daily presence helps your child develop and sustain friendships, which are crucial for emotional and social development.
Healthy Routine: Attending school every day establishes a stable routine, promoting better mental and physical health.
Who to contact if your child doesn't want to come to school:
Your Grade Level Counselors:
6th Grade - Brent Haugen ~ haugen_brent@asdk12.org - 742-7771
7th Grade - Emily Wentzel-Walle ~ wentzel-walle_emily@asdk12.org - 742-7774
8th Grade - Gage Moore ~ moore_gage@asdk12.org - 742-7772
Important Events
10th Annual Clothesline Project
August 3rd - 10:00am - 2:00pm @ Clark Middle School
APD and Community Members will be at Clark Middle School to distribute free clothing items (new clothes, gently used clothes, shoes & coats) to students and families in preparation for the upcoming school year.
Building Hours for 2024 - 2025
Drop off and Pick Up
Clark will open the doors at 8:30 am for student drop-off.
8:30 MPR open
The after-school pick-up time for students is between 4:00 - 4:15 p.m. unless enrolled in an after-school sport or activity.
The Link to the School Year Calendar 2024-25
- July 30th - 1st Day Registration & Activation
Closed for Staff Lunch Break: 11:00am-12:00pm
Registration Continues: 12:00pm-3:00pm
- July 31st 2nd Day Registration & Activation
Closed for Staff Lunch: 11:00am-12:00pm
Registration Continues: 12:00pm-3:00pm
Closed for Staff Dinner Break: 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Registration Continues: 4:00pm-7:00pm
- Aug. 3rd - Anchorage Clothesline Project Clothes Distribution for students and families -10am-2:00pm @ Clark Middle School)
- Aug. 12th - First Day for teachers
- Aug. 15th - 6th & 7th Graders 1st Day
- Aug. 16th - 8th Graders 1st Day
- Aug. 19th - X-C Running Practice Begins
- Aug. 19th Boys Basketball Practice Begins
- Sept. 3-13th - MAPS Testing
- Sept. 4th - X-C Run Jamboree @ Bartlett
- Sept. 5th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 9th - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 9th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 10th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 10th - Open House/Back To School Night @ Clark MS
- Sept. 11th - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 12th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 16th - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 16th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 17th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 18th - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 19th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 23rd - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 23rd - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 24th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 25th - X-C Run Meet
- Sept. 26th - Boys Basketball Game
- Sept. 28th - Boys Basketball Tournament
- Sept. 30th - X-C Run Think Pink Relay