Cat Chronicles
Family and Community Newsletter - Ed. 2, Vol. 4
A Message from the Principal
The month of November is here, and it is a great time for us to reflect on the things for which we are thankful. I am thankful for our students and how terrific they are each and every day. I am thankful for the very best staff and teachers that lead and support our students. And I am thankful to have the opportunity to serve a wonderful community with the very best parents, guardians, and families ever.
Matt Woodley, Principal
Upcoming Events
11/1- One Act Play- FoCAL
11/4- Cheer Banquet at 5:30 PM
11/5- Student Holiday- No School
11/8- FCA Huddle at 7:45 AM
11/10- North Forsyth Mountain Bike Club Banquet at 5:30 PM
11/11- North Forsyth Middle Veterans Honorary Breakfast at 8:00 AM
11/13- North United Schools Joint LSC Meeting @ North Forsyth High at 7:45 AM
11/14- FFA Competition @ Rome, GA
11/14- Basketball- Boys @ Home at 6:00 PM, Girls @ Piney Grove Middle at 6:00 PM
11/18-11/22- North United Schools Thank It Forward Week
11/19- Basketball- Girls @ Home at 6:00 PM, Boys @ Little Mill Middle at 6:00 PM
11/20-11/22- 7th Grade Field Trip to JA Biztown
11/22- District Honors Chorus Concert @ Dawson High School at 5:00 PM
11/21- Basketball- Boys @ Home at 5:30 PM, Girls @ Vickery Creek Middle at 5:30 PM
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Break- No School
Important Information
Canvas Help Guide- Stay connected to your child’s learning! Click HERE for helpful information.
Parent Portal- How to access your student’s grades. Click HERE for directions. General information about Portal can be found HERE.
Contacting Teachers- Email addresses and phone extensions can be found HERE.
Important Reminders
Car Riders
- If your student is a car rider in the afternoon, please ensure they are picked up no later than 4:40 PM. If you are having difficulty picking your student up in time, we encourage you to allow your students ride the bus in the afternoons.
Thank you,
NFM Admin
Chorus News
Congratulations to the following students for being selected for the District 9 Honor Chorus. Their concert is open to the public and will be presented on Friday, November 22 at the Dawson High School Performing Arts Center at 5:00 p.m.
Middle Mixed Chorus:
Isabelle Armistead
Ansley Pate
Blaise Holbrook
Jonah Barnes
Middle Treble Chorus:
Kaitlyn Stetina
Jessika Mills
Blakeley Cavin
6th Grade Chorus:
Rowan O’Rourke
Ivy Williams
Brynn Hoffman
Audrey McCleskey
- Chick-fil-A biscuit sale every Wednesday morning before school
- Spirit Night @ Freedom Mill on 10/16 (A flyer on Facebook will be posted this week)
- Follow PTSO on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/nfmsptso?mibextid=LQQJ4d
- Halloween donut sales October 31st. Cost $2.00
Teacher of the Month
Our Wildcats love celebrating with their Teacher of the Month. Please help us celebrate the wonderful work our staff and teachers do each and every day for our students and school. If you would like to highlight the great work someone at North Middle is doing in the lives of our students. Please click the link and help us celebrate them! Staff Member of the Month
Partners In Education
Are you interesting in becoming a North Forsyth Middle School Partner in Education?
At North Forsyth Middle School, we are committed to ensuring our students receive a strong foundation of excellence. We value our local businesses and community organizations and hope to partner with them to provide our students with a world-class learner experience. Your generosity and involvement help us provide additional resources to students and staff. Benefits for our Business Partners include your business promoted on our website, social media outlets, in the monthly Cat Chronicles (Family and Community newsletter) and in various other ways. If you are interested in serving as a Partner in Education, please contact Rob Dugan, assistant principal, at rdugan@forsyth.k12.ga.us.
North Forsyth Middle- Safe, Connected, and Thriving!
North Forsyth Middle believes in creating a Safe, Connected, and Thriving School Community. As a school we strive to ensure all students are successful, and we are guided by our Learner Profile!