Jaguar News

February Dates to Remember
- February 3rd - 7th - National School Counseling Week
- February 12th - PTO Meeting @5:30pm
- February 14th - Early Release Day
- February 15th - National School Resource Officer Day
- February 17th - No School
- February 18th - April 24th - Spring After School Activities
- February 26th - Parent Teacher Conferences 4pm-7:20pm
- February 27th - Parent Teacher Conferences 12:40pm-5:20pm
- February 27th - Early Release Day
- February 28th - No School
Notes from Dr. Denson
Hello Parents & Guardians,
As we enter February, we are reminded that the school year is more than halfway through! This month brings opportunities to celebrate growth, recognize achievements, and continue building a strong foundation for success. From academic milestones to community events, there’s much to look forward to at Jefferson Intermediate this semester. Thank you for your ongoing partnership and commitment to ensuring a positive learning experience for our students. Let’s continue working together to make this an incredible year for our school community!
Winter Weather
As we welcome February, we want to update you on our plan for winter weather. We’ve already used all three traditional snow days built into our school calendar this year. Should additional inclement weather arise, we will implement AMI (Alternate Methods of Instruction) days to ensure learning continues without disruption.
Here’s what you need to know about AMI days:
Students will join their homeroom class and teacher on a Google Meet from 9:00–10:00 AM.
The Google Meet link will be available in each student’s Google Classroom.
Teachers will review these expectations with students ahead of time and show them how to access the link.
After the Google Meet, students will work on assignments provided by their teachers, with one week to complete and submit their work.
Teachers will remain available via email during the school day to answer any questions.
Students must complete and submit all assignments to their teachers within 7 days in order to be considered present for the day.
We appreciate your flexibility and support as we navigate the challenges of winter weather while maintaining our commitment to learning. If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing technology, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school office.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Mark your calendars! Spring Parent-Teacher Conferences will take place on February 26-27. Unlike the fall conferences, these are not required for all students. If your child’s teacher believes a conference is necessary, they will contact you with sign-up details. Thank you for your continued partnership in supporting your child’s success. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your child’s teacher.
Spring After School Activities
Spring is an exciting time for our students to engage in after-school activities! Our Spring After School Activities will run from February 18 to April 24, from 3:05 PM to 4:00 PM. Sign-ups for these activities closed on January 24, and we are thrilled to see so much interest in our programs. Activity sponsors have already reached out to the parents and families of all students who were admitted into a spring activity. If you have not received confirmation, please feel free to contact our front office for assistance. We look forward to a fun and enriching spring season for all our students involved in these activities!
Parent Teacher Organization
Due to inclement weather, we had to cancel our January 8 PTO meeting. However, we’re looking forward to reconnecting and making plans for the rest of the school year at our next meeting on February 12.
We’d love to see you there! Participating in the PTO is a wonderful way to get involved, share ideas, and support our school community. Mark your calendar and join us—we value your input and participation.
Upcoming events
February 3-7 National School Counseling Week
Saturday, February 15 National School Resource Officer Day
Friday, February 14 Early Release Day (12:05)
Monday, February 17 Presidents’ Day, No School
Tuesday, February 18 Spring After School Activities Begin
Wednesday, February 26 Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:20
Thursday, February 27 Early Release Day 12:05
Thursday, February 27 Parent Teacher Conferences 12:40-5:20
Friday, February 28 No School
Best regards,
Dr. Amanda Denson
PTO Meeting
Early Release Day
No School
Please Note: Unlike the fall conferences, these are not required for all students. If your child’s teacher believes a conference is necessary, they will contact you with sign-up details.
Early Release Day
No School
January Student of the Month
5th Grade
6th Grade
Flag Football
AMI Day Instructions
Dear Students and Families,
As we enter into our winter season, we want to update you about what our Alternative Method of Instruction (AMI) day will look like should we need to use one due to weather. Here is our school specific information about what will happen. Your student will have assignments posted in Google Classroom by their math and ELA teachers.
On AMI days, we are all in this weather together and it is all hands on deck to make sure you feel supported and have a chance to learn during your AMI day. At 9:00 AM all students will check in with their math and reading teachers via a Google Meet. This link is available in your child’s Google Classroom. Students can complete their assignments when they choose throughout the day. They will also have some optional specials assignments shared by the special teachers and available to students in Google Classroom.
Teachers will be available throughout the day to help your student. Please have your student email their teacher should they need assistance..
Thanks for your support and let us know if you have any questions.
The Jefferson Staff and Teachers
Important Information from the School Nurse
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Cold and flu season is upon us! To help prevent the flu and colds, please remind your children of good hygiene habits:
Wash hands with soap and water frequently
Keep hands away from eyes, nose or mouth
Cover mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, use a paper tissue, throw it away, and then wash hands
Colds are the most contagious during the first 48 hours. A child who has started antibiotics needs to be on the medication for 24 hours before being considered non-contagious and able to return to school. Your child should be physically able to participate in all school activities on return to school. Keeping a sick child home will help minimize the spread of infections and viruses in the classroom.
Please keep your child at home for treatment and observation if he or she has any of the following symptoms:
Fever greater than 100 degrees - Your child may return to school only after his/her temperature has been consistently below 100 degrees for a minimum of 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Vomiting - Students must not attend school for at least 24 hours after the last episode of vomiting
General malaise or feelings of fatigue, discomfort, weakness or muscle aches
Frequent congested (wet) or croupy cough
Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
Please keep the office updated with any changes in emergency contact information. When called to pick up your child due to illness or injury, we ask that you be as prompt as possible. The more effective we can be in limiting students’ exposure to contagious organisms, the healthier our student body will be.
Thank you in advance for helping make this school year as healthy as possible. If you have any questions, please contact me at 636-443-4403. You can also email me at bmccann@stcharlessd.org
Mrs. McCann, RN, BSN, NCSN
School Nurse
Student Clinic
The Student Clinic is available to all SCSD students and is housed at Blackhurst Elementary.
Parents interested in scheduling an appointment can do so in the following ways:
Direct Dial Number 636-206-2244
Fax number 573-899-7939
Parents should call the direct dial number for any appointments or needs. Please DO NOT contact the front office staff at Blackhurst.
Yearbooks are on Sale Now!
Yearbooks are $18 and you can order online by visiting inter-state.com/order
Enter code:91230E or order in the front office with cash or check.
The last day to order yearbooks is March 21st.
If you have any question please contact Gina Lovelady at glovelady@stcharlessd.org
Jefferson Families, Please call the attendance secretary (636-443-4402) or email Mary Ellen Godfrey (mgodfrey@stcharlessd.org) each day your child will be out of school so that their absence can be marked as excused. Please make contact by 9am. Please provide doctors notes upon return if available.
Important Bus Information
Please remember that students are not to get off at other students' bus stops. They are also not allowed to ride other students' buses. This is a District Policy.
Dr. Amanda Denson ~ Principal
Dr. Jason Joyner ~ Vice Principal
Mrs. Casey Post ~ Vice Principal
About Us
Website: https://mo01910164.schoolwires.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=804
Location: 2660 Zumbehl Rd, Saint Charles, MO, USA
Phone: 636-443-4400 Fax: 636-443-4401
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JeffersonIntermediateStCharles
X: @JeffersonSCSD