G-A Superintendent Newsletter
Check out this Newsletter for...
- New Hires
- Lunch Menus
- G-A Spirit Wear!
- G-A Website App
- G-A Inspirational Award for Alumni
- District Calendar
- Public Relations Information
- Primary, Middle & High School Newsletters
New Hires to G-A Community Schools
Welcome to the Ram Family!
Robin Phenicie, Johanna Eckert, Edward Plegue, Caleb Piersma, Bruce Lack, Kelley Kocher, Christie Boven, Marcie Dalm, Coley Church, Ailene Buchtrup
Free Breakfast & Lunch -PLEASE complete link
For the upcoming 2024-25 school year, Michigan has authorized free meals for all students as part of the Michigan School Meals program! This means students 4 yrs. old and above, at public schools will have the opportunity to enjoy breakfast and lunch at no cost throughout the academic year.
It is important to note that families should still complete the 2024-2025 School Meals application, which helps ensure ongoing state funding and can qualify your child’s school or community for other special programs for their education. These meals will save families $850 a year, per student, no matter the income level. Taking some financial pressure off parents and several school districts.
Parents or guardians can submit applications online HERE (Apply For Benefits), or in person at your child’s school office. Note: You will need your student's Student ID to add funds. Please use student name exactly as it is listed in PowerSchool.
G-A Spirit Wear!
Galesburg-Augusta Transportation
Kinks, improvements and questions... Oh My!
VOTE for G-A
G-A High School won this school spirit award last school year, vote to help us be BACK-to-BACK champs!
Last year we bought the students a slushie machine! They will vote on what they want to get this year.
Know a G-A Alumni? How did they Inspire You?
Nominate a G-A Alumni for the G-A Inspirational Alumni Award
The G-A Inspirational Alumni Award celebrates individuals whose endeavors have brought honor to Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools and who will inspire students on their road to success.
Nominate by NOVEMBER 1, 2024. For more information visit our school HS website or go to the
Public Relations at G-A
Have a problem? idea? question? need support?
This form serves as an opportunity for productive communication and action. Please direct any questions, concerns and thoughts on decisions, needs or anything related to G-A Community Schools here and within 24 hours you will get a response back starting the collaboration on the situation.
Thank you for being an active G-A Ram Family Member and reaching out to see how our collaboration and connecting together can grow our students, families and schools.
My Best,
Dr. Newton
G-A Superintendent
Galesburg Augusta Primary School News
Back-to-School Quote:
It’s more than a class, it’s more than a rule,
Welcome back to the magic of school.
New faces, places, paths to tread,
So much to learn, so far ahead.
Pencils sharpened, minds set free,
Ready for all that we can be.
From Mr. Sportel
On behalf of the PS School, we want to express our gratitude for all your patience with our morning drop off. As the year progresses, it will get better and faster. We promise :)
One thing that has helped out tremendously is eliminating the left turn lane coming out of the parking lot. We understand this might be a little inconvenient for some and we do apologize. If you turn right and take the second left, it will take you around the block.
We are so glad to be back! It has been an adjustment getting back into the routine, but the first few weeks at GA Primary School have been fantastic.
Open House was held on August 21st and was a huge success. Families explored the school and classrooms and received information for the upcoming year. We had a very high turnout and many organizational groups came to represent our community such as: Boy/Cub Scouts, 4H, Pre-K, Galesburg-Augusta Learning Center, Transportation, Title I, Counseling and other services, AFGAK, Sports Boosters, Bussing, and Food Service. We are going to have a great year!
Mr. Sportel
Huge Thank You to our G-A Alumni, Mr. Hemenway!
James Hemenway Wealth Management of Raymond Supports Our Families and Students:
Sixty students got the school year started off in style this year at the Primary School Open House Wednesday, August 21, 2024. Courtesy of James Hemenway Wealth Management of Raymond James, 60 students received a new backpack and school supplies for the coming year. Jim and his team outfitted 7 middle school students and 53 primary school students Pre-K to 4. This contribution, just another example of Hemenway's ongoing commitment to our community, was targeted towards families and students who needed help getting the school started on a positive note.
On hand to help the students secure their backpacks and supplies were Jim Hemenway, Samantha Phillips, Jim's Client Services Associate, Hilary Diebold, Eastern Area Services and G-A Schools, as well as Jeff Russell, Family Advocate G-A Primary School. Parents and students alike left the Primary School Media Center with a smile and the anticipation of a successful 24-25 school year.
G-A Community Schools would like to thank James Hemenway Wealth Management of Raymond James, and its staff, for their continued and generous support of the families and students in our district.
RAMS Assembly
RAMS Expectations were introduced to Kindergarten - Second Grade on Aug. 27th and introduced to Third and Fourth Grade students on Aug. 28th.
RAMS stand for Respect, Achieve, Manage and Succeed. Each area of our building has a lesson that is taught and expectations for being in that school environment to help our students be successful.
Important dates at the PS
September 4th - Pre-K Open House from 5:30-6:30
September 9th - 1st Day of Pre-K
September 18th - ½ Day of School
October 2nd - Count Day
October 4th - Walk to School Event
October 7th - Picture Day
October 16th - Conference 4:00-7:00
October 17th ½ Day Conferences 1:00-3:00 and 4:00-7:00
October 18th - No School
Middle School News
Important Reminders for Parents:
Doors open at 7:55 for all students who are eating breakfast. Students must go directly to the cafeteria upon entering the building and they must get breakfast. Students will remain in the cafeteria until 8:05. Doors open to ALL students at 8:05.
Classes start promptly at 8:14. Please make sure all students are dropped off no later than 8:10 each morning.
Back to School RAMS Expectations Assembly
We had a great first week at G-A Middle School! Students quickly learned where to find their classes and how to open their lockers! Each grade level participated in RAMS expectations assemblies to review the Middle School behavior expectations. Please find the updated Student/Parent Handbook on the G-A Middle School website. Parents, please remind your students what it means to be a G-A RAM!
Respect Achieve Manage Success
RAMS Ticket Store
This year we will be creating a RAMS Ticket Store. Students earn RAMS tickets from their teachers by following our RAMS expectations. Students will want to save their tickets so they can shop in the RAMS store at the end of each month.
Middle School Robotics
We are thrilled to have our first-ever Middle School Robotics team! Our very own, Frank Couch, is coaching the team. Please reach out to the MS office if you would like more information about robotics.
Student Council
We are very excited to bring back the student council this year! Stay tuned for all the exciting events and activities that our student council will be planning! The following students are currently serving on the student council. We still have a few openings! If your child is interested in joining the student council, please contact Melissa Godde at the Middle School.
Class Officers
President- Cora Hilton
Vice President- Charlotte Armock
Treasurer- Peyton Simmons
Secretary - open
Class Reps 8th
Class Reps 7th
Cameron Kuhse
Aliyah Buckner
Class Reps 6th
Ny'Kia Armstead
Joshua Head
Lincoln Lovely
Upcoming Dates
9/11- Picture Day
9/18- ½ day for students
See website for Sports Schedules
High School News
Senior Sunrise
Monday, August 26th the Senior class of 2025 began their Senior year with a beautiful sunrise, donuts and time to marvel that Monday was the last first day of their K-12 schooling. Thank you to Senior Class Advisors, Laura Wilks-Millard and Misty Pfeiffer for their organization. The Seniors are excited to make it a great year!
Back-to-School Assembly
The hallways were filled with laughter, smiles, and excitement as the 2024-2025 school year kicked off on Monday morning. Our half day schedule included an assembly gathering for the first time with our incoming 9th graders. The cheerleaders kicked us off, leading us through some school cheers! We reviewed our ROWDY RAMS expectations, provided staff introductions, and laid the groundwork for a great 2024-2025 school year. Lily Gilbert was our lucky winner for a new pair of SHOES! The school spirit and energy were high! Go RAMS!
Homecoming is on the Horizon -Oct 11th
Students will receive a RAMs Report Homecoming Edition at Lunch that will showcase all of the fun of Homecoming Week. Thank you Kayleen O’Donnell and Student Council for your hard work in putting this together. Floating building starts on September 27th and only happens after school and on the weekends. If your student is interested in floating building, please have them contact their class representatives, listed below. If Powderpuff is more up your alley, please contact Mr. Dolph with practice times. Juniors will take on Seniors in this once a year football game! The game will take place on October 9th at 6pm on the High School Football Field. More details to come!
Freshman Class Representatives
Jerome Bailey
Jason Belanger
Kayla Bortolussi
Claire Callender
Sophia Georgeau
Jilaya Henry-Phillips
Camryn Jackson
Sophomore Class Representatives
Patrick Armock
Ellesa Callender
Lexi Coburn
David Oliver
Junior Class Representatives
Robert Cain
Breanna Keene
Charlotte Lockner
Jonah Ranes
Senior Class Representatives
Emily Bailey
Suzanne Nichols
Lili Thompson
Jenna Whitmore
Class Officers
President: Jaidyn Klimp
Secretary: Holley Coburn
Treasurer: Lauren Gates
Chief of Spirit: Rhyann Wilson
Historian: Alexis Gibson
Important Dates
September 6th: First Home Football Game & Community Night Tailgate
September 13th-18th: Homecoming Court Nominations
September 15th: 2025 Photo Fundraiser @ Stadium
September 23rd-27th: Homecoming Final Ballot, Court announced on the 27th!
September 24th: Jostens will be here. Seniors will receive cap and gown information and Freshman will receive information regarding class rings.
October 1st: Picture Day
October 7th-11th: Homecoming Week
1st Middle School Practice in over 20 years. Thank you to everyone that made this happen. Looking forward to watching the boys play . First game is September 11 at South Haven
We have a freshman, junior varsity and varsity volleyball program. Come support our girls and cheer them on. Schedules on the HS website.
Cross Country
Cross Country Team will be running the GAME BALL from Delton to G-A for homecoming on Oct. 11. Interested in running or helping the route let Chris Thomas, CC coach know.