Kindergarten Parent Orientation
Information for Hillside Families, May 2020
Welcome to Hillside!
With the current distancing measures in place, connecting with our families has been a mighty challenge. This kindergarten newsletter is our attempt to help you to get to know us a little bit and to give you as much information as we are able. This is information we typically deliver at the Kindergarten Parent Orientation Night. This is usually a night when we get to meet incoming kindergarteners; we are sad we were unable to have this very special night this spring.
Please read this newsletter thoroughly and star this email for frequent reference! There is a button below to click if you have a question or questions.
We are looking forward to the day we can, once again, have children in our halls and in our classrooms. Meanwhile, stay safe and healthy.
Cynthia Bailey, Principal
Kindergarten Roundup in the Fall
School Arrival
Our school day begins at 8:30 AM. Students are encouraged to arrive at 8:20 AM. when doors open. We ask that students not arrive before 8:15 AM unless:
-Participating in a school activity
-Serving on Safety Patrol
-Working with a teacher
-Attending Club 66 Before & After Care program
-Serving as a Student Council greeter
Teachers are involved in team meetings, staff meetings, individual planning, and preparing for the day from 8:00-8:15 AM. Supervision out in front begins at 8:15 AM.
Carpool Traffic Path
Attendance and Notifying the Office
Each school day begins with taking attendance. It is very important that students be in their classrooms by 8:30 AM so they are not missed during this procedure. We also take attendance immediately following lunch time, which means that if students leave campus for lunch with a parent, they need to be back when that attendance is taken. We worry about our students if they are not at school, so the school secretary or the health assistant will call the home or work of parents who have not called in and reported their child’s absence. Please help us with this by calling the office at 402-390-6450 by 8:40 AM when your student is not coming to school or will be late for school. Safety is our focus in making this request. Students coming in after 8:30 AM or after attendance is taken in the afternoon must come to the office and check in. Students coming or going during the day for appointments, illness, etc., must also sign in and out through the office.
Please remember to call the school office at 402-390-6450 before 8:50 AM if:
Your child will be absent from school for any reason.
Your child will be late for school.
You would like to join your child for lunch and need to order a tray for yourself.
Often, parents will tell the teacher when their children are going to be gone; the office really needs to know as well. We would appreciate your help with this any time you know your child will be out of school. Also, please let the office know if you are going to be out of town and someone else will be be taking care of your children. In the case of an emergency, we want to be sure we are able to get in touch with someone quickly.
Wednesday is Early Dismissal
Every Wednesday, we will end the school day at 3:00 PM instead of 3:30 PM. This gives our teachers throughout the District collaboration time to attend weekly professional learning communities (PLC’s).
Medication and Health Information
The health office must have a written, signed and dated Medication Authorization form from the parent or guardian requesting that his/her child be given medication during the school day (prescription or over-the counter). This form is available in the office. All medication must be brought to school and taken home from school by a parent. It must be in the original container, labeled with the child’s name, date prescribed, name of medication, directions for use, dosage information, and the time the medication is to be given. Cough drops, and any over-the-counter medication must be in the original box/package, and a Medication Authorization form must be filled out. These medications are kept in the health office. Scrapes and cuts are washed and bandaged, if needed. We do not and cannot use any ointment or cleaning product on an individual. If an injury is severe or questionable, a parent will be contacted. All medication, including cough drops, must be picked up by a parent at the end of the duration. We will not send any medication home with a child.
Weekly News Brief
Hillside Dress Expectations
In order to ensure a positive learning environment where all feel comfortable and respected, please follow our Hillside dress expectations. We expect our students to wear clothing that:
Is clean, safe, and in good condition.
Is considerate of others
Is free of advertisements, graphics or language on drugs, alcohol, tobacco or violence.
Is free of sexual or disrespectful comments or graphics.
Clothing should cover appropriately. Please avoid halter tops, bare shoulders, and short shorts. Head wear including hats, caps, bandannas, and scarves are not allowed. in the school building Students will be asked to call home for a change of clothing if not dressed properly. This helps to keep our environment free of distractions.
School Lunch
Lunch money will be taken at the office or the classroom or you can go to and add money to your child’s account. Checks should be made to Hillside Elementary School. If you are sending money for more than one child, please note the amount of money to be deposited in each child’s account. We welcome family members to join their students for lunch. If you will be eating school lunch we ask that you call the office by 8:40 AM, so we can add you to the lunch count.
Personal Property Reminder
Students are reminded that all personal items, such as skateboards, ipods, toys, footballs, basketballs, etc., are not to be brought to school unless specifically requested by the classroom teacher. These items are costly and could be damaged or lost. We want to make sure our instructional environment is as free from distraction as possible and that belongings remain safe.
School Supplies
For the school year, we ask families to consider donating school supplies. Parent support for school supplies is much appreciated! In the summer newsletter, you will find a list of school supplies needed for our building, organized by grade level. Please know that we carefully review these supply request lists every year to be sure there is nothing unnecessary on those lists. Supplies donated will go to the classroom, and teachers will dispense as necessary. Because we do it this way, there is no need to put a student name on an item. We appreciate anything you are able to provide; we will make sure all students have the supplies they need. Family support for school supplies has always been generous, and we are most appreciative!
Please note for parents of KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS: we appreciate these supplies and ask that you bring them on DAY 5 of school after all kindergarten students have been placed into classrooms. Thank you!
Dismissal Plans for Students
If you need to pick up your child during the day, please call us when you are no more than 10 minutes away from school. Our front office is a busy place, and we are unable to remember that your student needs to leave class at a specific time. When you call us, we will call your student down to the office to have him or her waiting for you!
Websites for You!
Hillside Website:
Westside Community Schools Website:
School Lunch Accounting: