Straight from Station
May 2024

January 17, 2024
Important Dates!
- January 20 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - District 220 Closed
- February 11 - PTO Meeting - 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
- February 12 - Band Assembly - 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
- February 14 - In-Service Day - No School Attendance
- February 17 - President's Day - District 220 Closed
- February 21 - 8th Grade Orchestra Field Trip - 10:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Deliveries To School
At our middle school, parents may drop off small items in the front office prior to lunch, and these items will be delivered to students during the lunch period. Items essential for learning, such as iPads, will be delivered to students as soon as possible to minimize disruptions to their academic day. For larger items, such as athletic gear, parents are encouraged to coordinate with coaches to ensure students collect these items from the athletic office at the end of the day. Please note that large food deliveries are not permitted, as sharing food is against our health policy, and we do not allow food delivery services to deliver meals to students. Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and organized environment for all.
Stay Healthy and What to do When Your Out Sick
As we enter cold and flu season, the school nurse encourages all families to focus on healthy habits to keep everyone feeling their best. Remind your children to wash their hands frequently, cover their mouths and noses with a tissue or elbow when sneezing or coughing, and avoid sharing personal items like water bottles. If your child feels unwell during the school day, it’s important that they report to the nurse’s office rather than contacting you directly. This ensures we can assess their condition and provide proper care while keeping you informed. Additionally, please keep your child home if they have symptoms that could spread illness to others, such as a fever, persistent cough, or vomiting. Together, we can work to minimize the spread of illness and keep our school community healthy!
Character Strong
We are excited to share a mid-year update on the incredible progress our school community has made with the CharacterStrong program! Throughout the first semester, students and staff have embraced the program's focus on social-emotional learning and building strong character. We’ve seen meaningful discussions, increased empathy, and a positive shift in our school culture as students engage in activities that foster kindness, respect, and responsibility.
One highlight of the program is the Weekly Character Dare, which encourages students to take actionable steps to practice values such as gratitude, patience, and teamwork. We invite parents and guardians to join the conversation by asking your child about the current Weekly Character Dare and even consider participating as a family. These small but impactful challenges are a great way to strengthen connections and model the importance of character at home and in our community. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to building on this success in the second half of the school year!
Club and Athletic Information
Middle school is the perfect time to explore new interests, make friends, and build skills outside the classroom, and participating in sports and clubs is a great way to do just that! Whether you're passionate about art, music, science, or athletics—or just looking to try something new—there’s something for everyone. Check out all the amazing options available by visiting our school’s activities and clubs page or our athletics page to find details on how to get involved. We encourage every student to take advantage of these opportunities to connect with peers, develop new talents, and have fun!
Counselor Connection
Now that 2024 has come to a close, perhaps you have had time to reflect on the past year with friends and family. Many of us choose to make resolutions or set intentions for the year ahead. Research shows that writing down realistic intentions and posting them someplace where you will see them every day (think closet door, bathroom mirror, etc.), increases the likelihood that you will achieve your goals.
This January the 8th grade students will embark on using a new career planning platform called SchoolLinks. They will take three personalized inventories that generate potential future career matches. The 8th graders will have time to explore the careers and become familiar with the platform. In 6th and 7th grade we will be doing an activity that focuses on kindness and acceptance.
Here are the SEL topics we will be covering for the rest of the school year:
Stress/Coping Strategies
Erin’s Law
Mental Health Awareness
Happy New Year from Station’s Counseling Department.
Cold Weather Reminder
As cold weather makes its way to our area, I would like to share a reminder of our morning routine at Station Campus. School doors open at 8:25 AM daily. Please note that there is no supervision provided before this time, and with colder temperatures ahead, we want to encourage you to arrive no earlier than that time. As with all matters, we value your help to ensure the safety and well-being of our students.
Attendance Procedures
Barrington 220 values student attendance. For a student to have a successful experience, the student must be present in class. Any absence from school is a missed learning opportunity for your child. Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves.
We know that students are absent from school for a number of reasons, from health concerns to transportation challenges. Many people in our schools are prepared to help you if you or your student face challenges in getting to school regularly or on time. Depending on your student’s grade or school, this may include your principal, assistant principal, counselor, teacher, or all of the above. We are always available to assist and support your child in fulfilling our mission of empowering personal excellence in every learner. For more information please click here.
Sign Out Procedures
If you plan to pick up your child up early from school, we ask that you please put in an Absence Request in the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus. When you arrive to pick up your child, please come to the front door with your cell phone. Ms. Jarva or Ms. Alters will buzz you in and you will scan a QR code (located on table near front door) that is linked to a sign-out form that you complete while you wait for your child to come down from class. Please note, only individuals listed on Infinite Campus (IC) will be allowed to pick up your child. If you need assistance with the parent portal, please contact the Infinite Campus Hotline at (847)-842 3580.
Thank you!
Visitor Procedures
In our district’s continued effort to keep our students and staff safe, remember to bring your driver’s license or state ID when you come to visit/volunteer at Station. The reason for this is we run your ID through our sex offender background check system. After your ID is scanned, you will be issued a visitor lanyard and visitor sticker before being admitted into the building. Every D220 school follows these procedures. For the safety of our students, there are no exceptions.