Marriage, Family and Respect Life
September 2024
Diocese of Boise
Director's Message
September 2024
September is here! Like you, I am still getting used to the new fall routine. As school returns, so does all the excitement of a new school year with homework, sporting events, and all kinds of extra curricular activities and Church events like parenting retreats and marriage enrichment opportunities. I am hoping that you are able to take some time out of your busy lives to slow down and take a moment to reflect on how God seeks us in the ordinary moments of our lives, especially as parents of all stages.
A quick shout out to all Grandparents! World Day for Grandparents and Elderly is on September 8! Take a moment out during the month of September to reach out to a grandparent and thank them for their sacrifices, love and support. See below for more information about the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.
Hopefully, you will be able to take advantage of one of our fall ministry offerings. There's a lot happening. Please take a few minutes to scan through the following list of offerings and resources. You might discover something helpful or that you would like to share.
Catholic Parenting
We will host a Catholic Parenting TALK by Kim Cameron-Smith on Friday, September 20 and a Catholic Parenting RETREAT on Saturday, September 21. Both will be at St. Mark's Catholic Church in Boise. For the retreat, Kim Cameron-Smith and our local Jodi Goettemoeller team up. We would love to get your RSVP well in advance of the retreat so we don't have to reschedule again. See below for more information. If you have questions, you can reach out to me directly at 208-350-7535.
Marriage Enrichment
Join us Friday, Oct 18 (evening) and Saturday, Oct 19 for our annual Marriage Enrichment Retreat. This year's theme is Banquet of Love: The Eucharist as Weekly Marriage Enrichment with nationally known speakers, Jim and Maureen Otremba. Friday evening includes social time with light appetizers and wine, and two talks with discussion activities. Saturday includes retreat talks, Mass, a boxed lunch, and a celebration dinner. Where: Holy Apostles Catholic Church, Meridian. More information and registration can be found below. If you have questions, you can reach out to me directly at 208-350-7535.
Annual Anniversary Mass
Finally, we have the 9th Annual Wedding Anniversary Mass for couples celebrating milestone wedding anniversaries. This Mass is celebrated by Bishop Peter Christensen on Saturday, November 23, 2024 at St. John's Cathedral. The Mass begins at 11 a.m. with couples receiving recognition for their years of marriage along with an apostolic blessing from our bishop. For the anniversary couples and their guests, a lunch follows in the parish hall. Please see the information below for the registration flyer and sign up sheets. See more information below.
We hope to see you this fall at our events!
Have a wonderful September.
Jay Wonacott, MTS
Marriage and Family Life
Respect Life
Catholic Parenting RETREAT: Cultivating a Healthy Family
When: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Where: St. Mark's Catholic Community, Boise - Donoghue Hall
The Marriage and Family Life Office of the Diocese of Boise welcomes Kim Cameron-Smith and Jodi Goettemoeller as the facilitators of this parenting retreat.
The titles of the retreat reflections are:
- Catholic Parenting as a Sacred Vocation
- Growing Your Discipleship Home
- Managing Weeds and Thorns
After each reflection there will be time for small group discussion and interaction with other retreatants.
The cost of $40 per couple or $25 per person retreat and boxed lunch on Saturday.
Kim Cameron-Smith describes herself as "an on-fire Catholic revert, bibliophile, armchair philosopher, mediocre cook, and 'an artist of family life.'" She is also a trusts and estates attorney with additional degrees in English, Medieval Literature, and Theological Studies. Kim the author of Rooting Your Teen in the Faith: A Field Guide for Catholic Parents and Discipleship Parenting: Planting Seeds of Faith. She hosts the Gentle Catholic Parenting podcast and blogs at Intentional Catholic Parenting. Her writing has been featured in "The Imaginative Conservative" and the "Our Sunday Visitor Newsweekly."
Jodi Goettemoeller is a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor in the State of Idaho. She is a certified Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI) Practitioner and a certified Nurturing Parent Educator.
Space is limited and scholarships are available for those needing financial assistance to attend. For more information contact Trish Campaña at 208-350-7555 or
Why Our Children Are Leaving the Faith (and Why It Matters)
A Catholic Parenting Talk by Kim Cameron-Smith
When: Friday, September 20: 6:30 p.m. Social; 7:00 p.m. Talk and Q&A
Where: St. Mark's Catholic Church, Donoghue Hall; 7960 W. Northview Street, Boise
FREE Event
Kim is author of Discipleship Parenting: Planting the Seeds of Faith (Our Sunday Visitor, 2020) and Rooting Your Teen in the Faith: a Field Guide for Catholic Parents (Our Sunday Visitor, 2023). She’s the founder and editor of Intentional Catholic Parenting and the host of the Gentle Catholic Parenting Podcast. Her work explores the intersection between Catholicism and the science of parenting. She has been featured on several Catholic media platforms, including EWTN, More2Life, and the Catholic Faith Network.
An imperfect mother of four children and a revert to the Faith, she knows that your journey of faith and your mission of parenting can sometimes collide, creating chaos but also wisdom and delight!
Registration is not necessary for this event, but we'd appreciate knowing how many will attend. Please follow button below to register. For more information contact Trish Campaña at 208-350-7555 or
Life-Giving Wounds Hybrid Support Group
When: Wednesday, September 18, 2024 through Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Where: Two in-person meetings; seven online meetings
The Life-Giving Wounds peer support group is a unique opportunity for adults (18+) whose parents have divorced, separated, or left broken families to reflect intentionally and heal from the wounds caused by their family’s breakdown. This support group will be comprised of others who know this pain as well as knowledgeable, compassionate leaders, who are also predominantly adult children of divorce or separation themselves. The support group is a hybrid experience of two in-person experiences and a 7-week online experience to deepen your healing journey.
The only cost associated with this support group is the cost of the materials. These needed to be purchased by each participant.
Find more information in the attachments below or contact Trish Campana at 208-350-7555 or
Banquet of Love Marriage Retreat
Marriage Enrichment Retreat
When: Friday, October 18th, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Saturday, October 19th, 9:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.
Where: Holy Apostles Catholic Church, Meridian
Banquet of Love: The Eucharist as Weekly Marriage Enrichment teaches Catholic married couples the true center of intimacy, or “innermost sharing,” by examining how Jesus Christ shares Himself intimately with us in the Eucharistic celebration. Using each part of the Mass, Jim and Maureen trace eight “Foundational Intimacies” (Spiritual, Verbal, Emotional, Intellectual, Temporal, Familial, Physical, and Intimacy of Absence) and connect them to married life, offering research-tested and psychologically- and spiritually-based skills for improving communication, sharing, purpose, empathy, and a host of other graces.
Friday evening begins with light appetizers and social time followed by two talks. Saturday continues with light breakfast snacks, two talks, lunch, two talks, Mass, and a catered dinner. For more information contact Trish Campaña at 208-350-7555 or
9th Annual Milestone Anniversary Mass and Celebration with Bishop Christensen
It is time to celebrate your milestone wedding anniversary!
Come to Boise to celebrate your milestone wedding anniversary with Bishop Peter Christensen in our beautifully restored Cathedral.
We invite all couples celebrating their 10th, 15th, 20th, 25th, 30th, 35th, 40th, 45th, 50th or 50+ wedding anniversaries in 2024 to this special Mass and luncheon.
Saturday, November 23, 2024
Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist
Check-in: 10:30 a.m. Mass: 11:00 a.m.
Registration Required; Closes Nov. 15
To register, go to:
See attachments below for printable flyer and registration forms in English and Spanish. Please print out and use in your parish.
Living Waters Leadership Training
Desert Stream/Living Waters Ministries provides help for Christians struggling with sexual and relational problems. Our help is based on the biblical foundation of compassion, integrity, and dependence on God.
Many people do not know, or have no picture of what God’s best looks like for their sexuality and relationships. Because we have experienced His love and restoration first hand, we know God responds powerfully with healing to those who cry out for mercy.
Respect Life
Did You Know?
The U.S. bishops approved the transfer of the celebration of World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly from July to September, the first weekend after Labor Day, to coincide with National Grandparents (and the Elderly) Day in the United States as many local communities, schools, and parishes have celebrated for some time. Pope Francis grants a plenary indulgence (under the usual conditions) to all who celebrate on September 8th.
Act (Choose one.)
Offer this Prayer for the Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.
Take time this week to call or visit an elderly grandparent, family member, neighbor, or friend.
Offer some other sacrifice or prayer that you feel called to do for this month’s intention.
- Read Pope Francis’ message for the Fourth World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly, inspired by Psalm 71:9.
Book Recommendation
Litanies of the Heart by Dr. Gerry Crete
All of us are wounded and in need of healing. In these pages, Dr. Gerry Crete accompanies you on your journey to overcome anxiety and traumas, big or small. You will benefit from his “parts work” therapeutic approach to find inner harmony, greater life fulfillment, and a deeper, more intimate relationship with God.
Dr. Gerry guides you in identifying and understanding past wounds to achieve healing and experience lasting freedom. You will learn how to enter into your inmost self, created in the image and likeness of God. You will also learn how to develop the “eight Cs”: to be calm, connected, compassionate, clear-thinking, curious, creative, courageous, and confident. Additionally, you will learn to foster the “five Ps”: patience, persistence, perspective, playfulness, and presence.
As you rest in the spiritual center of your soul, you will learn to lay down your burdens and feelings of being overwhelmed. Above all, you will find how to truly experience God’s love and learn to love Him and others fully.
We know that in God’s embrace we can find safety and that God can heal all of our wounds with loving care,” Dr. Gerry explains. “God truly knows us, sees us, and wants the very best for us. And God delights in watching us discover our true selves."
Student Teaching AND Adult Training
Heart of a Child Ministries is coming to Holy Apostles to present age-appropriate pro-life education to our youth. Click to see presentations on the Heart of a Child Ministries website.
Pope's Prayer for Mental Health
Pope's Prayer For the Cry of the Earth
We pray that we will be inspired to take actions to heal the damage that has been inflicted on the environment and the climate.
Monthly Day of Prayer for Mental Health
This month, Pope Francis asks us to pray for the cry of the earth and listen with our hearts to the victims of the climate crisis.
The climate crisis is a worldwide environmental challenge impacting the physical and mental health of people everywhere. The climate crisis poses a rising threat of emotional distress, anxiety, depression, grief, and suicidal behavior. Climate action is clearly needed to protect mental health!
We pray that everyone will make a personal commitment to care for each other and the world God has given us.
Applied Thomistic Psychology: HOPE FOR OUR DISORDERED WORLD
Mount Angel Academy presents Christin McIntyre, MD, PhD
Eight hundred years ago, Saint Thomas Aquinas described with profound clarity the inner workings of the human soul. Today, his writings continue to offer valuable insights into mental health because the truth of how God designed us provides a light to reveal how and why some modern therapies work better than others, and why some may pose a danger to our souls. For the mental health crisis in our world today, Thomistic Psychology offers hope for true healing. See links below for each presentation.
Promote Marriage for Life
Marriage for Life Decal
“Marriage for Life” English and Spanish decals are available. The cost of a single decal packet in English or Spanish is $3.00. However, the bulk rate price is $2.50 for the purchase of 25 or more decals. These funds go toward sustaining the Marriage for Life Campaign. Each packet includes a decal, instructions for application and a beautiful Marriage for Life prayer.
“Marriage for Life” lapel pins are also now available. The cost is $2 per pin. Orders can be made through the Marriage and Family Life Office. You can contact us directly at 208-350-7535 or email
Please continue to support this effort by directing your parishioners to the webpage.
Calcomanía de Matrimonio para toda la Vida
Tenemos calcomanías disponibles en inglés y español de “Matrimonio para toda la vida”. El costo de un paquete de calcomanías en inglés o español es de $ 3:00. Sin embargo, el precio de mayoreo es de $2.50 por la compra de 25 o más calcomanías. Estos fondos se destinan a sostener la campaña Matrimonio para toda la vida. Cada paquete incluye una calcomanía, instrucciones para la aplicación y una hermosa oración de Vida Matrimonial.
Los pines de solapa “Marriage Life” ahora también están disponibles. El costo es de $2 por pin. Los pedidos se pueden hacer a través de la Oficina de Matrimonio y Vida Familiar. Puede contactarnos directamente al 208.350-7535 o enviar un correo electrónico a
Continúe apoyando este esfuerzo dirigiendo a sus feligreses a la página web