Husky Herald
May 31, 2024
Edition #33
Vintage Hills Elementary School
42240 Camino Romo
Temecula, Ca. 92592
951.695.4268 Fax
951.695.4265 Attendance line
Vintage Hills Families
We can't believe we have reached the end of another school year and that my time at VHES is coming to an end! I will miss seeing the student's excitement as they engage in the exciting learning experiences that their teachers create for them in their classrooms, their smiles and laughter as I watch them play on the playground, and their pride as they receive awards at our assemblies! It has been an absolute privilege to serve the VHES community and to get to know and love your students!
April Zickefoose
Time to pass the baton....Our new Jr. Ambassadors for the 2024/25 School Year!
A HUGE thank you to the most hard working PTA in all the land!
If you did not pre order a yearbook, we only have a limited amount available for sale. They are $25.00 each. Cash only please! We will be selling them on Monday, June 3rd at 8:30am in the office. We can only accept exact change.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... June 5th, 6th & 7th
Wednesday, June 5th .............IS NOT A MODIFIED DAY! Dismissal is at 3:15pm.
Thursday, June 6th ...............IS A MODIFIED DAY! Dismissal is at 12:55pm.
Friday, June 7th ....................IS A MODIFIED DAY! Dismissal is at 12:55pm.
Lost & Found
This is your last chance to look through the lost and found items! We have many many jackets, sweaters, hats, lunch boxes and water bottles! All the items will be out front on Thursday, June 6th after school at 12:55pm. We will be donating all unclaimed items.
Annual Family Update
It is now time to complete your Annual Family Update in your Infinite Campus Parent Portal. This update is REQUIRED FOR ALL STUDENTS RETURNING TO TVUSD FOR THE 24/25 SCHOOL YEAR.
Any student who does not have a completed Annual Update:
may not be enrolled in a class for the 24/25 school year
may not receive a schedule
and may not be able to participate in school business days in August.
It is imperative that all families complete the Annual Family Update as soon as possible to prevent any delay in their child's enrollment for the next school year.
Please note, this process is for RETURNING STUDENTS ONLY. If you have a child in your family who will be new to TVUSD for the 24/25 school year, you must complete the New Student Enrollment process. Click HERE for New Student Enrollment instructions.
2024/25 Device Insurance for returning students
The device insurance web store will open up May 24th-June 14th. This will provide Ipad insurance from July 2024-June 2025 for the 24/25 school year.
Device insurance is $20 per student. We encourage all returning students to have insurance on their devices.
VHES Instagram is here! Follow us for updates and reminders!
Upcoming events
June 3, Monday
- 10:45 - 11:15am High School Walk of Gratitude
June 4, Tuesday
- 1:50 - 3:15pm 5th gr movie day....MPR
June 5, Wednesday
- NOT A MODIFIED DAY!! Dismissal @ 3:15pm
- 9:30 - 11:30am 4th gr field day
- 1:15 - 3:15pm 3rd gr movie day ....MPR
June 6, Thursday
- MODIFIED DAY...Dismissal @ 12:55pm
- 9:30 - 10:30am 5th gr promotion
- 12:55 Lost and Found items out front
June 7, Friday
- MODIFIED DAY...Dismissal @ 12:55pm
- 9:00 - 10:00am Kickball game 5th gr vs Staff
- 12:50 5th gr clap out.....their final walk down the VHES halls
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Benefits and Discounts for Eligible Students
These applications allow eligible families to receive many benefits and discounts!
Parent Volunteer Application
Once the application process is complete, you may contact your teacher to set up a volunteer schedule.
If you have already completed this process last year, you do not have to do it again!
Attendance Matters
Attendance Matters! Missing just two days every month puts students at risk of falling behind. Attendance is the first way you can help your child succeed in school.
Please report all absences using one of the following:
Call the 24 hour absence line to leave a message: 951-695-4265
Call the front office during school hours: 951-695-4260
Email Kelly Page, Attendance Clerk: kpage@tvusd.us
Please give the date, name of your child, teacher name and reason for absence.