Alfred Vail Connection
November 1, 2024 9th Edition

11/01: AV Voting Day
11/05: No School for Students
11/07-11/08: School Closed (NJEA Convention)
11/14: Family Movie Night
11/15 - Picture Day Retakes
11/18: Early Dismissal 1pm/Conferences
11/20: Jersey Day
11/20: Early Dismissal 1pm/Conferences
11/22: Farmer Kim visits
11/22: Spirit Day/Pizza with the Principal
11/27: Early Dismissal 1pm
11/28-11/29: School Closed
12/9: First Grade Winter Concert 10:30am
12/9: Second Grade Concert 1:45pm
12/10: Kindergarten Concert 10:30am
12/23-1/1/25: School Closed (Winter Break)
❥ Generating Weekly Goals: Here's a social/emotional goal to use when we need to calm ourselves; We will calm and relax ourselves when we're nervous or scared. One way is belly breathing. Another is to focus on a word or sound.
❥ Using Both Sides of the Brain: Here's a way to help the sides of the brain communicate. Clap once, hit your knees once. Next, clap, hit your knees, then touch your left shoulder, clap, then touch your right shoulder. You can also pair up with someone and play Pattycake.
❥ Reflecting on Goals: Have you been doing belly breathing when you feel nervous? One way to track your goals is to tape a card to a desk or table and put a tally mark each time you feel nervous and use belly breathing to calm down.
❥ Introducing Strengths: There are eight ways to be smart; reading & writing, math & logic, spatial smart, musical intelligence, people smart, self smart and nature smart. We will talk more about each in future lessons.
All K-2 students have completed the i-Ready Diagnostic.
*Please note that this is just one of several measures teachers use to get a complete picture of students' learning and progress toward mastery of content.
A printed copy of each student's report and THIS REPORT EXPLINATION was sent home via backpack today.
To view data and reports digitally, please use the information provided below.
How can I access my student’s results?
Log in to your student’s i-Ready Dashboard using the district or school’s portal credentials (Clever) and then click on the i-Ready icon
Click on the For Families dropdown and select the For Families report
Enter your district’s Report Code: QHFRTH
Please reach out to your childs teacher if you have any questions or would like additional information.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday, November 18th and Wednesday, November 20th. Conferences are 20 minutes each.
Teachers sent out scheduling options directly to parents this morning. Please check your email and schedule a conference if you have not already done so.
In addition, if you would like to schedule a conference with one of our specialists, please feel free to do so. Please use the links below to email them.
Taking notes on research
Discussing and enjoying literature
Creating Maps
Family Movie Night
Sponsored By: The Amazing AV HSA
Where: Alfred Vail Gymnasium
When: November 14, 2024
Time: 6:30 pm
Doors Open at: 6:15 pm
MOVIE: The students will be voting on the movie next week.
Please use the sign-up Genius link below to sign up and volunteer to help.
Virtual Meeting on December 3rd.
Everyone is invited to join the Virtual HSA meeting Tuesday, December 3rd at 7pm!! A great way to learn more about school happenings, see what's in store for Spring and close out the 20204 year. Please use this link - meet.google.com/juh-ievp-gvu to join the meeting. Look forward to seeing you all then!