Parent Pocket - February 14

Woodberry Hills Elementary School
Families were eager to participate in Woodberry's SOL Kickoff this week. Principal Mildred Richardson and her teachers engaged families by sharing important SOL strategies to ensure student success!
Activ8 STEM Academy
Activ8 families had the opportunity to purchase sweet treats for their scholars to be delivered in celebration of Valentine's Day.
Activ8 STEM Academy
Activ8 STEM Academy families and scholars supported their peers in Activ8's second-annual spelling bee. The competition is based on the Scripps National Spelling Bee standards. Students from 3rd to 6th grade competed against one another. Congratulations to the winner and runner up pictured above!
Park Avenue Elementary School
Park Avenue fifth graders have started their latest novel study, The Lions of Little Rock. Students will not will not only immerse themselves in this historical friction but will also read paired passages about The Little Rock Nine.
Please note: Next week's schedule has been updated!
Due to inclement weather, next week's schedule has been updated.
- Monday, February 17 remains a PD/Data Day for staff. School will not be in session for students.
- Tuesday, February 18 is an inclement weather makeup day. School will be in session for students.
- Wednesday, February 19 was previously scheduled as an early release day. It is now a full day for students.
Upcoming Events & Dates to Remember
February 14 - Progress reports go home; GW Girls Basketball home games vs. Tunstall, starting at 5:30 p.m.
February 17 - PD and Data Day: No school for students
February 18 - Inclement Weather Makeup Day: School in session for students; Bonner girls basketball home playoff game vs. Halifax, starting at 6 p.m.
February 19 - Parent Conference Day: FULL day for students; DPS-Hosted Family Workshops on balancing behavior, mental and physical wellness, and skills for academic success at the Boys and Girls Club at 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.
*Check out school websites for school-based events!