Heights Happenings
Heights Elementary IB World School
August 16, 2024 Volume 10 Issue 1
Our Children...Our Future...Our World
Heights Mission: Heights Elementary IB World School is dedicated to developing balanced, lifelong learners through educational excellence, a global perspective, reflection and action.
Heights Vision: To Be A World Class School.
Heights PBIS Statement:
We strive to be a school that models positive behaviors which develop the whole child and social skills. We have a common culture and language which supports student growth and high expectations to empower our students to become well-rounded global citizens through teaching and recognizing positive behavior.
About Us:
School Hours: 7:55 am—2:10 pm
Doors open: 7:30 am
Breakfast: 7:30-7:45 am
Heights Contact Information:
Address: 15200 Alexandria Ct. Ft. Myers, FL 33908
Telephone: 239.481.1761 Fax:239.481.3154
Website: het.leeschools.net
Twitter: @HeightsIB
Facebook: Heights Elementary
After School Program: Lisa McElyea
504 Accommodations: Bryanna Van Helden
Contact information Changes: Michele Curry or Jennifer Kurowski
Transportation: Suzi Loughren
Gifted testing: Lisa Alexander
Clinic: Nurse Carey
Heights Contacts:
School Counselor: Kathy Morrow
IB PYP Coordinator: Lacey Davis
Reading Coach Kg-2nd grade: Katie Bocchino
Reading Coach 3rd-5th grade: Dodie Lytle
Math Coach: Natasha Edinger
504 Accommodations and Intervention Specialist: Bryanna Van Helden
After School Program: Lisa McElyea
Contact information Changes: Michele Curry
Transportation: Suzi Loughren
Gifted testing: Lisa Alexander
Clinic: Nurse Care
Heights Administrators:
Doug Palow - Principal
This is Mr. Palow's 28th year as an educator for the School District of Lee County. He has been the Principal for Heights Elementary since the 2016-2017 school year. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree is Elementary Physical Education from the University of South Florida and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership form Nova Southeastern University. Mr. Palow served as the Assistant Principal at Heights from 2013-16 and as Assistant Principal at Ida S. Baker High School from 2009-2013. Before becoming an administrator in Lee County, Mr. Palow was a Physical Education teacher at Spring Creek Elementary for one year and a High School Science teacher and Boys Soccer Coach at North Ft. Myers High School for eleven years.
Mr. Palow's Email Address: Douglascp@leeschools.net
Lindsey Thorstad - Assistant Principal (3rd-5th grade)
Mrs.Thorstad has worked at Heights Elementary School for the past 10 years teaching Gifted Education then serving as the School Intervention Support Specialist and as an Assistant Principal. She holds a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Recreation from Shephard University and a Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership from Florida Gulf Coast University. Mrs. Thorstad has taught for a combined 19 years in both School District of Lee County and Charter School Systems where she has served in various roles of leadership.
Mrs. Thorstad's Email Address: LindseyCT@LeeSchools.net
Suzi Loughren - Assistant Principal (Prek-2nd grade)
This is Mrs. Loughren's first year at Heights. She started her teaching career in The Lee County School District. This will be her 14th year in education and she has had the privilege of teaching at all elementary grade levels, 6 years at the intermediate level and 7 years at the primary level. After completing her Masters Degree in Educational Leadership at the University of West Florida, she went on to receive her second Masters in Curriculum and Instruction. She is currently attending the University of Alabama where she is working towards an Elementary Education, Ed.S.
Mrs. Loughren's Email Address: Susanel@leeschools.net
Did You Know Heights Elementary is Turning 60!
Fun Fact About Heights
- Heights Elementary opened in 1964 with just 8 classrooms
- Heights Elementary was surrounded by gladiolus fields back in the 60's. Check out the wonderful mural in the Heights office area.
- In 1969, Heights was converted into a preschool day care center.
- During the 1969-1970 school year, students from the Tanglewood area attended Heights as the new Tanglewood Elementary was being built.
- In 1970-1971, Heights was used to store district furniture and did not function as an elementary school.
- The official school colors are Purple and White or Gold and are known as the Heights Hurricanes
- The Heights Panther was later added because the school wanted to have a mascot character. So Heights Elementary is known as the Heights Hurricanes and Heights Panthers.
- In March 25, 2008 students walked from the old building and into the building we are in today.
- Since 1964, Heights has had 8 principals
- Dr. Henry Gilmore (1964-1965)
- Mr. Eugene Robinson (1965-1968)
- Miss Roseann Tarantino (1968-1969)
- Mr. Thomas Halgrim (1971-1982)
- Mr. R. Paul Cochrane (1982-1997)
- Dr. Ed Steinwind (1997-2003)
- Mrs. Diane Salko (2003-2016)
- Mr. Doug Palow (2016-Present)
Did You Know Heights Has A School Song?
What Is Happening At Heights This Month?
Aug. 21st: House Color Day
Aug. 26th: Early Dismissal Day (12:10 Dismissal-No Heights After School Care available)
Aug. 26th-28th: Heights Choir Tryouts (7:30 Music room)
- August 26 & 27 4th Grade
August 28 5th Grade
Aug. 28th: House Color Day
Aug. 29th: Heights Volunteer Breakfast (8:30)
Photo ID:
All campus visitors will need to show their ID at the door and also to receive a visitor pass. Based on the School District of Lee County safety procedures, we are ONLY allowed to accept physical forms of ID when you show up on campus. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept picture IDs on a cell phone or from the Florida Real ID website. Thank you for your understanding and helping to keep our campus safe.
Safety and Security:
Heights has an assigned SRO to our campus daily. When entering the office area visitors will need to push the doorbell, they will be asked to show their ID and identify why they are visiting the campus by the Heights office staff and pass through the OPENGATE system. When visiting, picking up a student early, or entering the building all visitors are required to show their ID.
Open Gate System The safety and security of your student is our top priority. To enhance the safety and security of our school campuses, we will be using the OPENGATE® weapons detection system. OPENGATE® is designed for the automatic screening of people with backpacks and bags for Threat Detection. It will also identify other contraband items that are not allowed on school property.
All students and all visitors will be subject to search as they enter a campus during regular school hours. If OPENGATE® detects any contraband items that are not allowed, a secondary search will be conducted. Contraband discovered during the secondary search will be confiscated and could lead to school discipline and/or legal consequences.
OPENGATE® screening is: Fast and automatic, requires no removal of backpacks, bags or purses, & is designed for easy walk-through flow.
Students should prepare to pass through the OPENGATE® system by removing their Chromebooks from their backpacks. We recommend students come to school with plastic water bottles as metal containers may cause an OPENGATE® alert.
Visitors will need identification to enter a school. We recommend leaving unnecessary bags or purses in their car if they wish to avoid a secondary search when entering the school.
The Heights Elementary school day begins at 7:55 am. One of the most valuable life skills a student can learn from their parent/guardian is the responsibility of arriving at school every day on time. This skill can easily be accomplished and will transfer as a valuable asset for the future. One of the most important times of the school day is the morning. This is the time when important school news is announced, teachers define the plans for the day, and instructional goals are reviewed and set. The whole tone of a child’s school day is set in the first part of the day. Please help support your student in learning habits that will help them be successful at school and throughout life.
This is the only way you can excuse an absences. Please read your Code of Conduct or call Mrs. Curry to see what is considered excused or unexcused.
IB PYP August Profile Word: Inquirer
Wisdom begins with wonder! - Socrates
The IB Learner Profile aims to develop students who are inquirers. Students who are inquirers nurture their curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. They know how to learn independently and with others. Inquirers learn with enthusiasm and sustain their love of learning throughout life.
See, Know, Wonder: A Visible Thinking Strategy
The See-Know-Wonder thinking routine encourages children to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations. It helps stimulate curiosity and sets the stage for inquiry. Encourage your child to engage in inquiry with the three simple prompts below:
What do you see?
Use your observation skills. What do you notice?
What do you know?
Make connections to your personal knowledge and experience. What do you think is going on? What makes you say that?
What do you wonder?
Keep following your curiosity. What questions do you have? How will you find your answer?
PTA News:
- The first PTA meeting of the school year will be Aug. 22nd at 8:15 am in the Heights Media Center
- Heights Spiritwear is sale until Sept. 1st and orders will be sent home 2-3 weeks after. The link for the heights Spiritwear is https://heightselempta.givebacks.com/w/spiritgear
Donations Back To The Heights PTA
Shop to Give is a program offered by our PTA portal Givebacks. Shop to Give provides passive donations to the PTA while shopping at your favorite stores and brands. Sign up by scanning the QR code below, securely link your card, and download the web browser extension. Then shop as usual and support the Heights PTA. Anytime you use your card at any of these retailers or restaurants, a donation will be given to Heights PTA.
Those school supplies at Walmart, up to a 5% donation to the Heights PTA, at no cost to you. That dinner at Buffalo Wild Wings, a 2% donation to Heights PTA, at no cost to you. Thousands of local and national companies work with Givebacks to help support our Heights community. Each and every small donation helps to continue our objectives to keep Height Elementary a top tier school.
2024-2025 Birthday and Classroom Celebration Treats
Student birthdays are very important to recognize. We encourage parents to celebrate student birthdays at home. If treats are brought into school, they will be distributed during the assigned class snack time in the classroom. We highly recommend - healthy food items, pencils, stickers, mini cupcakes, or cookies. Celebrations involving favors, toys, balloons, flowers, etc. are unacceptable items during school hours, including lunch time. Parents must contact the teacher if they wish to bring in a treat. Treats must be store bought with the ingredients label visible.
Invitations to private student birthday parties may not be handed out during the school day unless the entire class is invited, or all girls/all boys are invited.
We highly recommend any of the following items only: Healthy food items Mini cupcakes (store bought only) Stickers, pencils, notepads Animal crackers, cookies, pretzels, crackers, popcorn, cereal (store bought items only) Pudding, Jell-O cups, cheese sticks, yogurt *Make sure you have enough for the entire class. You should confirm this number with the teacher.
Please refrain from sending in the following items:
• Cakes or large cupcakes
• Donuts
• Pizza
• Anything requiring cutting
• Presents
• Balloons
• Candles, matches, lighters
• Flowers
• Home-made items
Although we appreciate your child’s excitement for their birthday, the school setting is not the appropriate place for a birthday celebration. Keep the treat simple and easy for staff to distribute and clean up.
FOCUS Accounts:
Heights Families: Do you have a Focus Account? If not, it's important that you sign up. There are many forms that are required to be signed before getting your child's schedule or in order to ensure your child can receive care at the school clinics. Plus, get access to grades, attendance, and much more. Sign up today: https://www.leeschools.net/our_schools/focus
Safety First Heights Families!
We kindly remind everyone to prioritize safety when turning into the school entrance from Gladiolus Drive. Please use the designated right-turn lane to enter the school. We've noticed some drivers turning right from the middle lane, which disrupts the flow of traffic and cuts off those who are patiently waiting. Let’s work together to ensure a safe and smooth drop-off and pick up for everyone.
Thank you for your cooperation!
School Street Entrance:
Just a reminder that the only vehicles that will be allowed to enter the School Street gate are the vehicles with the special purple Heights car tag. All other vehicles should enter through the main entry off of Gladiolus. Parking at anytime on School Street is prohibited at all times. Please be courteous to the neighboring Heights families and refrain from parking in their yards or blocking their driveway.
Ice Cream Fridays
Ice cream cups are on sale every Friday during lunch time. Each student will be limited to one ice cream cup during their lunch. The cost is $1 per cup. Money collected from ice cream sales goes to the Principal's Discretionary Fund. This fund is used to celebrate a variety of events and activities for our students and staff throughout the school year
You can order a House Shirt at Heightsgear.net
Florida State Statute 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teachers at Heights Elementary are certified, but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation: Madison Barker
In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add the endorsement, English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), to their certificates: Nicole Driscoll, Courtney Sleeper, Jennifer Kee, Gina Celej, Stephanie Bovinett, Reagan Potter, Jamie Leach, & Libby Davis.
Board Members:
District 1 - Samuel Fisher, Board Chair
District 2 - Melisa W. Giovannelli
District 3 - Chris N. Patricca
District 4 - Debbie Jordan
District 5 - Armor Persons
District 6 - Jada Langford-Fleming, Board Vice Chair
District 7 - Cathleen O'Daniel Morgan
Kenneth A. Savage, Ed.D.
School Board Attorney:
Kathy Dupuy-Bruno, Esq.
Coming Soon:
Sept. 2nd: Labor Day (Schools Closed)
Sept. 6th: Sports Team Day
Sept. 6th: PTA Family Park Day at Wa-Ke-Hatchee Park (2:45)
Sept. 10th: SAC meeting (6:00 pm in the Media Center)
Sept. 12th: PTA Skate Night (3:00 & 6:00) Tickets go on sale Aug. 26th