Talking Transition
May 2024
Transition Newsletter for students with disabilities and their families
What is a Transition Coordinator?
Hello, my name is Wendy Christianson and I am in my first year in the Stevens Point School District as the District Transition Coordinator. My role consists of helping students with disabilities and their families plan for life after high school. As part of an IEP meeting, students age 14 and older should start discussing transition planning and services. This could include, but not limited to: Job Exploration, Work-Based Learning Experiences, Postsecondary and Higher Education, Work Readiness: Social and Independent Living Skills Services for Home & Community, and Instruction in Self-Advocacy. Here are some ways to learn more about Transition Services in the Stevens Point School District:
- Check out our Facebook page for events and resources: https://www.facebook.com/SPASHTransitionServices
- Watch for this quarterly newsletter on transition updates and resources (next edition to come in September 2024).
- Reach out to me at wchristi@pointschools.net or 715-345-5400 ex. 70846 to discuss specific questions or resources.
Transition Connections
What is the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation?
The Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) works to obtain, maintain, and improve employment for people with disabilities. DVR supports Pre-Employment Transition Services for students that have a disability diagnosis. In collaboration with the school district, DVR can provide, or arrange to provide: vocational counseling, job exploration counseling, counseling on post-secondary education, workplace readiness skills, benefits counseling, etc. Students can apply two years prior to graduation. The Transition Coordinator can provide the appropriate referral forms to interested students and families. If students are not currently enrolled and are graduating in May, they can apply for adult services through the DVR webpage. For additional questions on DVR services, please reach out to Kassey Anderson, SPASH DVR Liaison at kassey.anderson@dwd.wisconsin.gov or 715-216-8210 call/text. You can also work with the Transition Coordinator for appropriate referral forms and to set up an initial meeting.
Transitioning to Post-Secondary Education
Post-Secondary Education Tips
For students that are planning to attend post-secondary education here are a few tips to help the transition from high school to college:
- There are differences in services between high school and college. High School laws provide a free and appropriate public education while colleges follow the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and provide equal access to programs and services.
- It is the responsibility of the student to request accommodations through the Disability Services Office at their college/university.
- Students must provide documentation of their disability to the disability services office at the college to be eligible to receive disability accommodations.
- Students will be part of an intake meeting for disability staff to learn more about the disability, functional limitations, and what type of accommodations were used in the past.
Important note on documentation:
- Make sure to keep a copy of the student's last high school IEP & 3 year re-evaluation. Adult assessments for learning disabilities can be a very expensive process and would be a responsibility of the adult student to obtain.
- All seniors with an IEP should have had the option to sign a document to have their IEP & last 3 year re-evaluation kept on file through the school district for 5 years. If you are unsure if your student did this, have the student reach out to the Transition Coordinator to make sure the appropriate form was signed.
Connecting to Disability Services Offices
If a student needs help connecting to a disability services office at a post-secondary institution, please reach out to the Transition Coordinator for assistance.
For more information on college accommodations, please watch: Transitioning to College Video
Upcoming Community Transition Events
Upcoming Transition Focused Resources & Events
Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities
- Let's Talk About Rights Seminar for Self-Advocates: free training for people with disabilities and those that support individuals with disabilities. June 13, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00pm. Free, but register online to participate.
Family Voices of Wisconsin
- Introduction to the Children's Long-Term Care Support Program Virtual Training: May 29, 2024 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. No pre-registration required. Join Zoom link to participate.
Midstate Independent Living Consultants (MILC)
- Adaptive kayaking for individuals with disabilities: June 29, 2024 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Nepco Lake Park, Wisconsin Rapids. Information and registration.
- Summer Transition Courses: June 7, 14, 21 & July 12 & 19 McMillan Library Wisconsin Rapids: Help Yourself and TREES (Relationships and Healthy Boundaries). Information on courses, cost, and how to register.
- Summer Youth Peer Support Program: Youth who are 14 to 17 years of age and are enrolled in Community Comprehensive Services (CCS) through Portage County. This program will run at ROCC Point in Stevens Point from 12:30 to 2:30pm on alternating Mondays starting in June. To Enroll, a CCS Case Manager and the youth's guardian should complete the registration form:https://forms.gle/o6P1Sz5VY17HGpa27. Questions? Please reach out to Morgan Potter at mpotter@milc-inc.org.
SPASH Transition Program Highlight
Project Life
The Stevens Point School District will be implementing the Project Life Program for the 2024-2025 School Year. This program was developed by Butler Tech. The program offers a comprehensive, multi-year transition-to-adulthood program in which individuals with disabilities can develop, practice and strengthen skills that are high predictors for increased adult independence and successful, integrated community employment. The program focuses on a course of study in combination with participation in authentic work-based learning experiences in the local community. Participation in this program will be through IEP team recommendation for high school juniors and seniors. Please reach out to the Transition Coordinator if you would be interested in volunteering your time to be part of the Steering Committee for this program. If you own a business or know of a business that would be willing to be a partner with the district by providing appropriate work based learning activities for students, please have them reach out to the Transition Coordinator.
Family Feedback Requested
Please complete the below questions to help us better provide relevant transition information and trainings during the 2024/2025 School Year.