Quincy Elementary School
September 20, 2024
Pioneer (Pre K - 2nd) & Alder (3rd - 6th)
Upcoming Events
September 30th - School Site Council Meeting
October 1 - PCO Meeting
September 30th-October 4th - Early Release for Parent/Teacher Conferences
(Pioneer 12:50) (Alder 1:00)
PCO News
Quincy Elementary has some great employment opportunities!! Check out some of them by following the links below for each position!
Afterschool Program Coordinator
Afterschool Activities Specialist
Save the Dates: October 7-11th
The PCO is looking for volunteers at both campuses. You can sign up here!
Pioneer News:
Parent Teacher Conferences
September 30th - October 4th will be parent teacher conferences! Keep an eye out for sign up and make time to meet with your Little's Teacher!
Please check your ParentSquare messages for the sign up links.
Minimum Days
During the week of Parent Teacher Conferences we will be dismissing at 12:50
TK will remain the same!
Mrs Kurpjuweit Won The Cougar Cup!!
Mrs Groh TK PlayDough Time
Mrs Russell's 2nd Grade
Ms Bianca's at Play
Going To Be Gone For 3 or More Days - Short-term Independent Study
Alder News:
Parent Teacher Conferences: September 30-October 4
Students have enjoyed getting to explore and check out new books. Thank you Ms. Miller for all the work you have been doing to expand the Alder library collection!
Learning to Play Chess
Mr. Kuld has been sparking interest in chess and students are very curious! More chess boards are on their way to Alder! We may have a future grandmaster in Quincy :)
FRED Camp was Fantastic!
More pics to come... but check out all of the siblings we had on the trip!
Social and Emotional Learning
This year, we are launching the Mind Up curriculum at Alder. Students will be learning about the brain, mindfulness, and emotional regulation. Families can access resources at home too.
Check out our Lost and Found!
With FRED and the colder weather, our lost and found exploded this week. Please have students look for any missing items. We will have a display during conferences too!
Community Information
Below are links to some helpful resources
Contact Us!
Pioneer: bolsen@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6550
Alder: bsteward@pcoe.k12.ca.us (530) 283-6557